Algoritmi | User | Pedro Miguel do Vale Moreira
Pedro Miguel do Vale Moreira
Pedro Miguel do Vale Moreira
Other with Dr Habil
Member of the LIACC R&D Unit
Academic Degree
Dr Habil
Current Position
Personal Webpage
Personal Email
0000-0001-8371-0347Researcher ID
FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
2411-78B2-7CDBGoogle Scholar
Publications (75)
Application of Immersive VR Serious Games in the Treatment of Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms
2024 | journal-article
Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Games for Schizophrenia Negative Symptomatology
International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (
2023 | conference-paper
Therapeutic Use of VR Serious Games in the Treatment of Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms: A Systematic Review
2022 | journal-article
Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for Fitness Assessment: A Systematic Review
2021 | journal-article
Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for Fitness Assessment: A Systematic Review
2021 | report
A visual analytics approach for effective radon risk perception in the iot era
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | book
Deployment of a Smart and Predictive Maintenance System in an Industrial Case Study
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2020 | conference-paper
Enhancing Cultural Heritage of a Region Through Visual and Auditory Engagement in a Video Mapping Projection
2020 | journal-article
Benchmark RGB-D Gait Datasets: A Systematic Review
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2019 | book
Challenges and opportunities of the adoption of collaborative, multidisciplinary, project-based approaches: The case of NMSPCam project
International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education
2019 | conference-paper
Development of Ergonomic User Interfaces for the Human Integration in Cyber-Physical Systems
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2019 | conference-paper
GRIDDS - A Gait Recognition Image and Depth Dataset
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2019 | book
On the design of a Human-in-The-Loop Cyber-Physical System for online monitoring and active mitigation of indoor Radon gas concentration
2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2018
2019 | conference-paper
On the design of a platform for traceability in the fishery and aquaculture value chain
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2019 | conference-paper
PARADA - Organizational control for parade,PARADA - Controlo Organizativo para Cortejo
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2019 | conference-paper
PARADA: Control support system for parades
ICINCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2019 | conference-paper
RnMonitor: A WebGIS-based platform for expedite in situ deployment of IoT edge devices and effective Radon Risk Management
5th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2019
2019 | conference-paper
The design of a HMI for additive manufacturing,Conceção de uma IHM para Fabrico Aditivo
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2019 | conference-paper
Using AR Interfaces to Support Industrial Maintenance Procedures
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2019 | conference-paper
Visual Engagement and Historical Accuracy in a Production for a Video Mapping Projection
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2019 | conference-paper
Interdisciplinary Curricular Approach in the Planning and Teaching of Cultural Heritage ¿ Project in a Higher Education Polytechnic Institution, Northern Portugal
Journal of Social and Political Sciences
2018 | journal-article
A serious games framework for health rehabilitation: Design considerations
Handbook of Research on Emerging Perspectives on Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics
2018 | book
Foreword to the Special Section on the 24th Portuguese meeting of computer graphics and interaction (EPCGI’17)
Computers and Graphics (Pergamon)
2018 | journal-article
Maintenance 4.0: Intelligent and Predictive Maintenance System Architecture
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA
2018 | conference-paper
Proposal of an Extended Taxonomy of Serious Games for Health Rehabilitation
Games for Health Journal
2018 | journal-article
A Serious Games Platform for Cognitive Rehabilitation with Preliminary Evaluation
Journal of Medical Systems
2017 | journal-article
Any object is a PC controller
EPCGI 2017 - 24th Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao
2017 | conference-paper
EPCGI 2017 - 24th Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao
2017 | conference-paper
A web platform of serious games for cognitive rehabilitation: Architecture and usability study
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2016 | book
New forms of interaction in serious games for cognitive rehabilitation: Implementation and usability study,Modalidades de Interação em Jogos Sérios na Reabilitação Cognitiva: Implementação e Estudo de Usabilidade
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2016 | conference-paper
A serious games framework for health rehabilitation
Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
2015 | book
Human motion analysis and simulation tools: A survey
Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering
2015 | book
8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
2015 | conference-paper
Serious games for cognitive rehabilitation: Forms of interaction and social dimension,Jogos Sérios na Reabilitação Cognitiva: Modalidades de Interacção e Componente Social
2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015
2015 | conference-paper
A serious games framework for health rehabilitation
International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics
2014 | journal-article
Architecture for serious games in health rehabilitation
