Algoritmi | User | Rui Pedro Labrincha Azevedo

Rui Pedro Labrincha Azevedo

Rui Pedro Labrincha Azevedo


Other with PhD

Member of the CALG R&D Unit

Academic Degree


Current Position

Assistant Professor at Instituto Universitário da Maia

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


FCT Public Key


Ciência ID

Google Scholar

About Me

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Social Workers’ Quality of Life—A Study Case

2024 | book-chapter

The Portuguese observatory on occupational psychosocial factors: contribution for public health

European Journal of Public Health

2022 | journal-article

The Portuguese Third Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: Preliminary Validation Studies of the Middle Version among Municipal and Healthcare Workers

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

2022 | journal-article

Social Workers' Exposure to Psychosocial Risks - A Case Study

2020 | book-chapter

Occupational safety and health performance indicators in SMEs: A literature review


2019 | journal-article

Postural instability during obstacle crossing while performing manual material construction handling tasks

Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

2019 | book

Employees' views about the impact of the economic crisis on occupational safety and quality of life: A pilot study in the North of Portugal

International Journal for Quality Research

2018 | journal-article

Exposure to Psychosocial risks in footwear industry workers.

Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI

2018 | book-chapter

Exposure to psychosocial risks in footwear industry workers: An exploratory analysis

Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI - Selected contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018

2018 | conference-paper

Noise in an Intensive Care Nursery/Newborn Unit

Journal of Health Education Research & Development

2018 | journal-article

Chemical risk in the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV

2016 | book

Chemical risk in the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV - Selected, Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Effects of noise on postural stability when in the standing position


2016 | journal-article

The noise exposure of workers of the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV

2016 | book

The noise exposure of workers of the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV - Selected, Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Hazard and operability (HAZOP) study: A systematic process to identify potential hazards and operability problems

Occupational Safety and Hygiene III

2015 | book

Hazard and operability (HAZOP) study: A systematic process to identify potential hazards and operability problems

Occupational Safety and Hygiene III - Selected Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium on Safety and Hygiene

2015 | conference-paper

Is it important to know the load mass in lifting tasks to prevent falls?


2015 | journal-article

Can the external environment affect the occupational safety conditions and unsafety behaviours?

Occupational Safety and Hygiene II - Selected Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2014

2014 | conference-paper

Obstacle clearance while performing manual material handling tasks in construction sites

Safety Science

2014 | journal-article

Portuguese Physical Education Instructors' Exposure to Noise and Perception of Associated Risk

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment

2014 | journal-article

Evaluation of perceived risk by education professionals in kindergarten

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Evaluation of perceived risk by education professionals in kindergarten

Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2013 | journal-article

Evaluation of perceived risk by education professionals in kindergarten in the municipality of Maia

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013

2013 | journal-article

Is it important to Know the Load Mass in Lifting Tasks to Prevent Falls?

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013

2013 | journal-article

Accessibility of sports facilities for persons with reduced mobility and assessment of their motivation for practice


2012 | journal-article

Postural Stability Assessment during Manual Material Handling Tasks - Case Study

Sho 2012: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2012 | journal-article

Psychophysical study of manual loads transportation - a comparative study between students and seasoned workers

Sho 2012: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2012 | journal-article

Acidentes em operações de Movimentação manual de cargas na Construção

Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Assessment of safety and accessibility of sports facilities for people with reduced mobility

Sho2011: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2011 | journal-article

Avaliação da percepção do risco associado à segurança por parte dos profissionais de educação em jardins-de-infância

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Manual material handling - Effect on the force required to maintain balance during obstacle clearance in construction workers

Sho2011: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2011 | journal-article

Assessment of exposure to noise of the physical education professional: indoor activity cycle

Sho2010: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2010 | journal-article

Construction accidents in manual material handling tasks in construction industry

Sho2010: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2010 | journal-article

Movimentação manual de Cargas na Construção Civil

Boletim Técnico e Científico do Grupo de Intervenção Pedagógica e Profissional do Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano

2010 | book-chapter

Acidentes na Construção Civil Devidos à Movimentação Manual de Cargas - Resultados de Focus Groups

