Algoritmi | User | Armando Jose Pinheiro Marques Pires

Armando Jose Pinheiro Marques Pires

Armando Jose Pinheiro Marques Pires


Member of the CTS R&D Unit

Academic Degree

Current Position


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Researcher ID


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Ciência ID


Google Scholar

Magnetic Material Modelling of Electrical Machines


2023 | journal-article

A Review of the Impact of Hydrogen Integration in Natural Gas Distribution Networks and Electric Smart Grids


2022 | journal-article

PV Generator-Fed Water Pumping System Based on a SRM with a Multilevel Fault-Tolerant Converter


2022 | journal-article

Fault-Tolerant Multilevel Converter to Feed a Switched Reluctance Machine


2022 | journal-article

Compensation of Unbalanced Low-Voltage Grids Using a Photovoltaic Generation System with a Dual Four-Leg, Two-Level Inverter


2022 | journal-article

Fault Detection in PV Tracking Systems Using an Image Processing Algorithm Based on PCA


2021 | journal-article

A Review of the Power Converter Interfaces for Switched Reluctance Machines


2020 | journal-article

A Multilevel Fault-Tolerant Power Converter for a Switched Reluctance Machine Drive

IEEE Access

2020 | journal-article

Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with a fault detection scheme based on the statistic moments indexes

2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2017

2017 | conference-paper

HVAC transmission restrictions in large scale offshore wind farm applications

2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2017

2017 | conference-paper

Field-based models for low speed switched reluctance machine designs

Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Induction motor broken bar fault detection based on MCSA, MSCSA and PCA: A comparative study

Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2016

2016 | conference-paper

A new teaching tool to enhance power quality assessment

IECON 2015 - 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

2015 | conference-paper

Detection of stator winding fault in induction motors using a motor square current signature analysis (MSCSA)

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2015 | conference-paper

Scale models formulation of switched reluctance generators for low speed energy converters

IET Electric Power Applications

2015 | journal-article

Short flux-paths in switched reluctance generators for direct drive wind energy converters

Proceedings - 2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics, CPE 2015

2015 | conference-paper

Sliding mode angular position control for an 8/6 Switched Reluctance Machine: Theoretical concept, design and experimental results

Electric Power Systems Research

2015 | journal-article

A ZigBee wireless domotic system with Bluetooth interface

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2014 | conference-paper

Load forecasting, the importance of the probability 'tails' in the definition of the input vector

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2013 | journal-article

Motor square current signature analysis for induction motor rotor diagnosis

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation

2013 | journal-article

A photovoltaic string architecture with multiple single-phase inverter modules

Proceedings of the Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, BEC

2012 | journal-article

A study and design of a position tracking control for an 8/6 switched reluctance machine

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2012 | journal-article

Fault detection and diagnosis of grid-connected power inverters using PCA and current mean value

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2012 | journal-article

The application of S-transform in fault detection and diagnosis of grid-connected power inverters

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2012 | journal-article

A design criteria for torque ripple reduction in switched reluctance generators

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2011 | journal-article

A low-cost shaft position tracking control for an 8/6 switched reluctance machine

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2011 | journal-article

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives: Foreword

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2011 | conference-paper

Self-learning as a tool for teaching power electronics

Proceedings - 2011 5th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2011

2011 | journal-article

Eigenvector/eigenvalue analysis of a 3D current referential fault detection and diagnosis of an induction motor

Energy Conversion and Management

2010 | journal-article

Flux-linkage characteristics models for switched reluctance machines

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2010 | journal-article

Reluctance machines incorporating high temperature superconducting materials on the rotor

Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

2010 | journal-article

A STLF in distribution systems - A short comparative study between ANFIS Neuro-fuzzy and ANN approaches - Part II

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

A STLF in distribution systems - A short comparative study between ANFIS neuro-fuzzy and ANN approaches - Part I

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

From controlled dynamical systems to context-dependent grammars: A connectionist approach

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

2009 | journal-article

Magnetic characteristics modelling for regular switched reluctance machines: Analytical and FEM approaches

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings: Message from conference chairs

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | conference-paper

Position control of an 8/6 switched reluctance machine without current sensor

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

Rotor cage fault diagnosis in three-phase induction motors based on a current and virtual flux approach

