Algoritmi | User | Ana Rita dos Santos Valente

Ana Rita dos Santos Valente

Ana Rita dos Santos Valente


Member of the IEETA R&D Unit

Academic Degree

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Researcher ID

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Google Scholar

Content and construct validity of the European Portuguese A-19 Scale of Children’s Attitudes

Revista de Investigación en Logopedia

2023 | journal-article

Tradução, adaptação e validação do conteúdo do instrumento de avaliação Preschooler Awareness of Stuttering Survey para o português europeu

Revista Portuguesa de Educação

2023 | journal-article

Aphluentia: Supporting Communication for People with Fluent Aphasia

2023 | conference-paper

Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed

2023 | conference-paper

Harnessing the Role of Speech Interaction in Smart Environments Towards Improved Adaptability and Health Monitoring

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

2023 | book-chapter

The Effects of the Pragmatic Intervention Programme in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder

Brain Sciences

2022 | journal-article

Exploring the Age Effects on European Portuguese Vowel Production: An Ultrasound Study

Applied Sciences

2022 | journal-article


2022 | registered-copyright

Age and gender effects in European Portuguese spontaneous speech


2021 | journal-article

Acoustic Changes in Spontaneous Speech with Age

VIII Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental

2021 | conference-paper

Association between acoustic speech features and non-severe levels of anxiety and depression symptoms across lifespan


2021 | journal-article

Avaliação e intervenção na gaguez neurogénica

Terapia da Fala: clínica e ocupacional

2021 | book-chapter

Gaguez Infantil

2º volume de Metodologias de Intervenção em Terapia da Fala

2021 | book-chapter

Prosodic Changes with Age: A Longitudinal Study on a Famous European Portuguese Native Speaker

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

2021 | book-chapter

Towards the use of ultrasonography to study aging effects in vowel production, online conference

12th International Seminar on Speech Production

2020 | conference-poster

Translation and Adaptation of the Assessment Instrument “Kiddycat” for European Portuguese

ICSLD 2020 : International Conference on Speech and Language Development

2020 | conference-abstract

Contributions to a Quantitative Unsupervised Processing and Analysis of Tongue in Ultrasound Images

Image Analysis and Recognition

2020 | book-chapter

Dicionário terminológico de Terapia da Fala

Dicionário terminológico de Terapia da Fala

2020 | book-chapter


Teleprática em Terapia da Fala: linhas orientadoras para terapeutas da fala

2020 | book-chapter

RALF: Tamizaje de Lenguaje Y Habla

2020 | registered-copyright

Cross Cultural Adaptation and Content Validation of the Assessment Instrument Preschooler Awareness of Stuttering Survey

ICSLD 2019 : International Conference on Speech and Language Development

2019 | conference-abstract

Translation and Adaptation of the Assesment Instrument Preschooler Awareness Of Stuttering Survey (PASS)

International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention (ICHWBI 2019)

2019 | conference-abstract

Development of the phonological awareness stimulation programme (PECF) - Digital version,Desenvolvimento do Programa de Estimulação da Consciência Fonológica (PECF) - versão Digital

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

2019 | conference-paper

Reliability and validity evidence of the Assessment of Language Use in Social Contexts for Adults (ALUSCA)

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology

2019 | journal-article

Validity and reliability of the Intelligibility in Context Scale: European Portuguese version

Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics

2019 | journal-article

New paediatric screening procedures: health promotion in primary care

4th International Health Congress

2018 | conference-abstract

ECSF Therapists and Portuguese Stuttering Association: a complementary relationship

2018 | conference-poster

Development of Assessment Tools to Evaluate Adults with Fluency Disorders

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Speech and language therapy service delivery: overcoming limited provision for children.

Public health

2017 | journal-article

A country-wide probability sample of public attitudes toward stuttering in Portugal.

Journal of fluency disorders

2017 | journal-article

Paediatric Speech and Language Screening: an instrument for health professionals

3º Congresso Internacional de Saúde do IPLeiria

2016 | conference-paper

Validation of a Paediatric Speech and Language Screening (RALF).