2009 | book-chapter

Falls during manual materials handling tasks in construction industry

Journal Motricidade - Sport, Health & Human Development

2009 | journal-article

Noise in physical education activities

Journal of Sport Science and Medicine

2009 | journal-article

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Social Workers’ Quality of Life—A Study Case

2024 | book-chapter

The Portuguese observatory on occupational psychosocial factors: contribution for public health

European Journal of Public Health

2022 | journal-article

The Portuguese Third Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: Preliminary Validation Studies of the Middle Version among Municipal and Healthcare Workers

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

2022 | journal-article

Social Workers' Exposure to Psychosocial Risks - A Case Study

2020 | book-chapter

Occupational safety and health performance indicators in SMEs: A literature review


2019 | journal-article

Postural instability during obstacle crossing while performing manual material construction handling tasks

Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

2019 | book

Employees' views about the impact of the economic crisis on occupational safety and quality of life: A pilot study in the North of Portugal

International Journal for Quality Research

2018 | journal-article

Exposure to Psychosocial risks in footwear industry workers.

Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI

2018 | book-chapter

Exposure to psychosocial risks in footwear industry workers: An exploratory analysis

Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI - Selected contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018

2018 | conference-paper

Noise in an Intensive Care Nursery/Newborn Unit

Journal of Health Education Research & Development

2018 | journal-article

Chemical risk in the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV

2016 | book

Chemical risk in the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV - Selected, Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Effects of noise on postural stability when in the standing position


2016 | journal-article

The noise exposure of workers of the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV

2016 | book

The noise exposure of workers of the footwear industry

Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV - Selected, Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Hazard and operability (HAZOP) study: A systematic process to identify potential hazards and operability problems

Occupational Safety and Hygiene III

2015 | book

Hazard and operability (HAZOP) study: A systematic process to identify potential hazards and operability problems

Occupational Safety and Hygiene III - Selected Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium on Safety and Hygiene

2015 | conference-paper

Is it important to know the load mass in lifting tasks to prevent falls?


2015 | journal-article

Can the external environment affect the occupational safety conditions and unsafety behaviours?

Occupational Safety and Hygiene II - Selected Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2014

2014 | conference-paper

Obstacle clearance while performing manual material handling tasks in construction sites

Safety Science

2014 | journal-article

Portuguese Physical Education Instructors' Exposure to Noise and Perception of Associated Risk

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment

2014 | journal-article

Evaluation of perceived risk by education professionals in kindergarten

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Evaluation of perceived risk by education professionals in kindergarten

Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2013 | journal-article

Evaluation of perceived risk by education professionals in kindergarten in the municipality of Maia

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013

2013 | journal-article

Is it important to Know the Load Mass in Lifting Tasks to Prevent Falls?

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013

2013 | journal-article

Accessibility of sports facilities for persons with reduced mobility and assessment of their motivation for practice


2012 | journal-article

Postural Stability Assessment during Manual Material Handling Tasks - Case Study

Sho 2012: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2012 | journal-article

Psychophysical study of manual loads transportation - a comparative study between students and seasoned workers

Sho 2012: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2012 | journal-article

Acidentes em operações de Movimentação manual de cargas na Construção

Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Assessment of safety and accessibility of sports facilities for people with reduced mobility

Sho2011: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2011 | journal-article

Avaliação da percepção do risco associado à segurança por parte dos profissionais de educação em jardins-de-infância

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Manual material handling - Effect on the force required to maintain balance during obstacle clearance in construction workers

Sho2011: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2011 | journal-article

Assessment of exposure to noise of the physical education professional: indoor activity cycle

Sho2010: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2010 | journal-article

Construction accidents in manual material handling tasks in construction industry

Sho2010: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2010 | journal-article

Movimentação manual de Cargas na Construção Civil

Boletim Técnico e Científico do Grupo de Intervenção Pedagógica e Profissional do Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano

2010 | book-chapter

Acidentes na Construção Civil Devidos à Movimentação Manual de Cargas - Resultados de Focus Groups

2009 | book-chapter

Falls during manual materials handling tasks in construction industry

Journal Motricidade - Sport, Health & Human Development

2009 | journal-article

Noise in physical education activities

Journal of Sport Science and Medicine

2009 | journal-article

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