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João Valente Duarte

João Valente Duarte


Member of the CIBIT R&D Unit

Academic Degree

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A neural network underlying cognitive strategies related to eating, weight and body image concerns

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

2024 | journal-article

The hemodynamic response function as a type 2 diabetes biomarker: a data-driven approach

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics

2024 | journal-article

A human cortical adaptive mutual inhibition circuit underlying competition for perceptual decision and repetition suppression reversal


2024 | journal-article

Neuroanatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder: from structural lesional connectivity mapping to primary dysfunction

2024 | conference-poster

A systematic review of microstructural abnormalities in multiple sclerosis detected with NODDI and DTI models of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

2023 | journal-article

The longitudinal impact of type 2 diabetes on brain gyrification

European Journal of Neuroscience

2023 | journal-article

Hysteresis reveals a happiness bias effect in dynamic emotion recognition from ambiguous biological motion

Journal of Vision

2023 | journal-article

3DCAE-MRI: Overcoming Data Availability in Small Sample Size MRI Studies

2023 | preprint

Functional neuroimaging of responses to multiple sensory stimulations in newborns with perinatal asphyxia

Translational Pediatrics

2023 | journal-article

Emotion recognition in dynamic biological motion patterns shows right hemispheric lateralization

2023 | conference-poster

Brain Hemispheric Asymmetry in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Journal of Clinical Medicine

2023 | journal-article

Editorial: Neuroimaging in early intervention in psychiatry

Frontiers in Psychiatry

2023 | journal-article

A structural MRI study of cortical complexity features of major depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting (FENS - FRM)

2023 | conference-poster

Irreversible atrophy in memory brain regions over 7 years is predicted by glycemic control in type 2 diabetes without cognitive decline

2023 | preprint

A human cortical adaptive mutual inhibition circuit underlying competition for perceptual decision and repetition suppression reversal

2023 | preprint

Changes in hemodynamic response function components reveal specific changes in neurovascular coupling in type 2 diabetes

Frontiers in Physiology

2023 | journal-article

The role of early functional neuroimaging in predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonatal encephalopathy

European Journal of Pediatrics

2023 | journal-article

Adaptation increases neural responses through a reciprocal inhibition circuit in human MT+/V5 leading to changes in perceptual decision

17º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental - APPE 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Adaptation increases neural responses through a reciprocal inhibition circuit in human MT+/V5 leading to changes in perceptual decision

17º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental - APPE 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Alterações na resposta cerebral no hipocampo e circuito de memória na diabetes tipo 2 sem comprometimento cognitivo

19th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes, Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia - SPD 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Alterações na resposta cerebral no hipocampo e circuito de memória na diabetes tipo 2 sem comprometimento cognitivo

19th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes, Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia – SPD 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Alterações volumétricas do hipotálamo na diabetes tipo 2 - estudo imagiológico em humanos

19th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes, Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia – SPD 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Alterações volumétricas do hipotálamo na diabetes tipo 2 - estudo imagiológico em humanos

19th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes, Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia - SPD 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Biomarcadores de Imagem por Ressonância Magnética nas Metástases Hepáticas: Aplicações de machine learning

XLIII Portuguese Meeting of Surgery, Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia - SPCIR 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Biomarcadores de Imagem por Ressonância Magnética nas Metástases Hepáticas: Aplicações de machine learning

XLIII Portuguese Meeting of Surgery, Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia - SPCIR 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Comparing the use of 2D and 3D brain lesions to generate structural lesional connectivity maps

Champalimaud Research Retreat

2023 | conference-poster

Development of a system for tastant delivery during feeding behavior experiments

2023 | conference-poster

Distinct functional connectivity patterns in dopaminergic and limbic pathways underlying task-based implicit theory of mind in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

2023 | conference-poster

Distinct oscillatory patterns differentiate between segregation and integration processes in perceptual grouping

2023 | conference-poster

Emotion recognition in biological motion: a left lateralization effect when I see you become happy

Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Emotion recognition in dynamic biological motion patterns shows right hemispheric lateralization

29th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping - OHBM 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Exploration of baseline brain connectivity patterns and the development of postoperative delirium

2023 | conference-poster

Impaired brain responses in hippocampus and memory circuit in type 2 diabetes without cognitive impairment

