Algoritmi | User | Izunildo Fernandes Cabral

Izunildo Fernandes Cabral

Izunildo Fernandes Cabral
Member of the UNIDEMI R&D Unit
Academic Degree
Current Position
Personal Webpage
Personal Email
0000-0002-1035-8669Researcher ID
SDFSFCT Public Key
Ciência ID
7C17-0DAB-3755Google Scholar
Publications (13)
Amino acid profile of foods from the Portuguese Total Diet Pilot Study
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
2020 | journal-article
Impact of Business Interoperability on the Performance of Complex Cooperative Supply Chain Networks: A Case Study
2018 | journal-article
An agent-based model for analyzing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of cooperativeindustrial networks
Data and Knowledge Engineering
2016 | journal-article
3I Buildings: Intelligent, Interactive and Immersive Buildings
Procedia Engineering
2015 | conference-paper
Analyzing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of cooperative supply chain networks
IEOM 2015 - 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Proceeding
2015 | conference-paper
A methodology for designing an interoperable industrial ecosystems, using the axiomatic design theory
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
2014 | conference-paper
Modeling business interoperability in a context of collaborative supply chain networks
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2014 | book
LARG interoperable supply chains: From cooperation analysis to design
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
2013 | book
A decision-making model for Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green supply chain management
2012 | journal-article
Designing interoperable Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green Industrial Ecosystems
2012 | conference-paper
Information model for LARGeSCM interoperable practices
2012 | conference-paper
An information model in lean, agile, resilient and green supply chains
2011 | conference-paper
Modelling lean, agile, resilient, and green supply chain management
2011 | conference-paper
Amino acid profile of foods from the Portuguese Total Diet Pilot Study
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
2020 | journal-article
Impact of Business Interoperability on the Performance of Complex Cooperative Supply Chain Networks: A Case Study
2018 | journal-article
An agent-based model for analyzing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of cooperativeindustrial networks
Data and Knowledge Engineering
2016 | journal-article
3I Buildings: Intelligent, Interactive and Immersive Buildings
Procedia Engineering
2015 | conference-paper
Analyzing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of cooperative supply chain networks
IEOM 2015 - 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Proceeding
2015 | conference-paper
A methodology for designing an interoperable industrial ecosystems, using the axiomatic design theory
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
2014 | conference-paper
Modeling business interoperability in a context of collaborative supply chain networks
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2014 | book
LARG interoperable supply chains: From cooperation analysis to design
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
2013 | book
A decision-making model for Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green supply chain management
2012 | journal-article
Designing interoperable Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green Industrial Ecosystems
2012 | conference-paper
Information model for LARGeSCM interoperable practices
2012 | conference-paper
An information model in lean, agile, resilient and green supply chains
2011 | conference-paper
Modelling lean, agile, resilient, and green supply chain management
2011 | conference-paper