Algoritmi | User | Joana Gonçalves
Joana Gonçalves
Joana Gonçalves
Personal Email
0000-0002-5854-8664Researcher ID
FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
3412-D57F-07A9Google Scholar
About Me
Joana Gonçalves have completed PhD in Bioscience (2012) in University of Coimbra. She is currently junior researcher at Institute of Nuclear Science Applied to Health (ICNAS), University of Coimbra, working on Preclinical Research field (Medical and Health Sciences scientific activity area, subarea of Medical Biotechnology). In last years, she has been mainly focused in studying the mechanisms underlying excitation/inhibition dysfunction and test new technologies as future therapies in autism spectrum disorders. Joana Gonçalves is author/coauthor of 17 articles, 9 as first author and 1 as last author (4 were published in the last 5 years) in international peer reviewed journals in Neuroscience/Preclinical research field, with an accumulated IF of 68.196 (according to Web of Science database), 469 citations and an h-index of 10 (according to Scopus database). Twelve papers were published in Q1 journals (4 Q1 papers in the last 5 years). She has also 2 book chapters. As an important component of dissemination of her research outputs, she participated in several national and international meetings being an author/coauthor of 63 presentations, 38 as first author (9 in the last 5 years, of which were 4 poster and 3 oral presentations) and 2 as last authors ( 2 posters both in 2019). Joana also contributed to several students’ training, being presently the supervisor of 1 PhD and 2 Master and 4 undergraduate students. She already supervised the thesis of 4 undergraduate students. Along years, Joana participated in several scientific project as team member. In 2012 and 2015, she got a PhD and Post-Doc fellowship, respectively, from Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). Her research team won the FLAD Life Sciences 2020 award in 2017, where she is responsible for animal studies. Furthermore, she has ongoing collaborations with Alcino Silva (UCLA, USA), with Ravit Hadar (Charité University, Berlim, Germany) and João Peça (CNC, Coimbra; Portugal). During her career, she has learned various key molecular and cellular biology techniques. Now, she is also interested in taking advantage of cutting-edge techniques, namely the ones already implemented in ICNAS (MRI, MRS, PET and tDCS).
Publications (119)
Brain-related sexual dimorphism in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: an overlooked matter
2025 | journal-article
Distinct Early Development Trajectories in Nf1+/- and Tsc2+/- Mouse Models of Autism
2025 | journal-article
Maternal Tryptophan Supplementation Alters Offspring Gut-Brain Axis and Behaviour in a Sex-Specific Manner
2025 | journal-article
Neonatal Kisspeptin Blockade Modulates Sex-Dependent Social Behaviors and Communication in Wistar Rats
2025 | journal-article
Sex-specific cortical neurophysiology drives social behavior differences in an autism spectrum disorder model
2025 | journal-article
Tryptophan Supplementation Alleviates ASD-like Behaviors in a Tsc2 +/- Mouse by Modulation of Cortical Metabolism
2025 | journal-article
Increased susceptibility to kainate‐induced seizures in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex: Importance of sex and circadian cycle
Epilepsia Open
2024 | journal-article
Ultrasonic vocalizations: age-, genotype- and sex-dependent biomarkers of mouse developmental and affective state
NeuroLéman Summer School
2024 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y causes sex dependent changes in microbiota-intestinal-brain communication in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2024 | preprint
Cannabinoid Modulation of Monoamine Levels in Mouse Brain: Unveiling Neurochemical Dynamics through an Innovative High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Fluorescence Detection Bioanalysis
Journal of Analysis and Testing
2024 | journal-article
Possible relationship between tryptophan metabolism, serotonergic function and E/I neurotransmitters in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2
EMIM 2024
2024 | conference-poster
Effect of prenatal tryptophan diet on mouse ASD-like behavior
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Evaluation of visual stimulus-selective response potentiation in Neurofibromatosis type 1 mouse model
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Mother-offspring relationship in autism spectrum disorder: influence on development and behavior
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Negative correlation between cortical tryptophan metabolism and E/I balance in a genetic mouse model of autism spectrum disorders
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
11th IBRO World Congress
2023 | conference-paper
11th IBRO World Congress
2023 | conference-paper
11th IBRO World Congress
2023 | conference-paper
Neurobehavioral sex-related differences in Nf1+/− mice: female show a “camouflaging”-type behavior
Biology of Sex Differences
2023 | journal-article
Sex Differences in Tryptophan Metabolism: A Systematic Review Focused on Neuropsychiatric Disorders
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023 | journal-article
Visual Cortical Plasticity: Molecular Mechanisms as Revealed by Induction Paradigms in Rodents
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023 | journal-article
"Sexual Dimorphism in Neurological Diseases: From Molecular Basis to Therapy"
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023 | journal-issue
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
2023 | other
Dimorphism signature of brain neuropeptide Y in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
BEB Day 2023 - "Science Challenges: This Fight of Ours!"