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2014 | book
Artefactos e Exposições 3D Virtuais no Contexto duma Rede de Cultura e Arte Digital
21º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica - EPCG 2014
2014 | conference-paper
Dynamic simulation of human motion
Modelling and Simulation 2014 - European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2014
2014 | conference-paper
Natural and Multimodal User Interfaces in Serious Games for Health Rehabilitation
MASH'14: Multi-Agent Systems for Healthcare / AAMAS'14 - 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
2014 | conference-paper
AGraphAR: A library for the support of graphs in augmented reality interactive games,AGraphAR: Biblioteca para suporte a grafos em jogos interactivos de realidade aumentada
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2013 | conference-paper
An Agent-based Framework for Intelligent Optimization of Interactive Visualizations
5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2013 | conference-paper
An agent-based framework for intelligent optimization of interactive visualizations
ICAART 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2013 | journal-article
Guest Editorial Preface : Special Issue on the 20th Portuguese Computer Graphics Meeting (EPCG)
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG)
2013 | journal-article
Large scale treasure hunt games assisted by an augmented reality system
8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
2013 | conference-paper
Large scale treasure hunt games assisted by an augmented reality system,Jogos de caça ao tesouro em larga escala assistidos por sistema de realidade aumentada
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2013 | conference-paper
Atas do 20º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
2012 | book
Human Motion Analysis Tools
20º EPCG
2012 | conference-paper
New forms of interaction in serious games for rehabilitation
Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools
2012 | book
Realidade Aumentada para Caça ao Tesouro em Larga Escala
20º EPCG
2012 | conference-paper
Simple and fast shape based image retrieval
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, Proceedings of VipIMAGE 2011 - 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing
2012 | journal-article
Utilização de Objetos Reais em Aplições de Realidade Aumentada para Dispositivos Móveis: Aplicação de Advertainment
20º EPCG
2012 | conference-paper
Virtual centre for the rehabilitation of road accident victims (VICERAVI)
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2012 | conference-paper
Natural user interfaces in serious games for rehabilitation
Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2011
2011 | journal-article
A Survey on Serious Games for Rehabilitation
5th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering
2010 | conference-paper
I-om: Intelligent optimization for computer graphics and visualization
Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2010
2010 | journal-article
Serious Games for Rehabilitation A Survey and a Classification Towards a Taxonomy
Sistemas Y Tecnologias De Informacion
2010 | book
Serious Games for Rehabilitation: A survey and a classification towards a taxonomy
Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2010
2010 | journal-article
Shape based image retrieval and classification
Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2010
2010 | journal-article
i-om : Intelligent Optimization Framework for Computer Graphics and Visualization
CISTI'2010 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
2010 | conference-paper
i-om: Intelligent Optimization for Computer Graphics and Visualization
Sistemas Y Tecnologias De Informacion
2010 | book
Intelligent Optimization Methodologies Apllied to the Visualization of Virtual Environments
2009 | supervised-student-publication
Jumping jack: A parallel algorithm for non-monotonic stream compaction
GRAPP 2009 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2009 | journal-article
New algorithms for GPU stream compaction: A comparative study
GRAPP 2009 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2009 | journal-article
Best multiple-view selection: Application to the visualization of urban rescue simulations
Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
2007 | book
Best multiple-view selection: Application to the visualization of urban rescue simulations
Proceedings of the International Symposium CompIMAGE 2006 - Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
2007 | journal-article
A Survey on Interactive Rendering Techniques
SIACG 2006 - Ibero American Symposyum in Computer Graphics
2006 | conference-paper
Best multiple-view selection for the visualization of urban rescue simulations
International Journal of Simulation Modelling
2006 | journal-article
Visualization Optimization : Application to the RoboCup Rescue Domain
SIACG 2006 - Ibero American Symposyum in Computer Graphics
2006 | conference-paper
Occlusion culling na visualização de modelos muito grandes
2004 | other
Engenharia da Computação Gráfica e Multimédia: Um Projecto de Ensino
Revista VIRtual
2003 | journal-article
Detection, Characterisation and Description of Vascular Networks: Application in Ophthalmology
8th Conf. of Portuguese Association on Pattern Recognition - RecPad' 96
1996 | conference-paper
Vascular Network Analysis in Retinal Images
4º Congresso Português em Engenharia Biomédica, BioEng' 96
1996 | conference-paper
A Heuristic Method For Image Motion Detection and Analysis
RecPad'95 VII Conf. of Portuguese Association on Pattern Recognition
1995 | conference-paper
Análise de Correspondências em Imagens Estéreo Utilizando Um Algoritmo de Pesquisa Multi-Resolução"
1º Encontro do Colégio Nacional de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros
1994 | conference-paper