IV Congresso Internacional do Centro de Investigação em Neuropsicologia e Intervenção Cognitivo Comportamental - CINEICC 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Impaired brain responses in hippocampus and memory circuit in type 2 diabetes without cognitive impairment

IV Congresso Internacional do Centro de Investigação em Neuropsicologia e Intervenção Cognitivo Comportamental - CINEICC 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Longitudinal diffusion weighted MRI analysis reveals distinct microstructural properties in pre-lesional tissue of patients with early Multiple Sclerosis

2023 | conference-poster

Neuronal reciprocal inhibition tracked in the human brain using fMRI

2023 | conference-poster

Optimizing cleaning of EEG signal acquired simultaneously with fMRI – A Multiple Sclerosis study

2023 | conference-poster

Perceptual hysteresis in emotion recognition from biological motion: a happiness bias effect

17º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental - APPE 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

Perceptual hysteresis in emotion recognition from biological motion: a happiness bias effect

17º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental - APPE 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Teoria da Mente implícita na Esquizofrenia e Doença Bipolar: padrões cerebrais distintivos de conetividade funcional em ressonância magnética funcional.

2023 | conference-poster

The neural correlates of competition between visual adaptation and persistence in biological motion perception: a psychophysical and fMRI study

Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology - ARVO 2023

2023 | conference-abstract

The neural correlates of competition between visual adaptation and persistence in biological motion perception: a psychophysical and fMRI study

Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology - ARVO 2023

2023 | conference-poster

Task-based functional MRI challenges in clinical neuroscience: Choice of the best head motion correction approach in multiple sclerosis

Frontiers in Neuroscience

2022 | journal-article

Comparison of motion correction strategies for task-fMRI studies in Multiple Sclerosis

Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies - FENS Forum 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Deformation fields: a new source of information to predict brain age

Journal of Neural Engineering

2022 | journal-article

A two-stage framework for neural processing of biological motion


2022 | journal-article

Functional connectivity biomarkers in early Multiple Sclerosis measured with simultaneous EEG-fMRI

28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping - OHBM 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Optimizing EEG Source Reconstruction with Concurrent fMRI-Derived Spatial Priors

Brain Topography

2022 | journal-article

Representational similarity analysis of neural processing of global and local biological motion

International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience - ICON 2022

2022 | conference-poster

The role of motion adaptation in bottom-up mechanisms of perceptual decision-making

XIII Forum of BIAL Foundation - BIAL 2022

2022 | conference-poster

A two-stage framework for neural processing of biological motion

2022 | preprint

Task-based fMRI in early Multiple Sclerosis: what is the best head motion correction approach?

2022 | preprint

A systematic comparison of methods for correcting head motion effects in task-fMRI: application in clinical neuroscience

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

A systematic comparison of methods for correcting head motion effects in task-fMRI: application in clinical neuroscience

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Artificial Intelligence in Multiple Sclerosis: Does Automated Lesion Segmentation Help?

GEEM Spring Meeting

2022 | conference-abstract

Cerebellar morphometric and spectroscopic biomarkers for Machado-Joseph Disease

Acta Neuropathologica Communications

2022 | journal-article

Clinical Application of Artificial Intelligence in Multiple Sclerosis - Does Automated Lesion Segmentation Help?

45th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Neuroradiology – ESNR 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

Clinical Application of Artificial Intelligence in Multiple Sclerosis - Does Automated Lesion Segmentation Help?

45th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Neuroradiology – ESNR 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Comparing scrubbing and interpolation of motion spikes in task-fMRI

ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

Comparing scrubbing and interpolation of motion spikes in task-fMRI

ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Comparison of motion correction strategies for task-fMRI studies in Multiple Sclerosis

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum

2022 | conference-abstract

Cortical thickness in brain imaging studies using FreeSurfer and CAT12: A matter of reproducibility

Neuroimage: Reports

2022 | journal-article

Diffusion weighted MRI reveals distinct microstructural properties in different brain tissues of patients with early Multiple Sclerosis

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

Diffusion weighted MRI reveals distinct microstructural properties in different brain tissues of patients with early Multiple Sclerosis

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Functional connectivity biomarkers in early Multiple Sclerosis measured with simultaneous EEG-fMRI

28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2022 | conference-abstract

Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers in liver metastases: machine learning applications

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers in liver metastases: machine learning applications