Energy Conversion and Management

2009 | journal-article

Induction motor broken bars online detection

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

2008 | journal-article

Next hour load forecast in medium voltage electricity distribution

International Journal of Energy Sector Management

2008 | journal-article

Designing the input vector to ANN-based models for short-term load forecast in electricity distribution systems

International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

2007 | journal-article

Entropy-based choice of a neural network drive model

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

2007 | journal-article

Image processing to a neuro-fuzzy classifier for detection and diagnosis of induction motor stator fault

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2007 | journal-article

Magnetic characteristics model for an 8/6 switched reluctance machine: analytical function approach from experimental tests

EUROCON 2007 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool

2007 | journal-article

Message from conference chair

POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering - Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2007 | conference-paper

On-line diagnosis of three-phase closed loop induction motor drives using an eigenvalue αβ-vector approach

Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems

2007 | journal-article

RenH2 - Stand-alone energy system supported by totally renewable hydrogen production

POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering - Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2007 | journal-article

Shaft position for an 8/6 Switched Reluctance Machine: Theoretical concept, FEM analysis and experimental results

Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems

2007 | journal-article

Statistic moment based method for the detection and diagnosis of induction motor stator fault

POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering - Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2007 | journal-article

Study and analysis of the switched reluctance machine shaft position

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2007 | journal-article

Unsupervised neural-network-based algorithm for an on-line diagnosis of three-phase induction motor stator fault

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

2007 | journal-article

An average values global model for the switched reluctance machine

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

2006 | journal-article

PCA-based on-line diagnosis of induction motor stator fault feed by PWM inverter

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2006 | journal-article

Performance of a four phase switched reluctance motor speed control based on an adaptive fuzzy system: Experimental tests, analysis and conclusions

Advances in Soft Computing

2006 | journal-article

Short-term load forecast using trend information and process reconstruction

International Journal of Energy Research

2006 | journal-article

A neuro-fuzzy multilayer weights approach for an oil-line learning speed controller applied to a switched reluctance machine: Why and how to use it

2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications

2005 | conference-paper

An adaptive learning rate approach for an on-line neuro-fuzzy speed controller applied to a switched reluctance machine

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

Comparison of low frequency hysteresis current control power inverters with accurate selection of applied vectors - Two and three level comparators

2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications

2005 | conference-paper

Obtaining the magnetic characteristics of an 8/6 switched reluctance machine: From FEM analysis to the experimental tests

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

On-line diagnosis of three-phase induction motor using an eigenvalue αβ-vector approach

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

Synchronous motor drive modeling using entropy-based process reconstruction

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

Fixed-frequency active current controller and low-sensitivity voltage regulator for a voltage-sourced buck-boost type rectifier

European Transactions on Electrical Power

2004 | journal-article

Short-term load forecasting based on ANN applied to electrical distribution substations

39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2004 - Conference Proceedings

2004 | conference-paper

Implementation of an 8/6 switched reluctance MOSFET current controller: Simulation study and experimental tests

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2003 | conference-paper

On the use of reactive power as an endogenous variable in short-term load forecasting

International Journal of Energy Research

2003 | journal-article

Supervision language control of electromechanical drives

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2003 | conference-paper

Formal language control of induction motor drives

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2002 | journal-article

Language identification of controlled systems: Modeling, control and anomaly detection

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews

2001 | journal-article

New trends in recognizing experimental drives: Fuzzy logic and formal language theories

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

2001 | journal-article

Fault detection using immune-based systems and formal language algorithms

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

2000 | conference-paper

Novel grammatical inference learning algorithm for automatic modelling of drive systems

Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)

2000 | conference-paper

A novel and simple current controller for three-phase PWM power inverters

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

1998 | journal-article

Novel and simple current controller for three-phase IGBT PWM power inverters

PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference

1997 | conference-paper

Novel and simple current controller for three-phase IGBT PWM power inverters - a comparative study

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

1997 | conference-paper

Recognising patterns in electromechanical systems

Pattern Recognition Letters

1997 | journal-article

New methodology for induction machine control

Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON

1994 | conference-paper

Position control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor by previously defined trajectories