The Human Visual System: A Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Approach for Stereo Image Matching
V International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering
1994 | conference-paper
Application of Immersive VR Serious Games in the Treatment of Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms
2024 | journal-article
Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Games for Schizophrenia Negative Symptomatology
International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (
2023 | conference-paper
Therapeutic Use of VR Serious Games in the Treatment of Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms: A Systematic Review
2022 | journal-article
Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for Fitness Assessment: A Systematic Review
2021 | journal-article
Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for Fitness Assessment: A Systematic Review
2021 | report
A visual analytics approach for effective radon risk perception in the iot era
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | book
Deployment of a Smart and Predictive Maintenance System in an Industrial Case Study
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2020 | conference-paper
Enhancing Cultural Heritage of a Region Through Visual and Auditory Engagement in a Video Mapping Projection
2020 | journal-article
Benchmark RGB-D Gait Datasets: A Systematic Review
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2019 | book
Challenges and opportunities of the adoption of collaborative, multidisciplinary, project-based approaches: The case of NMSPCam project
International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education
2019 | conference-paper
Development of Ergonomic User Interfaces for the Human Integration in Cyber-Physical Systems
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2019 | conference-paper
GRIDDS - A Gait Recognition Image and Depth Dataset
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2019 | book
On the design of a Human-in-The-Loop Cyber-Physical System for online monitoring and active mitigation of indoor Radon gas concentration
2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2018
2019 | conference-paper
On the design of a platform for traceability in the fishery and aquaculture value chain
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2019 | conference-paper
PARADA - Organizational control for parade,PARADA - Controlo Organizativo para Cortejo
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2019 | conference-paper
PARADA: Control support system for parades
ICINCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2019 | conference-paper
RnMonitor: A WebGIS-based platform for expedite in situ deployment of IoT edge devices and effective Radon Risk Management
5th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2019
2019 | conference-paper
The design of a HMI for additive manufacturing,Conceção de uma IHM para Fabrico Aditivo
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2019 | conference-paper
Using AR Interfaces to Support Industrial Maintenance Procedures
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2019 | conference-paper
Visual Engagement and Historical Accuracy in a Production for a Video Mapping Projection
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2019 | conference-paper
Interdisciplinary Curricular Approach in the Planning and Teaching of Cultural Heritage ¿ Project in a Higher Education Polytechnic Institution, Northern Portugal
Journal of Social and Political Sciences
2018 | journal-article
A serious games framework for health rehabilitation: Design considerations
Handbook of Research on Emerging Perspectives on Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics
2018 | book
Foreword to the Special Section on the 24th Portuguese meeting of computer graphics and interaction (EPCGI’17)
Computers and Graphics (Pergamon)
2018 | journal-article
Maintenance 4.0: Intelligent and Predictive Maintenance System Architecture
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA
2018 | conference-paper
Proposal of an Extended Taxonomy of Serious Games for Health Rehabilitation
Games for Health Journal
2018 | journal-article
A Serious Games Platform for Cognitive Rehabilitation with Preliminary Evaluation
Journal of Medical Systems
2017 | journal-article
Any object is a PC controller
EPCGI 2017 - 24th Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao
2017 | conference-paper
EPCGI 2017 - 24th Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao
2017 | conference-paper
A web platform of serious games for cognitive rehabilitation: Architecture and usability study
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2016 | book
New forms of interaction in serious games for cognitive rehabilitation: Implementation and usability study,Modalidades de Interação em Jogos Sérios na Reabilitação Cognitiva: Implementação e Estudo de Usabilidade
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2016 | conference-paper
A serious games framework for health rehabilitation
Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
2015 | book
Human motion analysis and simulation tools: A survey
Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering
2015 | book
8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
2015 | conference-paper
Serious games for cognitive rehabilitation: Forms of interaction and social dimension,Jogos Sérios na Reabilitação Cognitiva: Modalidades de Interacção e Componente Social
2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015
2015 | conference-paper
A serious games framework for health rehabilitation
International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics
2014 | journal-article
Architecture for serious games in health rehabilitation
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2014 | book
Artefactos e Exposições 3D Virtuais no Contexto duma Rede de Cultura e Arte Digital