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Measuring effective connectivity in the visual motion perception network at different temporal resolutions

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

Measuring effective connectivity in the visual motion perception network at different temporal resolutions

1st Annual Meeting of the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Probing brain microstructural connectivity in patients with early Multiple Sclerosis using diffusion weighted MRI

38th Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis - ECTRIMS 2022

2022 | conference-abstract

Probing brain microstructural connectivity in patients with early Multiple Sclerosis using diffusion weighted MRI

38th Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis - ECTRIMS 2022

2022 | conference-poster

Representational similarity analysis of neural processing of global and local biological motion

International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2022 | conference-abstract

Brain functional connectivity in early Multiple Sclerosis measured with simultaneous EEG-fMRI

XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience - SPN 2021

2021 | conference-poster

Functional Connectivity Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis using fMRI during task performance

XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience - SPN 2021

2021 | conference-poster

A novel morphometric signature of brain alterations in type 2 diabetes: Patterns of changed cortical gyrification

European Journal of Neuroscience

2021 | journal-article

The dual nature of the BOLD signal: Responses in visual area hMT+ reflect both input properties and perceptual decision

Human Brain Mapping

2021 | journal-article

A Fundamental Distinction in Early Neural Processing of Implicit Social Interpretation in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

2021 | preprint

A novel morphometric signature of brain alterations in type 2 diabetes: patterns of changed cortical gyrification

2021 | other

Optimizing EEG source reconstruction with concurrent fMRI-derived spatial priors

2021 | preprint

On the Optimal Strategy for Tackling Head Motion in fMRI Data

International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing – BIOSIGNALS 2021

2021 | conference-paper

A fundamental distinction in early neural processing of implicit social interpretation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

NeuroImage: Clinical

2021 | journal-article

Brain functional connectivity in early Multiple Sclerosis measured with simultaneous EEG-fMRI

XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience - SPN 2021

2021 | conference-abstract

Functional Connectivity Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis using fMRI during task performance

XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience - SPN 2021

2021 | conference-abstract

O papel da diabetes tipo 2 na curvatura cortical do cérebro: uma avaliação longitudinal

17th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes ¿ Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia (SPD)

2021 | conference-poster

On the optimal strategy for tackling head motion in fMRI data

14th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing – BIOSIGNALS 2021

2021 | conference-poster

Optimizing EEG source reconstruction with concurrent fMRI-derived spatial priors

Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – ISMRM 2021

2021 | conference-abstract

Optimizing EEG source reconstruction with concurrent fMRI-derived spatial priors

Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – ISMRM 2021

2021 | conference-poster

Probing brain effective connectivity in early MS patients with Granger causality analysis of task-fMRI

37th Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis - ECTRIMS

2021 | conference-abstract

Probing brain effective connectivity in early MS patients with Granger causality analysis of task-fMRI

37th Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis - ECTRIMS

2021 | conference-poster

Quantitative assessment of the impact of geometric distortions and their correction on fMRI data analyses

Frontiers Neuroscience - Brain Imaging Methods

2021 | journal-article

The impact of geometric distortions and their correction on fMRI data analyses

Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – ISMRM 2021

2021 | conference-abstract

The impact of geometric distortions and their correction on fMRI data analyses

Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – ISMRM 2021

2021 | conference-poster

Undistort your brain - an evaluation of susceptibility artifact correction methods across (repetition) time

Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – ISMRM 2021 – Iberian Chapter

2021 | conference-abstract

Undistort your brain - an evaluation of susceptibility artifact correction methods across (repetition) time

Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine – ISMRM 2021 – Iberian Chapter

2021 | conference-poster

Identification of competing neural mechanisms underlying positive and negative perceptual hysteresis in the human visual system


2020 | journal-article

Morphometry and gyrification in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A comparative MRI study

NeuroImage: Clinical

2020 | journal-article

Conhecer melhor o cérebro diabético: espessura e curvatura cortical como biomarcadores de neuroimagem

16th Portuguese Meeting of Diabetes – Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia (SPD)

2020 | conference-poster

Investigating Whole-Brain MRI Markers in Multiple Sclerosis – Emerging Dimensions in Morphometric Space

IFMBE Proceedings

2020 | conference-paper

Tracking perceptual decision mechanisms through changes in interhemispheric functional connectivity in human visual cortex