2023 | conference-poster
"Maternal Nutrition and Fetal Programming"
2023 | journal-issue
Kisspeptin modulates sex-like phenotypes in the neonatal period
2023 | journal-article
Imaging of brain tryptophan metabolism and 5-HT1A receptor density in the TSC2 mouse model: Preliminary results
1º CIBIT Anual Meeting
2022 | conference-poster
Influence of estrous cycle in seizures susceptibility using a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex 2
FENS Forum 2022
2022 | conference-poster
Maternal genotype as a predictor of severity of offspring autistic-like behavior
NeuroDev - Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From molecular mechanisms to social inclusion
2022 | conference-poster
Sex dimorphism and circadian cycle as crucial factors for early seizures susceptibility in tuberous sclerosis complex 2 mouse model
NueroDev - Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From molecular mechanisms to social inclusion
2022 | conference-poster
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as an Approach to Mitigate Neurodevelopmental Disorders Affecting Excitation/Inhibition Balance: Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Journal of Clinical Medicine
2022 | journal-article
Nucleolin Overexpression Predicts Patient Prognosis While Providing a Framework for Targeted Therapeutic Intervention in Lung Cancer
2022 | journal-article
Male sex bias in early and late onset neurodevelopmental disorders: Shared aspects and differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder, and Schizophrenia
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
2022 | journal-article
Characterization of microbiome and brain NPY system alterations in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2022 | conference-poster
Sex-dependent cortical excitation/inhibition imbalance is associated with behavior alterations in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
6th HBP Student Conference "On Interdisciplinary Brain Research
2022 | conference-poster
Tsc2+/- mouse model: probing clinical manifestation of epilepsy in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
2022 | conference-poster
Ciência em 3 minutos - Dia Internacional Meninas e Mulheres em Ciência
2022 | other
Sex-Dependent Social and Repetitive Behavior and Neurochemical Profile in Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022 | journal-article
Fleeting: a Novel Ultrasonic Vocalization in Mice That Allows to Define Altered Developmental Milestones in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022 | preprint
Building an autism severity classification model using Nf1+/- mouse model
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Novel development-specific ultrasonic vocalization in mice
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Sex- and age-dependent seizures susceptibility in a mouse model of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Sex-dependent changes in brain microstructures organization and neurochemical profile in Tsc2+/- mouse model
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
The impact of neuropeptide Y in E/I imbalance in ASD: the role of GABAergic neurotransmission
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
The mouse electroretinogram reveals subtle sex-dependent physiological alterations in neurofibromatosis type 1 model
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Understand sex bias in infantile and juvenile behavior in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Biologial sex evokes distinct behavior-communication deficits in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
FENS Regional Meeting 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Impact of sex differences in neonatal and juvenile behavior of a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1: focus on male susceptibility to autism spectrum disorder
FENS Regional Meeting 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Biological sex evokes distinct behavior-communication deficits in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
FENS Regional Meeting 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Impact of sex differences in neonatal and juvenile behavior of a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1: focus on male susceptibility to ASD
2021 | conference-poster
Longitudinal study of ultrasonic vocalizations in mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2021 | conference-poster
Sex-specific differences on early pro-social behavior in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex 2
European Neuroscience Conference for Doctoral Students 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Longitudinal study of ultrasonic vocalizations in mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
The Brain Prize Meeting 2021 - NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS: Mechanisms and pathways to treatment
2021 | conference-abstract
Novel call found in the perinatal period of two mouse models as a potential biomarker for early development
The Brain Prize Meeting 2021 - NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS: Mechanisms and pathways to treatment
2021 | conference-abstract
Neurofibromatosis Type 1: from cellular phenotypes to human brain function
Diagnosis And Management Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: The Neuroscience Of Development
2021 | book-chapter
Memory and Cognition-Related Neuroplasticity Enhancement by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Rodents: A Systematic Review
Neural Plasticity
2020 | journal-article
Impact of neurofibromatosis type 1 on early postnatal development: a behavioral approach.
XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurocience
2019 | conference-poster
Neural basis for adult cognitive deficits in neurofibromatosis type 1 animal model: Relevance for autism spectrum disorders.
XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurocience
2019 | conference-poster
Glutamate/GABA- glutamine cycle imbalance in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder: Relationship to glial reactivity
Neuroscience 2018
2018 | conference-abstract
The excitation/inhibition enigma in a mouse model of the autism spectrum disorder: evidence for distinct phenotypes of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
11th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2018 | conference-abstract
Extended-access methamphetamine self-administration elicits neuroinflammatory response along with blood-brain barrier breakdown.
Brain, behavior, and immunity
2017 | journal-article
Microglia in Health and Disease: A Double-Edged Sword.
Mediators of inflammation
2017 | journal-article
Testing the excitation/inhibition imbalance hypothesis in a mouse model of the autism spectrum disorder: in vivo neurospectroscopy and molecular evidence for regional phenotypes.
Molecular Autism
2017 | journal-article
Methamphetamine and the JAK/STAT Pathway
Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse
2016 | book-chapter
Blood-brain barrier dysfunction and neuroinflammation triggered by chronic methamphetamine self-admnistration in rats.
IBILI Meeting 2015
2015 | conference-poster
Regional difference in susceptibility to modulation of excitation/inhibition balance and glial function in mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1.
IBILI Meeting 2015
2015 | conference-poster
Temporal inactivation of neuropeptide y2 receptor improves spatial memory and modifies brain metabolism in limbic regions.
I International Congress of Psychobiology
2015 | conference-poster
Effects of drugs of abuse on the central neuropeptide Y system.
2015 | journal-article
Methamphetamine self-administration induces blood-brain barrier dysfunction in the rat hippocampus.
9th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2015 | conference-abstract
Psychostimulants and brain dysfunction: a review of the relevant neurotoxic effects.
2014 | journal-article
Alterações do sistema do neuropeptídeo Y no hipocampo induzidas por metanfetamina: consequências cognitivas.
Congresso Nacional de Adictologia
2013 | conference-poster
Involvement of hippocampal neuropeptide Y system in methamphetamine-induced memory impairment: the role of NPY Y2 receptors
38th FEBS Congress
2013 | conference-abstract
Involvement of hippocampal neuropeptide Y system in methamphetamine-induced memory impairment: the role of NPY Y2 receptors
The FEBS Journal
2013 | journal-article
Methamphetamine-induced hippocampal dysfunction: the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines and neuropeptide Y
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Protective role of neuropeptide Y Y₂ receptors in cell death and microglial response following methamphetamine injury.
2012 | journal-article
Neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors prevent methamphetamine-mediated cell death and microglial activation
Neuroscience 2012
2012 | conference-abstract
Acute physical exercise and blood-brain barrier permeability.
17th Annual ECSS Congress
2012 | conference-poster
Histamine modulates microglia function
Journal of Neuroinflammation
2012 | journal-article
Methamphetamine-induced changes in the mice hippocampal neuropeptide y system: Implications for memory impairment
Journal of Neurochemistry
2012 | journal-article
Neuropeptide y promotes neurogenesis and protection against methamphetamine-induced toxicity in mouse dentate gyrus-derived neurosphere cultures
2012 | journal-article
Prevention of methamphetamine-induced microglial cell death by TNF-α and IL-6 through activation of the JAK-STAT pathway
Journal of Neuroinflammation
2012 | journal-article
Methamphetamine induces microglial cell death: protective effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6.
