Projects & Publications | Ongoing Projects
Ongoing Projects
O projeto tem o proposito de desenvolvimento de um sistema MEC evoluído que possa ser explorado e replicado, criando vendas e novos modelos de negócios e oportunidades para todos os participantes. As atividades de investigação incluem contribuições ao nível das garantias de segurança e da orquestração da rede de Plataformas MEC.
SMART-QUAL: Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality System
SMART-QUAL – Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality Systems, is a project funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 programme. The aim of this project is to define a set of harmonized Quality Indicators at European level to measure, monitor and assess higher education institutions (HEIs) main processes (learning and teaching; research; and relations with the society).
PPC4.0 – Production Planning Control 4.0
O objetivo principal deste projeto é o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de ferramentas de suporte à atividade de planeamento e controlo da produção industrial, os “Manufacturing Execution Systems” (MES), uma geração que que tire partido do potencial dos paradigmas tecnológicos da indústria 4.0, especificamente a internet das coisas e a ciência dos dados, de modo a aumentar a eficiência e a sustentabilidade da manufatura.
Empreende Makers: De eMakers a Empreendedores
O principal objetivo do projeto é promover o empreendedorismo entre os jovens através da criação e desenvolvimento de uma Rede de Empreendedorismo baseada nos centros “Fab-Lab” da Eurorregião Galiza-Norte de Portugal que funcionará como um espaço comum de inovação tecnológica e criativa .
FlexASComp – Célula Flexível de Montagem de Pequenos Componentes com Clips
É esperado que o projeto FlexASComp produza I&DT que promova a criação de uma nova solução para um sistema de produção avançado, a produzir pela DIB4T, através da apresentação de um novo produto, dotando as células automatizadas de maior flexibilidade, repetibilidade, possibilidade de expansão (modulares) e menor custo produtivo (para a DIB4T) e de manutenção (para o cliente).
ICARUS – An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to EffeCtively AddRess the EUropean InduStry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches
The aim of the ICARUS KA2 Erasmus+ project is to develop an open and digital training toolbox which can be utilised by trainers in Higher Education Institutions to educate both current and previous generations of learners in Industry 4.0 technologies.
Brain@Work – Information competence as booster for prospective scientists
This project will exploit the Information Literacy (IL) in Europe and develop a program to improve that IL among professionals and researchers. Some expected results are: more effective, appealing and fast learning training modules; IL embedded in scientific and technical courses; deeper knowledge of IL training methods; extended European network of universities and research institutions interested in IL applied to scientific and technical studies.
ICDS4IM – Intelligent Clinical Decision Support for Intensive Medicine
1- Translate clinical notes based in natural language/narratives into useful data for analytics; 2 - Automatic problem (clinical findings) detection; 3 - Discover cause-effect relations among problems, semiologic notes, assessment notes and clinical decisions (planning); 4 - Improve intelligent decision support on therapies, orders and procedures; 5 - Extend to other intensive medicine areas.
Sensible Car
O projeto Sensible Car contempla o desenvolvimento de sensores inteligentes críticos como resposta às capacidades exigidas ao automóvel no contexto da condução autónoma: perceção integral da envolvente, localização precisa e atualizada em tempo real e atuação sem falhas. O projeto pretende dar resposta a estas necessidades, através do desenvolvimento de sistemas LiDAR e de sensores de condição de piso para a capacidade de perceção a 360º; o desenvolvimento do sensor “Automotive Precise Positioning” para a capacidade de localização; e, para a capacidade de atuação, o desenvolvimento do sensor de ângulo de direção e de sensores para controlo de motores DC de sistemas de direção.
EMPOWER SSE – A Semantic and Linked Data Based Framework for Empowerment of the Social and Solidarity Economy
This proposal focuses on modeling a semantic web and liked data technology based framework to consolidate players of unorganized sector enabling a paradigm shift towards development of a social solidarity economy (SSE) also called third sector.
TECA-PARK – Tecnologías Capacitadoras para la Asistencia, Seguimiento y Rehabilitación de Pacientes con Enfermedad de Parkinson
El proyecto pretende desarrollar y validar un sistema de adquisición de datos portable que, a partir de algoritmos de clasificación de eventos, permita identificar y clasificar correctamente los siguientes síntomas y eventos asociados a la enfermedad de parkinson. El sistema se conectará con otros subsistemas que le permitirán enviar avisos, monitorizar los síntomas motores de la Enfermedad de Parkinson, tomar acciones en tiempo real y acceder al historial de los pacientes.