Scientific Reports

2019 | journal-article

(Des)inhibition: the side-effect of adaptation in bistable perception

25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2019 | conference-poster

Brain responses underlying the interaction between competing perceptual states

Iberian Conference on Perception (ICP)

2019 | conference-poster

Distinct roles of beta and gamma oscillations during integration of ambiguous motion

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting (FENS – FRM)

2019 | conference-poster

Investigating whole-brain MRI markers in neuropsychiatric disorders – emerging dimensions in morphometric space

European Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting (FENS – FRM)

2019 | conference-poster

Investigating whole-brain MRI markers in neuropsychiatric disorders – separating disease duration from medication effects in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN 2019)

2019 | conference-abstract

Investigating whole-brain MRI markers in neuropsychiatric disorders – separating disease duration from medication effects in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN)

2019 | conference-poster

Studying the neuronal mechanisms underlying bistable perception: the role of adaptation, persistence, and inhibition on perceptual decision

XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN 2019)

2019 | conference-abstract

Studying the neuronal mechanisms underlying bistable perception: the role of adaptation, persistence, and inhibition on perceptual decision

XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (SPN)

2019 | conference-poster

Evidence for distinct levels of neural adaptation to both coherent and incoherently moving visual surfaces in visual area hMT+


2018 | journal-article

Distinct levels of visual adaptation due to coherent and incoherent motion perception

2nd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA)

2018 | conference-poster

Evidence for asymmetric perceptual adaptation to coherent and incoherent moving plaids

22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2018 | conference-poster

Evidence for asymmetric perceptual adaptation to coherent and incoherent moving plaids

24th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2018 | conference-poster

Functional neuroimaging in newborns with perinatal asphyxia - evidence for differential changes in visual, auditory and motor responses

2nd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA)

2018 | conference-poster

Human MT+ is sensitive to the dynamics of motion of a single dot representing or violating the biological motion of real human walkers

Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN)

2018 | conference-poster

Permutation distributions for pattern classification in neuroimaging

III Luso-Galician Meeting on Biometry

2018 | conference-abstract

Studying the effects of perceptual history on deciding between percepts of ambiguous moving plaids

2nd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA)

2018 | conference-poster

Unraveling the neural correlates of perceptual hysteresis: the effects of perceptual history on the visual perception of an ambiguous stimulus

11th Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)

2018 | conference-poster

Permutations of functional magnetic resonance imaging classification may not be normally distributed

Statistical Methods in Medical Research

2017 | journal-article

Interhemispheric Binding of Ambiguous Visual Motion Is Associated with Changes in Beta Oscillatory Activity but Not with Gamma Range Synchrony

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

2017 | journal-article

Early visual cortical structural changes in diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

2017 | journal-article

Beta oscillations during motion integration and segmentation: evidence of binding or perceptual bias? (talk)

7th Iberian Congress on Perception

2017 | conference-abstract

Beta oscillations reflect perceptual experience under ambiguous stimulation but not in the absence of conflict

13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2017 | conference-poster

Beta oscillations reflect perceptual experience under ambiguous stimulation but not in the absence of conflict

13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2017 | conference-poster

Extending Inferential Group Analysis in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Multivariate GLM Implemented in SPM8

The Open Neuroimaging Journal

2017 | journal-article

Functional neuroimaging in newborns with perinatal asphyxia – a preliminary study (talk)

1st Artinis NIRS symposium: ARTscientific

2017 | conference-abstract

High-resolution 7T fMRI data on the perceptual long-range segregation vs. integration of bistable moving stimuli (talk)

7th Iberian Congress on Perception

2017 | conference-abstract

Long-range interhemispheric binding of bistable surface motion reflects bottom-up processes generated within hMT+

13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2017 | conference-poster

Long-range interhemispheric binding of bistable surface motion reflects bottom-up processes generated within hMT+

13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2017 | conference-poster

Maintenance of perceptual stability of interhemispheric surface motion is associated with bottom-up influences generated within hMT+ (talk)

7th Iberian Congress on Perception

2017 | conference-abstract

Pivotal role of hMT+ in long-range disambiguation of interhemispheric bistable surface motion

Human Brain Mapping

2017 | journal-article

Study of motion adaptation and its role in deciding between competing surface representations (talk)

7th Iberian Congress on Perception

2017 | conference-abstract

The Perceptual Integration of Visual Motion Revealed by hMT+ Interhemispheric Connectivity: a 7 Tesla study