3rd Annual Meeting IBILI
2011 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y affords protection against methamphetamine--induced neuronal and microglial toxicity.
3rd Annual Meeting IBILI
2011 | conference-poster
Involvement of NPY system in memory impairment induced by methamphetamine.
3rd International Drug Abuse Research Society/ISN/ESN Satellite Meeting
2011 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y system changes and memory impairment induced by methamphetamine: role of Y2 receptors.
12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-poster
Methamphetamine impairs neurogenesis in dentate gyrus cell cultures: protective role of neuropeptide Y
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine transiently increases the blood-brain barrier permeability in the hippocampus: Role of tight junction proteins and matrix metalloproteinase-9
Brain Research
2011 | journal-article
Neuropeptide Y is neuroprotective against methamphetamine--induced toxicity in hippocampal organotypic slice cultures.
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Neuropeptide Y promotes neurogenesis and protection against methamphetamine-induced toxicity in dentate gyrus cell cultures.
23nd Biennial Meeting of Internacional Society for Neurochemistry
2011 | conference-abstract
Neuropeptide Y system changes and memory impairment induced by methamphetamine: role of Y2 receptors
12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Type I diabetes induces early neuronal and glial changes in the rat hippocampus.
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Brain Injury Associated with Widely Abused Amphetamines: Neuroinflammation, Neurogenesis and Blood-Brain Barrier
Current Drug Abuse Reviewse
2010 | journal-article
Brain injury associated with widely abused amphetamines: neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and blood-brain barrier.
2010 | journal-article
Hippocampal Neuropeptide Y System and its Protective Role against Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity.
2nd Annual Meeting IBILI
2010 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y promotes neurogenesis and protection against methamphetamine-induced toxicity in dentate gyrus cultures.
2nd Meeting IBLI
2010 | conference-poster
Type I diabetes induces neural changes in rat hippocampus.
XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica
2010 | conference-poster
Methamphetamine-induced neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction in the mice hippocampus: Preventive effect of indomethacin
European Journal of Neuroscience
2010 | journal-article
NPYergic system on microglial cells: Y2 receptor as a potential protector against meth-induced toxicity
7th FENS -- Forum of European Neuroscience
2010 | conference-abstract
Neuropeptide Y promotes proliferation, neuronal differentiation and protection against methamphetamine--induced toxicity in dentate gyrus cultures.
7th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2010 | conference-abstract
Striatal glutamate-glutamine cycling following a neurotoxic dose of methamphetamine.
7th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2010 | conference-abstract
The angiogenic factor angiopoietin-1 is a proneurogenic peptide on subventricular zone stem/progenitor cells
Journal of Neuroscience
2010 | journal-article
Effect of methamphetamine on microglial cells and protective role of neuropeptide Y
Neuroscience 2009
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine increases the blood-brain barrier permeability and decreases tight junction protein levels in the mice hippocampus.
12th International Symposium for Signaling at the Blood--Brain and Retinal Barriers
2009 | conference-poster
A single dose of methamphetamine evokes astrocyte-related glutamatergic changes.
2nd Annual International Drug Abuse Research Society Meeting - ISN/ASN
2009 | conference-poster
Indomethancin prevents methamphetamine-induced neuroinflammation in the mice hippocampus.
9th ISN Advanced School of Neurochemistry - Cellular communication in the nervous system
2009 | conference-poster
Methamphetamine increases the blood-brain barrier permeability in the mice hippocampus: alterations in tight junction proteins.
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine induces Neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction in the mice hippocampus.
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2009 | conference-poster
Effect of methamphetamine on the mice hippocampus: neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction.
22nd Biennial Meeting of Internacional Society for Neurochemistry
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine increaes the blood-brain barrier permeability in the mice hippocampus: alterations in tight junction protein.