TIPHYS – Social Network based doctoral Education on Industry 4.0
The objectives of the project are to build an Open Networked Platform for the learning of Industry 4.0 themes dedicated to PhD students. The project will not just create an open platform but a set of models in order to standardize the learning and physical processes as a “virtual copy” of the learning activities. The models will be structured in a modular approach in order to promote the integration in the existing mechanisms as well as for future necessary adaptations.
MSIE4.0 – Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry
His project is proposed to enhance the Universities in Thailand for the delivery of a high quality competence-based curriculum for Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering that supports sustainable smart industry (Industry 4.0), applicable to EU partners. The project will be specifically focused on the modernization of a curriculum for Master’s degree in industrial engineering, and development and implement of modern ICT teaching tools and methods for effective student-centered learning.
EXTEND – Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan
The EXTEND – Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tadjikistan is a new project also focused on competence development, this time aimed at teacher training for active learning. The consortium is led by Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania) and includes 12 universities from Romania, Portugal, Latvia, United Kingdom, Russia and Tadjikistan.
Quality4Power – Enhancing the Power Quality for Industry 4.0 in the era of Microgrids
This project relates to the study and development of active power conditioners to improve the power quality in the industrial facilities. The main objective is to evaluate the use of Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) with innovative topology as interface element with the industrial facility, which can be considered a microgrid, and the main power grid.
EPCA – Environmental Protection in Central Asia: Disaster Risk Management with Spatial Methods
This is a collaborative project between universities from Sweden, Lithuania, Greece, Portugal, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan on research, education, and capacity building on higher education for environmental protection and disaster risk management using spatial information science and technologies.
PV4SUSTAINABILITY Photovoltaic system for sustainable irrigation of family agricultural production units and training of young people and women in boane district, maputo province
Promote scientific innovation, technology transfer, sustainable development and entrepreneurship, through the family agriculture irrigation systems in Boane district, Maputo Province driven by alternative energy sources for electricity generation.
HOMLean – Hospital Operations Management: a Lean Healthcare Framework
His project has aims to contribute to fill this gap in the health area, with the objective of developing a framework of operations management based on Lean Healthcare, enabling researchers and hospital managers to guide the transformation of the environment in which they are inserted and seeking the success that their organizations seek.
PATErSoN – Prototipagem acústica de ambientes médicos para o desenho de novos sinais de aviso auditivos
The final result of this project will be a library of warning beeps adapted to different levels of cognitive load, noise and events. All requirements will be transposed into an acoustic prototyping tool that can be used by manufacturers and sound designers.
RDB-TS: A Reaction Database for Transition State Information from quantum chemical calculations
The project aims to develop a Reaction DataBase with Transition State information, RDB-TS. A web portal will offer a comprehensive and open-access information on TS structures,obtained by quantum mechanics calculations from a wide range of scientific fields,namely organic and inorganic chemistry and enzymology. This structured information will be available for computational analyses, providing key resources in the identification,classification and comparative analysis of TS structures.
DAIPESEV – Development of Advanced Integrated Power Electronic Systems for Electric Vehicles
Development of advanced Power Electronic systems for Electric Vehicles, which integrates in the same hardware the functionalities of the electric powertrain (traction system) and the on-board battery charging systems, reducing the number of components, the weight and cost of the vehicle.
IViSSEM – 6.849,32 Journal Articles Everyday: Visualize or Perish!
IVISSEM aims to develop and test a new altmetric, called Social Scholarly Experience Metric, which results from combining various existing altmetrics, explored with Business Intelligence techniques to reflect the individual preferences of those finding for a specific topic.
VSC – Visual Spaces of Change
VSC proposes a set of case studies able to increase public perception about urban path, spaces and the transformation of these AMP territories and city spaces testing an innovative urban public communication and participation arena model (VSC network points – VSCNP), capable of constituting a significant urban, economic, social generator of a new dynamic of change able to project these cities and territories abroad, fostering their attraction for tourism and urban investment cultural services.
SINOVPROC – Development of a Conceptual Process Model and Metrics Framework for Social Innovation
In the last decade, a renewed interest on the concept of social innovation in the academic literature has emerged. The two overarching goals of this research project are: (i) to propose a conceptual framework to understand how the process of social innovation works; and (ii) to propose a methodological framework to identify metrics/indicators that allow measuring the impact of social innovation initiatives/projects, contributing to inform policy decision-making.