13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2017 | conference-poster

The Perceptual Integration of Visual Motion Revealed by hMT+ Interhemispheric Connectivity: a 7 Tesla study

13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON)

2017 | conference-poster

hMT/V5 is more affected with age than other brain regions in patients with Type II Diabetes

53rd Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

2017 | conference-abstract

hMT/V5 is more affected with age than other brain regions in patients with Type II Diabetes

53rd EASD Meeting (European Association for the Study of Diabetes)

2017 | conference-poster

hMT/V5 is more affected with age than other brain regions in patients with type 2 diabetes

53rd Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

2017 | conference-poster

Working memory load influences perceptual ambiguity by competing for fronto-parietal attentional resources

Brain Research

2016 | journal-article

Binding of ambiguous visual stimuli is associated with changes in beta power but not with synchrony

22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2016 | conference-poster

Binding of ambiguous visual stimuli is associated with changes in beta power but not with synchrony

22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping

2016 | conference-poster

Global neuronal mechanisms in individual perceptual decision

I Mostra Internacional de Investigação de Doutorandos na Universidade de Coimbra

2016 | lecture-speech

Long-range perceptual integration of visual motion revealed at high resolution 7T fMRI

22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2016 | conference-poster

Long-range perceptual integration of visual motion revealed at high resolution 7T fMRI

22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping

2016 | conference-poster

Multimodal Imaging Course

XII National Neuroradiology Meeting (Portuguese Neuroradiology Society)

2016 | lecture-speech

Parametric fMRI of paced motor responses uncovers novel whole-brain imaging biomarkers in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3

Human Brain Mapping

2016 | journal-article

The role of long-range neural oscillatory synchrony as a mechanism underlying in perceptual coherence

University of Coimbra

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Working memory load influences perceptual ambiguity by competing for fronto-parietal attentional resources

FENS-Hertie Winter School 2016

2016 | conference-poster

Working memory load influences perceptual ambiguity by competing for fronto-parietal attentional resources

FENS-Hertie Winter School

2016 | conference-poster

Early Disrupted Neurovascular Coupling and Changed Event Level Hemodynamic Response Function in Type 2 Diabetes: An fMRI Study

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism

2015 | journal-article

Brain structure and function: a multimodal overview

4th International Symposium in Applied Bioimaging - BIOMAGING

2015 | lecture-speech

Cérebro e Diabetes

Fórum BIAL Diabetes

2015 | lecture-speech

Increased synchrony correlates with visual binding: a study on visual integration on healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients

Annual Conference on Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging 2015

2015 | conference-poster

Increased synchrony correlates with visual binding: a study on visual integration on healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients

Annual Conference on Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging

2015 | conference-poster

Increased synchrony correlates with visual binding: a study on visual integration on healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients (talk)

Annual Conference on Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging 2015

2015 | conference-abstract

Long-range interhemispheric synchrony reflects perceptual motion integration: a psychophysical and EEG/ERP study (talk)

6th Iberian Congress on Perception

2015 | conference-abstract

Multimodal Imaging Course: hands-on in fMRI and VBM

XI National Neuroradiology Meeting (Portuguese Neuroradiology Society)

2015 | lecture-speech

Perceptual content of visual motion revealed at 7T fMRI

7th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2015 | conference-poster

Perceptual content of visual motion revealed at 7T fMRI

7th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2015 | conference-poster

Type II diabetes mellitus drives complications to brain function

The Association for Research in Vision and Ophtalmology (ARVO) Conference - Diabetic Retinopathy: Battling the Global Epidemic

2015 | conference-poster

Type II diabetes mellitus drives complications to brain function

ARVO Diabetic Retionpathy Conference

2015 | conference-poster

Visual binding: how brain oscillations shape perception (talk)

7th Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2015 | conference-abstract

Early disrupted neurovascular coupling and changed event level hemodynamic response function in type 2 diabetes: an fMRI study (talk)

6th Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2014 | conference-abstract

Early disrupted neurovascular coupling and changed event level hemodynamic response functions in diabetes: an fMRI study