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine induces neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction in the mice hippocampus
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience
2009 | conference-abstract
Proliferation and survival molecules implicated in the inhibition of BRAF pathway in thyroid cancer cells harbouring different genetic mutations
BMC Cancer
2009 | journal-article
Methamphetamine-induced microglial cell death: an in vitro study to evaluated the possible protective role of neuropeptide Y.
Internacional Symposium on Drugs of Abuse
2008 | conference-poster
Blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junction proteins are altered in the mice brain after an acute administration of methamphetamine.
6th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2008 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine hits different cell population in the hippocampus and rapidly triggers an inflammatory process.
6th FENS -- Forum of European Neuroscience
2008 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine triggers an inflammatory process in the mice hippocampus: relationship to gliosis and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Neuroscience 2008
2008 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine-induced early increase of IL-6 and TNF-α mRNA expression in the mouse brain
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
2008 | journal-article
Dynamic of glial cells in the mouse hippocampus following acute administration of methamphetamine.
1st Annual International Drug Abuse Research Society Meeting -- ISN/ASN
2007 | conference-poster
Brain-related sexual dimorphism in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: an overlooked matter
2025 | journal-article
Distinct Early Development Trajectories in Nf1+/- and Tsc2+/- Mouse Models of Autism
2025 | journal-article
Maternal Tryptophan Supplementation Alters Offspring Gut-Brain Axis and Behaviour in a Sex-Specific Manner
2025 | journal-article
Neonatal Kisspeptin Blockade Modulates Sex-Dependent Social Behaviors and Communication in Wistar Rats
2025 | journal-article
Sex-specific cortical neurophysiology drives social behavior differences in an autism spectrum disorder model
2025 | journal-article
Tryptophan Supplementation Alleviates ASD-like Behaviors in a Tsc2 +/- Mouse by Modulation of Cortical Metabolism
2025 | journal-article
Increased susceptibility to kainate‐induced seizures in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex: Importance of sex and circadian cycle
Epilepsia Open
2024 | journal-article
Ultrasonic vocalizations: age-, genotype- and sex-dependent biomarkers of mouse developmental and affective state
NeuroLéman Summer School
2024 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y causes sex dependent changes in microbiota-intestinal-brain communication in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2024 | preprint
Cannabinoid Modulation of Monoamine Levels in Mouse Brain: Unveiling Neurochemical Dynamics through an Innovative High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Fluorescence Detection Bioanalysis
Journal of Analysis and Testing
2024 | journal-article
Possible relationship between tryptophan metabolism, serotonergic function and E/I neurotransmitters in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2
EMIM 2024
2024 | conference-poster
Effect of prenatal tryptophan diet on mouse ASD-like behavior
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Evaluation of visual stimulus-selective response potentiation in Neurofibromatosis type 1 mouse model
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Mother-offspring relationship in autism spectrum disorder: influence on development and behavior
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Negative correlation between cortical tryptophan metabolism and E/I balance in a genetic mouse model of autism spectrum disorders
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
2nd CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
11th IBRO World Congress
2023 | conference-paper
11th IBRO World Congress
2023 | conference-paper
11th IBRO World Congress
2023 | conference-paper
Neurobehavioral sex-related differences in Nf1+/− mice: female show a “camouflaging”-type behavior
Biology of Sex Differences
2023 | journal-article
Sex Differences in Tryptophan Metabolism: A Systematic Review Focused on Neuropsychiatric Disorders
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023 | journal-article
Visual Cortical Plasticity: Molecular Mechanisms as Revealed by Induction Paradigms in Rodents
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023 | journal-article
"Sexual Dimorphism in Neurological Diseases: From Molecular Basis to Therapy"
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023 | journal-issue
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
2023 | other
Dimorphism signature of brain neuropeptide Y in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
BEB Day 2023 - "Science Challenges: This Fight of Ours!"