DRIVES – Development and Research on Innovative Vocational Education Skills
The aim of the project is to enable the realization of the aims of the Blueprint, namely the delivery of human capital solutions to supply chain SMEs through the establishment of an Automotive Sector Skills Alliance covering all levels of the value chain (vehicle production, automotive suppliers and automotive sales and aftermarket services).
The “Mind Safety” Project main goal is to motivate and raise awareness among young students, from 12 to 18 years old, to Safety and Health at Work questions. To continuing promoting the production of knowledge for strengthening the skills of teachers and trainers in safety and health at work, to the development of innovative approaches to OSH through resources and inclusive educational practices.
RiskMan: Building Competence in Risk Management of Future HSE Professionals
Develop relevant and high-quality competences of future HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) professionals in the area of risk management through transnational cooperation among universities, insurance institutions, enterprises and other key stakeholders active in the field of education and training; Activities: Summer schools for students and Course for teachers; Expected Results: Kit of innovative teaching methods and tools for modern, more effective, interactive teaching of HSE.
SEA-THINGS: Objetos de Aprendizagem para Promover a Literacia Oceânica
O projeto seaThings tem como objetivo aumentar a produção científica de qualidade e orientada para a especialização inteligente, alavancar a literacia sobre o mar e ambiente marinho nas escolas, centros de ciência e sociedade em geral, disponibilizando na web conteúdos de divulgação científica adicionados por investigadores, professores, alunos e divulgadores de ciência a um repositório de objetos de aprendizagem criado pelo projeto. Apoiado no standard OBBA (Vicari 2010), este projeto assegura técnicas baseadas em inteligência artificial de apoio à procura de objetos de aprendizagem, registo e autoria de novos objetos, cria uma federação de repositórios (FED-seaThings), tornando-se numa ferramenta poderosa para a aprendizagem e partilha.
DS&AI: Curriculum Development in Data Science an Artificial Intelligence
The proposed project aims at complementing existing curricula by adopting an integrated perspective that covers the disciplines that try to (1) organize the curriculum around mutual support courses with CDIO teaching and learning activities (Conceived, Design, Implement, Operate) highly intertwined, forming the curriculum framework for the sequence of learning experiences, and (2) helping to establish a new approach in which all curricula can be reliably and methodologically constructed.
VOIL: Virtual Open Innovation Lab
Rapid developments in digitalization pose pressure for firms to innovate and transform their businesses by implementing digital technologies and innovative business models. Many firms struggle with understanding the opportunities and consequences of digitalization. These difficulties are particularly demanding for small firms due to their general lack of resources, knowledge and skills. In order to accelerate the digital transformation of small & medium enterprises, higher education institutions need to adopt effective strategies to develop advanced digital skills in their students, future employees of these companies. Therefore, the target groups of the VOIL project are educators and students in Universities as well as young workers and entrepreneurs/managers of small and medium enterprises. The project has two main objectives: (1) to raise awareness about the potential of emerging technologies, tools and methods in the course of the digital transformation of micro, small & medium enterprises, and (2) to design a pedagogical model for simulation-based learning of advanced digital competencies.
TSIM – Test System Intelligent Machines
O projeto TSIM visa o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que tornem os equipamentos de teste automático da CONTROLAR mais flexíveis, eficientes e inteligentes. Isto inclui o desenvolvimento de vários módulos de acoplamento que permitam o teste de diferentes tipos de produtos no mesmo equipamento, um sistema de autodiagnóstico e a inclusão de realidade aumentada e mista para visualização de informação do equipamento de teste e assistência pós-venda.
PAMWater – Modelos Analíticos e Preditivos para Optimização de Sistemas Multimunicipais de Água
Este projeto pretende conceber e desenvolver sistemas de aprendizagem de forma a criar uma plataforma preditiva e analítica para sistemas de água multimunicipais, de forma a torná-los mais eficientes, resilientes e sustentáveis. Tal plataforma, PAMWater, deverá ser utilizada como um sistema de apoio à decisão, permitindo que quem tome a decisão tenha acesso um vasto conjunto de informações descritivas e preditivas. A equipa de investigação multidisciplinar deste projeto é composta por elementos do Grupo de Inteligência Sintética do Centro Algoritmi e elementos do grupo Biotecnologia Ambiental e Bioengenharia do Centro de Engenharia Biológica.