Advanced Course on Analysis Methods and Modelling in Biomedical Research

2014 | lecture-speech

Latency time variability hinders ASL fMRI analyses

Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014

2014 | conference-abstract

Latency time variability hinders ASL fMRI analyses

Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014

2014 | conference-poster

Latency time variability hinders ASL fMRI analyses

Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB

2014 | conference-poster

Methods for multivariate analyses in neuroimaging

6th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2014 | conference-poster

Methods for multivariate analyses in neuroimaging

6th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2014 | conference-poster

Multivariate pattern analysis reveals subtle brain anomalies relevant to the cognitive phenotype in neurofibromatosis type 1

Human Brain Mapping

2014 | journal-article

Perceptual motion integration correlates with long-range neural synchrony: a study on the temporal binding hypothesis

6th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2014 | conference-poster

Perceptual motion integration correlates with long-range neural synchrony: a study on the temporal binding hypothesis

6th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2014 | conference-poster

Permutation distributions of fMRI classification do not behave in accord with central limit theorem

2014 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI)

2014 | conference-paper

Cortical responses during parametric visual speed discrimination in healthy and diabetic patients

XIII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN)

2013 | conference-poster

Cortical responses during parametric visual speed discrimination in healthy and diabetic patients

XIII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences

2013 | conference-poster

Cortical responses during parametric visual speed discrimination in healthy and diabetic patients (talk)

XIII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN)

2013 | conference-abstract

Interhemispheric synchrony in the beta band correlates with unified perception of moving stimuli

5th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2013 | conference-poster

Interhemispheric synchrony in the beta band correlates with unified perception of moving stimuli

5th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2013 | conference-poster

On the accordance of permutation distributions of fMRI classification with central limit theorem

5th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2013 | conference-poster

Parametric fMRI activation of cortical regions during visual speed discrimination in healthy and diabetic patients

European Conference on Visual Perception

2013 | conference-abstract

Parametric fMRI activation of cortical regions during visual speed discrimination in healthy and diabetic patients

42nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)

2013 | conference-poster

Parametric fMRI activation of cortical regions during visual speed discrimination in healthy and diabetic patients

42nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)

2013 | conference-poster

The hemodynamic response function in type 2 diabetes

5th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2013 | conference-poster

The hemodynamic response function in type 2 diabetes

5th Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2013 | conference-poster

Abnormal Brain Activation in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Link between Visual Processing and the Default Mode Network


2012 | journal-article

Sensorial and perceptual speed discrimination: an fMRI study

4th Annual Meeting of IBILI

2012 | conference-poster

Sensorial and perceptual speed discrimination: an fMRI study

4th Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2012 | conference-poster

Brain structural patterns as diagnostic tools in Neurofibromatosis type 1: a multivariate statistical approach

VII Seminar of the Pediatric Society of Neurodevelopment

2011 | conference-poster

Feature Selection in High Dimensional EEG Feature Spaces for Epileptic Seizure Prediction

18th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress

2011 | conference-paper

Functional and structural deficits in Neurofibromatosis type 1, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced neural inhibition

XII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN)

2011 | conference-poster

Functional and structural deficits in Neurofibromatosis type 1, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced neural inhibition

XII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences

2011 | conference-poster

Multivariate pattern analysis of brain structure: A diagnostic tool for Neurofibromatosis type 1

1st Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, The Challenge of the XXI Century (ENBENG)

2011 | conference-paper

Multivariate pattern analysis of brain structure: A diagnostic tool for Neurofibromatosis type 1 (talk)

1st Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering (ENBENG)

2011 | conference-abstract

Multivariate pattern analysis of multi-site brain structural data in Neurofibromatosis type 1

3rd Annual Meeting of IBILI

2011 | conference-poster

Multivariate pattern analysis of multi-site brain structural data in Neurofibromatosis type 1

3rd Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2011 | conference-poster

Subtle and disease specific structural patterns in human Neurofibromatosis type 1 confirm findings from the animal model

8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience

2011 | conference-poster

Subtle and disease specific structural patterns in human Neurofibromatosis type 1 confirm findings from the animal model

8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience

2011 | conference-poster

Abnormal brain oscillations in Neurofibromatosis type 1 (talk)

2nd Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2010 | conference-abstract

Abnormal brain oscillations might underlie deficits in visual attention and motor control, in Neurofibromatosis type 1 (talk)

14th European NF meeting

2010 | conference-abstract

Abnormal development of early visual areas in Neurofibromatosis type 1: an fMRI study (talk)

2nd Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2010 | conference-abstract