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)

2016 | journal-article

Avaliação da Severidade Baseada em Eventos de Gaguez [Severity Assessment Based on Events of Stuttering (SABES)]

2015 | registered-copyright

Avaliação do Uso da Linguagem em Contexto para Adultos [Assessment of Language Use in Social Context for Adults (ALUSCA)].

2015 | registered-copyright


2015 | registered-copyright

Rastreio de Linguagem e Fala (Projeto não financiado) [Language and Speech Screening (Non-financial project)]

2015 | other

Cross-cultural adaptation of the public opinion survey of human attributes (posha-s): The European portuguese (EP) translation and adaptation process as a model

Stuttering: Risk Factors, Public Attitudes and Impact on Psychological Well-Being

2015 | book-chapter

Event- and interval-based measurement of stuttering: a review.

International journal of language & communication disorders

2015 | journal-article

Is the Portuguese version of the passage 'The North Wind and the Sun' phonetically balanced?

Journal of the International Phonetic Association

2015 | journal-article

Validity and reliability of the European-Portuguese preschool language assessment ALPE.

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)

2014 | journal-article

Desenvolvimento fonético-fonológico do Português-Europeu - Contribuições para a prevenção do insucesso escolar [Phonetic-phonological development of European Portuguese: Contributions for the prevention of school failure]

2013 | book-chapter

Phonological and articulation treatment approaches in Portuguese children with speech and language impairments: a randomized controlled intervention study.

International journal of language & communication disorders

2013 | journal-article

Standardization of a phonetic-phonological test for European-Portuguese children.

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)

2012 | journal-article

Protocolo de Anamnese de Perturbações de Fluência da Universidade de Aveiro [Fluency Disorders Anamnesis Protocol of University of Aveiro]  

2010 | registered-copyright

Protocolo de Avaliação de Perturbações da Fluência da Universidade de Aveiro [Fluency Disorders Assessment Protocol of University of Aveiro]

2010 | registered-copyright

Avaliação de Crianças com Disfluência [Assessment of Children with Disfluency)

2009 | dissertation-thesis

Content and construct validity of the European Portuguese A-19 Scale of Children’s Attitudes

Revista de Investigación en Logopedia

2023 | journal-article

Tradução, adaptação e validação do conteúdo do instrumento de avaliação Preschooler Awareness of Stuttering Survey para o português europeu

Revista Portuguesa de Educação

2023 | journal-article

Aphluentia: Supporting Communication for People with Fluent Aphasia

2023 | conference-paper

Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed

2023 | conference-paper

Harnessing the Role of Speech Interaction in Smart Environments Towards Improved Adaptability and Health Monitoring

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

2023 | book-chapter

The Effects of the Pragmatic Intervention Programme in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder

Brain Sciences

2022 | journal-article

Exploring the Age Effects on European Portuguese Vowel Production: An Ultrasound Study

Applied Sciences

2022 | journal-article


2022 | registered-copyright

Age and gender effects in European Portuguese spontaneous speech


2021 | journal-article

Acoustic Changes in Spontaneous Speech with Age

VIII Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental

2021 | conference-paper

Association between acoustic speech features and non-severe levels of anxiety and depression symptoms across lifespan


2021 | journal-article

Avaliação e intervenção na gaguez neurogénica

Terapia da Fala: clínica e ocupacional

2021 | book-chapter

Gaguez Infantil

2º volume de Metodologias de Intervenção em Terapia da Fala

2021 | book-chapter

Prosodic Changes with Age: A Longitudinal Study on a Famous European Portuguese Native Speaker

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

2021 | book-chapter

Towards the use of ultrasonography to study aging effects in vowel production, online conference

12th International Seminar on Speech Production

2020 | conference-poster

Translation and Adaptation of the Assessment Instrument “Kiddycat” for European Portuguese

ICSLD 2020 : International Conference on Speech and Language Development

2020 | conference-abstract

Contributions to a Quantitative Unsupervised Processing and Analysis of Tongue in Ultrasound Images