IntVIS4Insp: Sistema de Visão por Computador Inteligente e Flexível paraInspeção Automática
O projeto IntVIS4Insp tem como objetivo principal conceber, desenvolver e demonstrar novos conceitos de flexibilidade e adaptabilidade para as áreas de inspeção automática recorrendo à manipulação de objetos complexos através do uso sistemático de tecnologia de visão por computador e inteligência artificial. Este objetivo engloba os seguintes objetivos específicos: Desenhar uma plataforma de aquisição de imagem flexível e adaptável aos requisitos do processo de inspeção, no que concerne à taxa de aquisição de imagens bem como às diversas alternativas de HW e protocolos de aquisição; Desenvolver uma plataforma de ferramentas genéricas de processamento e análise de imagem de base (2D e 3D) e inteligência artificial, que possam ser disponibilizadas para a inspeção automática aplicada a distintos objetos; Desenvolver ferramentas de visão por computador dedicadas à extração de informação tridimensional dos objetos, com vista a incrementar a flexibilidade dos sistemas robotizados; Desenvolver um sistema robotizado de manipulação bimanual para apoio à inspeção de objetos complexos, em conjunto com o sistema de visão, seguindo uma abordagem de visão ativa; Desenvolver uma arquitetura de interoperabilidade, responsável pela ligação do sistema de inspeção à cadeia produtiva, capaz de acompanhar o incremento de flexibilidade e adaptabilidade dos algoritmos de visão por computador e inteligência artificial.
uPGRADE – miniaturized Prototype for GRavity field Assessment using Distributed Earth-orbiting assets
O projeto 45927 uPGRADE destina-se ao desenvolvimento, integração e preparação para a operação de um protótipo demonstrador de uma plataforma CubeSat de aplicação genérica com competência para fins comerciais e científicos, tais como a observação da Terra, comunicações, monitorização de território, suporte de constelações distribuídas e/ou fracionadas de nano-satélites e execução de missões no espaço cislunar e interplanetário. A demonstração das capacidades desta plataforma será feita usando o conceito de observação das variações do campo gravítico da Terra e medição da termosfera neutra – na linha das missões CHAMP (DLR), GRACE (DLR/NASA) e GOCE (ESA). Estas capacidades serão avaliadas em terra, através de uma validação cuidadosa e substantiva do protótipo que será preparado para voo, com o lançamento para órbita baixa fora do contexto deste projeto. Ainda assim, será desenvolvido um plano para o lançamento a partir do Atlantic International Research (AIR) centre no futuro. Com esta aplicação, que tem exigentes requisitos em termos de estabilidade estrutural e térmica, gestão de potência, comunicação de grande volume de dados e apertados requisitos em termos da precisão da medição da orientação e posição do satélite, pretendemos demonstrar a maior aplicabilidade possível no contexto dos nichos de mercado mais promissores no sector espacial atual e capacitar de uma forma eficiente e imediata a industria Portuguesa de experiência e know-how para competir no mercado espacial internacional. O consórcio promotor é constituído por 1 empresa, Spin.Works S.A., e por 3 entidades não empresariais, LABORATÓRIO IBÉRICO INTERNACIONAL DE NANOTECNOLOGIA (LIN), INSTITUTO DE SOLDADURA E QUALIDADE (ISQ) e UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO.
FISHY – A coordinated framework for cyber resilient supply chain systems over complex ICT infrastructures
Project FISHY aims at designing, developing, validating and demonstrating a coordinated framework for cyber resilience provisioning to guarantee a trusted supply chain of ICT systems, built upon distributed, dynamic, and often fundamentally insecure and heterogeneous ICT infrastructures. We propose to design a novel FISHY platform able to securely orchestrate a supply chain consisting of complex ICT systems end-to-end, – from the IoT ecosystem and the edge and cloud infrastructure over to the networking infrastructure connecting -, and enabling functionalities related to risks and vulnerabilities management, accountability and mitigation strategies as well as security metrics and evidence-based security assurance. Conceptually, FISHY platform uses intent-based interfaces to orchestrate both existing and beyond state-of-the-art security appliances in composed ICT scenarios leveraging capabilities of programmable network and IT infrastructure through a coordinated management. FISHY implements new strategies to leveraging data analytics, distributed ledger technology, intent-based security service orchestration, artificial intelligence and programmable network infrastructure. The platform is envisioned not only to facilitating adaptive system reconfigurations, but also reacting to and defying the effects of cyber attacks in real time of the ICT supply chain end-to-end, and in particular in the IoT domain. Finally, the FISHY proposes a comprehensive validation and demonstration strategy built upon three use cases from different sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing and transportation. The expected project outcome is a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the FISHY platform, along with the dissemination and ambitious exploitation strategies.