Abnormally high amplitude of brain oscillations in a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced GABAergic transmission: Neurofibromatosis type 1

17th Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)

2010 | conference-abstract

Abnormally high amplitude of brain oscillations in a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced GABAergic transmission: Neurofibromatosis type 1

17th Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)

2010 | conference-poster

Abnormally high amplitude of brain oscillations in a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced GABAergic transmission: Neurofibromatosis type 1

7th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience

2010 | conference-poster

Abnormally high amplitude of brain oscillations in a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced GABAergic transmission: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (publication)

17th Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)

2010 | conference-abstract

Abnormally high amplitude of brain oscillations in a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by enhanced GABAergic transmission: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (talk)

7th Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)

2010 | conference-abstract

Automatic classification of T1-weighted MR scans in Neurofibromatosis type 1

14th European NF meeting

2010 | conference-poster

Automatic classification of T1-weighted MR scans in Neurofibromatosis type 1

European NF Meeting 2010

2010 | conference-poster

Défices no processamento visual associados à NF1 (talk)

7º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Neurofibromatose

2010 | conference-abstract

Machine learning and multivariate pattern recognition techniques identify multiple brain areas of abnormal structure in Neurofibromatosis type 1

2nd Annual Meeting of IBILI

2010 | conference-poster

Machine learning and multivariate pattern recognition techniques identify multiple brain areas of abnormal structure in Neurofibromatosis type 1

2nd Annual Meeting of the IBILI

2010 | conference-poster

Neuroimaging analysis: Support Vector Machine-based classification of Neurofibromatosis type 1 from MRI structural scans (talk)

1st Annual Meeting of the Brain Imaging Network (BIN)

2010 | conference-abstract

Support Vector Machine-Based Classification of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 from Structural MR Scans

16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

2010 | conference-poster

Support vector machine-based classification of Neurofibromatosis type 1 from structural MR scans

16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping

2010 | conference-poster

Machine learning approaches in genome-wide association studies: SNP2Net: a tool for gene-based predictive modeling

2009 | dissertation-thesis

SNP2Net : a tool for gene-based predictive modeling in genome-wide association studies

International Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP 2009)

2009 | conference-poster

SNP2Net : a tool for gene-based predictive modeling in genome-wide association studies (talk)

International Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP 2009)

2009 | conference-abstract

SNP2Net: a tool for gene-based predictive modeling in genome-wide association studies

IDAMAP 2009 Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine and Pharmacology

2009 | conference-paper

SOFTWARE - SNP2Net: Gene-based predictive modelling in Genome-wide Association Studies

2009 | other

Towards Personalized Neural Networks for Epileptic Seizure Prediction

International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008

2008 | conference-paper

Towards personalized neural networks for epileptic seizure prediction

International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)

2008 | conference-poster

A neural network underlying cognitive strategies related to eating, weight and body image concerns

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

2024 | journal-article

The hemodynamic response function as a type 2 diabetes biomarker: a data-driven approach

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics

2024 | journal-article

A human cortical adaptive mutual inhibition circuit underlying competition for perceptual decision and repetition suppression reversal


2024 | journal-article

Neuroanatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder: from structural lesional connectivity mapping to primary dysfunction

2024 | conference-poster

A systematic review of microstructural abnormalities in multiple sclerosis detected with NODDI and DTI models of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

2023 | journal-article

The longitudinal impact of type 2 diabetes on brain gyrification

European Journal of Neuroscience

2023 | journal-article

Hysteresis reveals a happiness bias effect in dynamic emotion recognition from ambiguous biological motion

Journal of Vision

2023 | journal-article

3DCAE-MRI: Overcoming Data Availability in Small Sample Size MRI Studies

2023 | preprint

Functional neuroimaging of responses to multiple sensory stimulations in newborns with perinatal asphyxia

Translational Pediatrics

2023 | journal-article

Emotion recognition in dynamic biological motion patterns shows right hemispheric lateralization

2023 | conference-poster

Brain Hemispheric Asymmetry in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Journal of Clinical Medicine

2023 | journal-article

Editorial: Neuroimaging in early intervention in psychiatry

Frontiers in Psychiatry

2023 | journal-article

A structural MRI study of cortical complexity features of major depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting (FENS - FRM)

2023 | conference-poster

Irreversible atrophy in memory brain reg