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

1991 | conference-paper

Magnetic Material Modelling of Electrical Machines


2023 | journal-article

A Review of the Impact of Hydrogen Integration in Natural Gas Distribution Networks and Electric Smart Grids


2022 | journal-article

PV Generator-Fed Water Pumping System Based on a SRM with a Multilevel Fault-Tolerant Converter


2022 | journal-article

Fault-Tolerant Multilevel Converter to Feed a Switched Reluctance Machine


2022 | journal-article

Compensation of Unbalanced Low-Voltage Grids Using a Photovoltaic Generation System with a Dual Four-Leg, Two-Level Inverter


2022 | journal-article

Fault Detection in PV Tracking Systems Using an Image Processing Algorithm Based on PCA


2021 | journal-article

A Review of the Power Converter Interfaces for Switched Reluctance Machines


2020 | journal-article

A Multilevel Fault-Tolerant Power Converter for a Switched Reluctance Machine Drive

IEEE Access

2020 | journal-article

Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with a fault detection scheme based on the statistic moments indexes

2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2017

2017 | conference-paper

HVAC transmission restrictions in large scale offshore wind farm applications

2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2017

2017 | conference-paper

Field-based models for low speed switched reluctance machine designs

Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Induction motor broken bar fault detection based on MCSA, MSCSA and PCA: A comparative study

Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2016

2016 | conference-paper

A new teaching tool to enhance power quality assessment

IECON 2015 - 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

2015 | conference-paper

Detection of stator winding fault in induction motors using a motor square current signature analysis (MSCSA)

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2015 | conference-paper

Scale models formulation of switched reluctance generators for low speed energy converters

IET Electric Power Applications

2015 | journal-article

Short flux-paths in switched reluctance generators for direct drive wind energy converters

Proceedings - 2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics, CPE 2015

2015 | conference-paper

Sliding mode angular position control for an 8/6 Switched Reluctance Machine: Theoretical concept, design and experimental results

Electric Power Systems Research

2015 | journal-article

A ZigBee wireless domotic system with Bluetooth interface

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2014 | conference-paper

Load forecasting, the importance of the probability 'tails' in the definition of the input vector

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2013 | journal-article

Motor square current signature analysis for induction motor rotor diagnosis

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation

2013 | journal-article

A photovoltaic string architecture with multiple single-phase inverter modules

Proceedings of the Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, BEC

2012 | journal-article

A study and design of a position tracking control for an 8/6 switched reluctance machine

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2012 | journal-article

Fault detection and diagnosis of grid-connected power inverters using PCA and current mean value

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2012 | journal-article

The application of S-transform in fault detection and diagnosis of grid-connected power inverters

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2012 | journal-article

A design criteria for torque ripple reduction in switched reluctance generators

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2011 | journal-article

A low-cost shaft position tracking control for an 8/6 switched reluctance machine

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2011 | journal-article

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives: Foreword

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives

2011 | conference-paper

Self-learning as a tool for teaching power electronics

Proceedings - 2011 5th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2011

2011 | journal-article

Eigenvector/eigenvalue analysis of a 3D current referential fault detection and diagnosis of an induction motor

Energy Conversion and Management

2010 | journal-article

Flux-linkage characteristics models for switched reluctance machines

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2010 | journal-article

Reluctance machines incorporating high temperature superconducting materials on the rotor

Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

2010 | journal-article

A STLF in distribution systems - A short comparative study between ANFIS Neuro-fuzzy and ANN approaches - Part II

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

A STLF in distribution systems - A short comparative study between ANFIS neuro-fuzzy and ANN approaches - Part I

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

From controlled dynamical systems to context-dependent grammars: A connectionist approach

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

2009 | journal-article

Magnetic characteristics modelling for regular switched reluctance machines: Analytical and FEM approaches

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings: Message from conference chairs

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | conference-paper

Position control of an 8/6 switched reluctance machine without current sensor

POWERENG 2009 - 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2009 | journal-article

Rotor cage fault diagnosis in three-phase induction motors based on a current and virtual flux approach