2023 | conference-poster
"Maternal Nutrition and Fetal Programming"
2023 | journal-issue
Kisspeptin modulates sex-like phenotypes in the neonatal period
2023 | journal-article
Imaging of brain tryptophan metabolism and 5-HT1A receptor density in the TSC2 mouse model: Preliminary results
1º CIBIT Anual Meeting
2022 | conference-poster
Influence of estrous cycle in seizures susceptibility using a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex 2
FENS Forum 2022
2022 | conference-poster
Maternal genotype as a predictor of severity of offspring autistic-like behavior
NeuroDev - Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From molecular mechanisms to social inclusion
2022 | conference-poster
Sex dimorphism and circadian cycle as crucial factors for early seizures susceptibility in tuberous sclerosis complex 2 mouse model
NueroDev - Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From molecular mechanisms to social inclusion
2022 | conference-poster
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as an Approach to Mitigate Neurodevelopmental Disorders Affecting Excitation/Inhibition Balance: Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Journal of Clinical Medicine
2022 | journal-article
Nucleolin Overexpression Predicts Patient Prognosis While Providing a Framework for Targeted Therapeutic Intervention in Lung Cancer
2022 | journal-article
Male sex bias in early and late onset neurodevelopmental disorders: Shared aspects and differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder, and Schizophrenia
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
2022 | journal-article
Characterization of microbiome and brain NPY system alterations in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2022 | conference-poster
Sex-dependent cortical excitation/inhibition imbalance is associated with behavior alterations in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
6th HBP Student Conference "On Interdisciplinary Brain Research
2022 | conference-poster
Tsc2+/- mouse model: probing clinical manifestation of epilepsy in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
2022 | conference-poster
Ciência em 3 minutos - Dia Internacional Meninas e Mulheres em Ciência
2022 | other
Sex-Dependent Social and Repetitive Behavior and Neurochemical Profile in Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022 | journal-article
Fleeting: a Novel Ultrasonic Vocalization in Mice That Allows to Define Altered Developmental Milestones in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022 | preprint
Building an autism severity classification model using Nf1+/- mouse model
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Novel development-specific ultrasonic vocalization in mice
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Sex- and age-dependent seizures susceptibility in a mouse model of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Sex-dependent changes in brain microstructures organization and neurochemical profile in Tsc2+/- mouse model
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
The impact of neuropeptide Y in E/I imbalance in ASD: the role of GABAergic neurotransmission
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
The mouse electroretinogram reveals subtle sex-dependent physiological alterations in neurofibromatosis type 1 model
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Understand sex bias in infantile and juvenile behavior in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2021 | conference-poster
Biologial sex evokes distinct behavior-communication deficits in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
FENS Regional Meeting 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Impact of sex differences in neonatal and juvenile behavior of a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1: focus on male susceptibility to autism spectrum disorder
FENS Regional Meeting 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Biological sex evokes distinct behavior-communication deficits in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
FENS Regional Meeting 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Impact of sex differences in neonatal and juvenile behavior of a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1: focus on male susceptibility to ASD
2021 | conference-poster
Longitudinal study of ultrasonic vocalizations in mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
2021 | conference-poster
Sex-specific differences on early pro-social behavior in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex 2
European Neuroscience Conference for Doctoral Students 2021
2021 | conference-poster
Longitudinal study of ultrasonic vocalizations in mouse model of autism spectrum disorder
The Brain Prize Meeting 2021 - NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS: Mechanisms and pathways to treatment
2021 | conference-abstract
Novel call found in the perinatal period of two mouse models as a potential biomarker for early development
The Brain Prize Meeting 2021 - NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS: Mechanisms and pathways to treatment
2021 | conference-abstract
Neurofibromatosis Type 1: from cellular phenotypes to human brain function
Diagnosis And Management Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: The Neuroscience Of Development
2021 | book-chapter
Memory and Cognition-Related Neuroplasticity Enhancement by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Rodents: A Systematic Review
Neural Plasticity
2020 | journal-article
Impact of neurofibromatosis type 1 on early postnatal development: a behavioral approach.
XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurocience
2019 | conference-poster
Neural basis for adult cognitive deficits in neurofibromatosis type 1 animal model: Relevance for autism spectrum disorders.
XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurocience
2019 | conference-poster
Glutamate/GABA- glutamine cycle imbalance in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder: Relationship to glial reactivity
Neuroscience 2018
2018 | conference-abstract
The excitation/inhibition enigma in a mouse model of the autism spectrum disorder: evidence for distinct phenotypes of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
11th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2018 | conference-abstract
Extended-access methamphetamine self-administration elicits neuroinflammatory response along with blood-brain barrier breakdown.