Image Analysis and Recognition

2020 | book-chapter

Dicionário terminológico de Terapia da Fala

Dicionário terminológico de Terapia da Fala

2020 | book-chapter


Teleprática em Terapia da Fala: linhas orientadoras para terapeutas da fala

2020 | book-chapter

RALF: Tamizaje de Lenguaje Y Habla

2020 | registered-copyright

Cross Cultural Adaptation and Content Validation of the Assessment Instrument Preschooler Awareness of Stuttering Survey

ICSLD 2019 : International Conference on Speech and Language Development

2019 | conference-abstract

Translation and Adaptation of the Assesment Instrument Preschooler Awareness Of Stuttering Survey (PASS)

International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention (ICHWBI 2019)

2019 | conference-abstract

Development of the phonological awareness stimulation programme (PECF) - Digital version,Desenvolvimento do Programa de Estimulação da Consciência Fonológica (PECF) - versão Digital

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

2019 | conference-paper

Reliability and validity evidence of the Assessment of Language Use in Social Contexts for Adults (ALUSCA)

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology

2019 | journal-article

Validity and reliability of the Intelligibility in Context Scale: European Portuguese version

Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics

2019 | journal-article

New paediatric screening procedures: health promotion in primary care

4th International Health Congress

2018 | conference-abstract

ECSF Therapists and Portuguese Stuttering Association: a complementary relationship

2018 | conference-poster

Development of Assessment Tools to Evaluate Adults with Fluency Disorders

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Speech and language therapy service delivery: overcoming limited provision for children.

Public health

2017 | journal-article

A country-wide probability sample of public attitudes toward stuttering in Portugal.

Journal of fluency disorders

2017 | journal-article

Paediatric Speech and Language Screening: an instrument for health professionals

3º Congresso Internacional de Saúde do IPLeiria

2016 | conference-paper

Validation of a Paediatric Speech and Language Screening (RALF).

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)

2016 | journal-article

Avaliação da Severidade Baseada em Eventos de Gaguez [Severity Assessment Based on Events of Stuttering (SABES)]

2015 | registered-copyright

Avaliação do Uso da Linguagem em Contexto para Adultos [Assessment of Language Use in Social Context for Adults (ALUSCA)].

2015 | registered-copyright


2015 | registered-copyright

Rastreio de Linguagem e Fala (Projeto não financiado) [Language and Speech Screening (Non-financial project)]

2015 | other

Cross-cultural adaptation of the public opinion survey of human attributes (posha-s): The European portuguese (EP) translation and adaptation process as a model

Stuttering: Risk Factors, Public Attitudes and Impact on Psychological Well-Being

2015 | book-chapter

Event- and interval-based measurement of stuttering: a review.

International journal of language & communication disorders

2015 | journal-article

Is the Portuguese version of the passage 'The North Wind and the Sun' phonetically balanced?

Journal of the International Phonetic Association

2015 | journal-article

Validity and reliability of the European-Portuguese preschool language assessment ALPE.

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)

2014 | journal-article

Desenvolvimento fonético-fonológico do Português-Europeu - Contribuições para a prevenção do insucesso escolar [Phonetic-phonological development of European Portuguese: Contributions for the prevention of school failure]

2013 | book-chapter

Phonological and articulation treatment approaches in Portuguese children with speech and language impairments: a randomized controlled intervention study.

International journal of language & communication disorders

2013 | journal-article

Standardization of a phonetic-phonological test for European-Portuguese children.

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)

2012 | journal-article

Protocolo de Anamnese de Perturbações de Fluência da Universidade de Aveiro [Fluency Disorders Anamnesis Protocol of University of Aveiro]  

2010 | registered-copyright

Protocolo de Avaliação de Perturbações da Fluência da Universidade de Aveiro [Fluency Disorders Assessment Protocol of University of Aveiro]

2010 | registered-copyright

Avaliação de Crianças com Disfluência [Assessment of Children with Disfluency)

2009 | dissertation-thesis

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