Energy Conversion and Management

2009 | journal-article

Induction motor broken bars online detection

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

2008 | journal-article

Next hour load forecast in medium voltage electricity distribution

International Journal of Energy Sector Management

2008 | journal-article

Designing the input vector to ANN-based models for short-term load forecast in electricity distribution systems

International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

2007 | journal-article

Entropy-based choice of a neural network drive model

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

2007 | journal-article

Image processing to a neuro-fuzzy classifier for detection and diagnosis of induction motor stator fault

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2007 | journal-article

Magnetic characteristics model for an 8/6 switched reluctance machine: analytical function approach from experimental tests

EUROCON 2007 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool

2007 | journal-article

Message from conference chair

POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering - Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2007 | conference-paper

On-line diagnosis of three-phase closed loop induction motor drives using an eigenvalue αβ-vector approach

Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems

2007 | journal-article

RenH2 - Stand-alone energy system supported by totally renewable hydrogen production

POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering - Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2007 | journal-article

Shaft position for an 8/6 Switched Reluctance Machine: Theoretical concept, FEM analysis and experimental results

Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems

2007 | journal-article

Statistic moment based method for the detection and diagnosis of induction motor stator fault

POWERENG 2007 - International Conference on Power Engineering - Energy and Electrical Drives Proceedings

2007 | journal-article

Study and analysis of the switched reluctance machine shaft position

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2007 | journal-article

Unsupervised neural-network-based algorithm for an on-line diagnosis of three-phase induction motor stator fault

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

2007 | journal-article

An average values global model for the switched reluctance machine

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

2006 | journal-article

PCA-based on-line diagnosis of induction motor stator fault feed by PWM inverter

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2006 | journal-article

Performance of a four phase switched reluctance motor speed control based on an adaptive fuzzy system: Experimental tests, analysis and conclusions

Advances in Soft Computing

2006 | journal-article

Short-term load forecast using trend information and process reconstruction

International Journal of Energy Research

2006 | journal-article

A neuro-fuzzy multilayer weights approach for an oil-line learning speed controller applied to a switched reluctance machine: Why and how to use it

2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications

2005 | conference-paper

An adaptive learning rate approach for an on-line neuro-fuzzy speed controller applied to a switched reluctance machine

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

Comparison of low frequency hysteresis current control power inverters with accurate selection of applied vectors - Two and three level comparators

2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications

2005 | conference-paper

Obtaining the magnetic characteristics of an 8/6 switched reluctance machine: From FEM analysis to the experimental tests

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

On-line diagnosis of three-phase induction motor using an eigenvalue αβ-vector approach

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

Synchronous motor drive modeling using entropy-based process reconstruction

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2005 | journal-article

Fixed-frequency active current controller and low-sensitivity voltage regulator for a voltage-sourced buck-boost type rectifier

European Transactions on Electrical Power

2004 | journal-article

Short-term load forecasting based on ANN applied to electrical distribution substations

39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2004 - Conference Proceedings

2004 | conference-paper

Implementation of an 8/6 switched reluctance MOSFET current controller: Simulation study and experimental tests

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2003 | conference-paper

On the use of reactive power as an endogenous variable in short-term load forecasting

International Journal of Energy Research

2003 | journal-article

Supervision language control of electromechanical drives

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

2003 | conference-paper

Formal language control of induction motor drives

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

2002 | journal-article

Language identification of controlled systems: Modeling, control and anomaly detection

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews

2001 | journal-article

New trends in recognizing experimental drives: Fuzzy logic and formal language theories

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

2001 | journal-article

Fault detection using immune-based systems and formal language algorithms

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

2000 | conference-paper

Novel grammatical inference learning algorithm for automatic modelling of drive systems

Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)

2000 | conference-paper

A novel and simple current controller for three-phase PWM power inverters

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

1998 | journal-article

Novel and simple current controller for three-phase IGBT PWM power inverters

PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference

1997 | conference-paper

Novel and simple current controller for three-phase IGBT PWM power inverters - a comparative study

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

1997 | conference-paper

Recognising patterns in electromechanical systems

Pattern Recognition Letters

1997 | journal-article

New methodology for induction machine control

Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON

1994 | conference-paper

Position control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor by previously defined trajectories

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)

1991 | conference-paper

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