Centre of Technology and Systems (CTS)
The “Center of Technology and Systems (CTS)” addresses engineering systems with a cyber-physical dimension, including modeling and design, development of support technologies and methods, proposition of adequate governance models, application, and assessment. Research activities focus on systems with growing levels of intelligence, autonomy, and hyper-connectivity. This entails data-rich environments, distributed intelligence, mobility, and autonomy, where sensing, micro-electronics, embedded systems, machine learning, computational intelligence and qualitative reasoning, cognitive systems, robotics and automation, interoperability, collaborative networks and collaborative systems, security, and balanced human-systems collaboration play a major role. Global concerns of sustainability, including energy efficiency and systems optimization, guide the developments.
CTS involves researchers from various institutions (FCT-NOVA, ISEL, IP Setubal, IP Beja, and more), and covering a wide spectrum of expertise and research interests. The center is guided by an interdisciplinary aim, along 4 development axes: (1) Fundamental research, focusing on understanding and modeling the foundations of systems and their behavior; (2) Applied research, focused on solving societal problems in diverse sectors; (3) Advanced training and education, contributing to the education of doctoral students and early career researchers; and (4) Creation of societal impact, by promoting results exploitation and technology & knowledge transfer, and initiatives to engage society in science & technology.
Currently the center includes 40 integrated members with PhD, 34 collaborators with PhD, and above 100 PhD students.
CTS Director: Luís Camarinha-Matos
Link to institutional website:
CTS- Center of Technology and Systems
Campus de Caparica
2829-516 Monte Caparica
E-mail: cts.diretor@fct.unl.pt