Brain, behavior, and immunity
2017 | journal-article
Microglia in Health and Disease: A Double-Edged Sword.
Mediators of inflammation
2017 | journal-article
Testing the excitation/inhibition imbalance hypothesis in a mouse model of the autism spectrum disorder: in vivo neurospectroscopy and molecular evidence for regional phenotypes.
Molecular Autism
2017 | journal-article
Methamphetamine and the JAK/STAT Pathway
Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse
2016 | book-chapter
Blood-brain barrier dysfunction and neuroinflammation triggered by chronic methamphetamine self-admnistration in rats.
IBILI Meeting 2015
2015 | conference-poster
Regional difference in susceptibility to modulation of excitation/inhibition balance and glial function in mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1.
IBILI Meeting 2015
2015 | conference-poster
Temporal inactivation of neuropeptide y2 receptor improves spatial memory and modifies brain metabolism in limbic regions.
I International Congress of Psychobiology
2015 | conference-poster
Effects of drugs of abuse on the central neuropeptide Y system.
2015 | journal-article
Methamphetamine self-administration induces blood-brain barrier dysfunction in the rat hippocampus.
9th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2015 | conference-abstract
Psychostimulants and brain dysfunction: a review of the relevant neurotoxic effects.
2014 | journal-article
Alterações do sistema do neuropeptídeo Y no hipocampo induzidas por metanfetamina: consequências cognitivas.
Congresso Nacional de Adictologia
2013 | conference-poster
Involvement of hippocampal neuropeptide Y system in methamphetamine-induced memory impairment: the role of NPY Y2 receptors
38th FEBS Congress
2013 | conference-abstract
Involvement of hippocampal neuropeptide Y system in methamphetamine-induced memory impairment: the role of NPY Y2 receptors
The FEBS Journal
2013 | journal-article
Methamphetamine-induced hippocampal dysfunction: the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines and neuropeptide Y
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Protective role of neuropeptide Y Y₂ receptors in cell death and microglial response following methamphetamine injury.
2012 | journal-article
Neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors prevent methamphetamine-mediated cell death and microglial activation
Neuroscience 2012
2012 | conference-abstract
Acute physical exercise and blood-brain barrier permeability.
17th Annual ECSS Congress
2012 | conference-poster
Histamine modulates microglia function
Journal of Neuroinflammation
2012 | journal-article
Methamphetamine-induced changes in the mice hippocampal neuropeptide y system: Implications for memory impairment
Journal of Neurochemistry
2012 | journal-article
Neuropeptide y promotes neurogenesis and protection against methamphetamine-induced toxicity in mouse dentate gyrus-derived neurosphere cultures
2012 | journal-article
Prevention of methamphetamine-induced microglial cell death by TNF-α and IL-6 through activation of the JAK-STAT pathway
Journal of Neuroinflammation
2012 | journal-article
Methamphetamine induces microglial cell death: protective effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6.
3rd Annual Meeting IBILI
2011 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y affords protection against methamphetamine--induced neuronal and microglial toxicity.
3rd Annual Meeting IBILI
2011 | conference-poster
Involvement of NPY system in memory impairment induced by methamphetamine.
3rd International Drug Abuse Research Society/ISN/ESN Satellite Meeting
2011 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y system changes and memory impairment induced by methamphetamine: role of Y2 receptors.
12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-poster
Methamphetamine impairs neurogenesis in dentate gyrus cell cultures: protective role of neuropeptide Y
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine transiently increases the blood-brain barrier permeability in the hippocampus: Role of tight junction proteins and matrix metalloproteinase-9
Brain Research
2011 | journal-article
Neuropeptide Y is neuroprotective against methamphetamine--induced toxicity in hippocampal organotypic slice cultures.
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Neuropeptide Y promotes neurogenesis and protection against methamphetamine-induced toxicity in dentate gyrus cell cultures.