21º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica - EPCG 2014
2014 | conference-paper
Dynamic simulation of human motion
Modelling and Simulation 2014 - European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2014
2014 | conference-paper
Natural and Multimodal User Interfaces in Serious Games for Health Rehabilitation
MASH'14: Multi-Agent Systems for Healthcare / AAMAS'14 - 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
2014 | conference-paper
AGraphAR: A library for the support of graphs in augmented reality interactive games,AGraphAR: Biblioteca para suporte a grafos em jogos interactivos de realidade aumentada
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2013 | conference-paper
An Agent-based Framework for Intelligent Optimization of Interactive Visualizations
5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2013 | conference-paper
An agent-based framework for intelligent optimization of interactive visualizations
ICAART 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2013 | journal-article
Guest Editorial Preface : Special Issue on the 20th Portuguese Computer Graphics Meeting (EPCG)
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG)
2013 | journal-article
Large scale treasure hunt games assisted by an augmented reality system
8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
2013 | conference-paper
Large scale treasure hunt games assisted by an augmented reality system,Jogos de caça ao tesouro em larga escala assistidos por sistema de realidade aumentada
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2013 | conference-paper
Atas do 20º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
2012 | book
Human Motion Analysis Tools
20º EPCG
2012 | conference-paper
New forms of interaction in serious games for rehabilitation
Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools
2012 | book
Realidade Aumentada para Caça ao Tesouro em Larga Escala
20º EPCG
2012 | conference-paper
Simple and fast shape based image retrieval
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, Proceedings of VipIMAGE 2011 - 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing
2012 | journal-article
Utilização de Objetos Reais em Aplições de Realidade Aumentada para Dispositivos Móveis: Aplicação de Advertainment
20º EPCG
2012 | conference-paper
Virtual centre for the rehabilitation of road accident victims (VICERAVI)
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2012 | conference-paper
Natural user interfaces in serious games for rehabilitation
Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2011
2011 | journal-article
A Survey on Serious Games for Rehabilitation
5th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering
2010 | conference-paper
I-om: Intelligent optimization for computer graphics and visualization
Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2010
2010 | journal-article
Serious Games for Rehabilitation A Survey and a Classification Towards a Taxonomy
Sistemas Y Tecnologias De Informacion
2010 | book
Serious Games for Rehabilitation: A survey and a classification towards a taxonomy
Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2010
2010 | journal-article
Shape based image retrieval and classification
Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2010
2010 | journal-article
i-om : Intelligent Optimization Framework for Computer Graphics and Visualization
CISTI'2010 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
2010 | conference-paper
i-om: Intelligent Optimization for Computer Graphics and Visualization
Sistemas Y Tecnologias De Informacion
2010 | book
Intelligent Optimization Methodologies Apllied to the Visualization of Virtual Environments
2009 | supervised-student-publication
Jumping jack: A parallel algorithm for non-monotonic stream compaction
GRAPP 2009 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2009 | journal-article
New algorithms for GPU stream compaction: A comparative study
GRAPP 2009 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2009 | journal-article
Best multiple-view selection: Application to the visualization of urban rescue simulations
Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
2007 | book
Best multiple-view selection: Application to the visualization of urban rescue simulations
Proceedings of the International Symposium CompIMAGE 2006 - Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
2007 | journal-article
A Survey on Interactive Rendering Techniques
SIACG 2006 - Ibero American Symposyum in Computer Graphics
2006 | conference-paper
Best multiple-view selection for the visualization of urban rescue simulations
International Journal of Simulation Modelling
2006 | journal-article
Visualization Optimization : Application to the RoboCup Rescue Domain
SIACG 2006 - Ibero American Symposyum in Computer Graphics
2006 | conference-paper
Occlusion culling na visualização de modelos muito grandes
2004 | other
Engenharia da Computação Gráfica e Multimédia: Um Projecto de Ensino
Revista VIRtual
2003 | journal-article
Detection, Characterisation and Description of Vascular Networks: Application in Ophthalmology
8th Conf. of Portuguese Association on Pattern Recognition - RecPad' 96
1996 | conference-paper
Vascular Network Analysis in Retinal Images
4º Congresso Português em Engenharia Biomédica, BioEng' 96
1996 | conference-paper
A Heuristic Method For Image Motion Detection and Analysis
RecPad'95 VII Conf. of Portuguese Association on Pattern Recognition
1995 | conference-paper
Análise de Correspondências em Imagens Estéreo Utilizando Um Algoritmo de Pesquisa Multi-Resolução"
1º Encontro do Colégio Nacional de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Ordem dos Engenheiros
1994 | conference-paper
The Human Visual System: A Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Approach for Stereo Image Matching
V International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering
1994 | conference-paper