23nd Biennial Meeting of Internacional Society for Neurochemistry
2011 | conference-abstract
Neuropeptide Y system changes and memory impairment induced by methamphetamine: role of Y2 receptors
12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Type I diabetes induces early neuronal and glial changes in the rat hippocampus.
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
2011 | conference-abstract
Brain Injury Associated with Widely Abused Amphetamines: Neuroinflammation, Neurogenesis and Blood-Brain Barrier
Current Drug Abuse Reviewse
2010 | journal-article
Brain injury associated with widely abused amphetamines: neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and blood-brain barrier.
2010 | journal-article
Hippocampal Neuropeptide Y System and its Protective Role against Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity.
2nd Annual Meeting IBILI
2010 | conference-poster
Neuropeptide Y promotes neurogenesis and protection against methamphetamine-induced toxicity in dentate gyrus cultures.
2nd Meeting IBLI
2010 | conference-poster
Type I diabetes induces neural changes in rat hippocampus.
XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica
2010 | conference-poster
Methamphetamine-induced neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction in the mice hippocampus: Preventive effect of indomethacin
European Journal of Neuroscience
2010 | journal-article
NPYergic system on microglial cells: Y2 receptor as a potential protector against meth-induced toxicity
7th FENS -- Forum of European Neuroscience
2010 | conference-abstract
Neuropeptide Y promotes proliferation, neuronal differentiation and protection against methamphetamine--induced toxicity in dentate gyrus cultures.
7th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2010 | conference-abstract
Striatal glutamate-glutamine cycling following a neurotoxic dose of methamphetamine.
7th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2010 | conference-abstract
The angiogenic factor angiopoietin-1 is a proneurogenic peptide on subventricular zone stem/progenitor cells
Journal of Neuroscience
2010 | journal-article
Effect of methamphetamine on microglial cells and protective role of neuropeptide Y
Neuroscience 2009
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine increases the blood-brain barrier permeability and decreases tight junction protein levels in the mice hippocampus.
12th International Symposium for Signaling at the Blood--Brain and Retinal Barriers
2009 | conference-poster
A single dose of methamphetamine evokes astrocyte-related glutamatergic changes.
2nd Annual International Drug Abuse Research Society Meeting - ISN/ASN
2009 | conference-poster
Indomethancin prevents methamphetamine-induced neuroinflammation in the mice hippocampus.
9th ISN Advanced School of Neurochemistry - Cellular communication in the nervous system
2009 | conference-poster
Methamphetamine increases the blood-brain barrier permeability in the mice hippocampus: alterations in tight junction proteins.
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine induces Neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction in the mice hippocampus.
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2009 | conference-poster
Effect of methamphetamine on the mice hippocampus: neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction.
22nd Biennial Meeting of Internacional Society for Neurochemistry
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine increaes the blood-brain barrier permeability in the mice hippocampus: alterations in tight junction protein.
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience
2009 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine induces neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction in the mice hippocampus
11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Neuroscience
2009 | conference-abstract
Proliferation and survival molecules implicated in the inhibition of BRAF pathway in thyroid cancer cells harbouring different genetic mutations
BMC Cancer
2009 | journal-article
Methamphetamine-induced microglial cell death: an in vitro study to evaluated the possible protective role of neuropeptide Y.
Internacional Symposium on Drugs of Abuse
2008 | conference-poster
Blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junction proteins are altered in the mice brain after an acute administration of methamphetamine.
6th FENS - Forum of European Neuroscience
2008 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine hits different cell population in the hippocampus and rapidly triggers an inflammatory process.
6th FENS -- Forum of European Neuroscience
2008 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine triggers an inflammatory process in the mice hippocampus: relationship to gliosis and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Neuroscience 2008
2008 | conference-abstract
Methamphetamine-induced early increase of IL-6 and TNF-α mRNA expression in the mouse brain
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
2008 | journal-article
Dynamic of glial cells in the mouse hippocampus following acute administration of methamphetamine.
1st Annual International Drug Abuse Research Society Meeting -- ISN/ASN
2007 | conference-poster