Algoritmi | User | Pedro José de Melo Teixeira Pinto

Pedro José de Melo Teixeira Pinto

Pedro José de Melo Teixeira Pinto


Other with Dr habil

Member of the CALG R&D Unit

Academic Degree

Dr habil

Current Position

Full Professor at Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID

FCT Public Key


Ciência ID

Google Scholar

Enhancing Automotive Products with TinyML and MEMS Sensors: A Preliminary Approach

2025 | book-chapter

Evaluating the generalization ability of deep learning models: An application on sugar content estimation from hyperspectral images of wine grape berries

Expert Systems with Applications

2024 | journal-article

Boosting the performance of SOTA convolution-based networks with dimensionality reduction: An application on hyperspectral images of wine grape berries

Intelligent Systems with Applications

2023 | journal-article

Classification of Fish Species Using Multispectral Data from a Low-Cost Camera and Machine Learning

Remote Sensing

2023 | journal-article

A Framework for Representing, Building and Reusing Novel State-of-the-Art Three-Dimensional Object Detection Models in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications


2023 | journal-article

Framework for Representing, Building and Reusing Novel State-of-the-art 3D Object Detection Models in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications

2023 | preprint

Early yield prediction in different grapevine varieties using computer vision and machine learning

Precision Agriculture

2023 | journal-article

t-SNE: A study on reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral data for the regression problem of estimating oenological parameters

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

2023 | journal-article

Multi-agent System for Multimodal Machine Learning Object Detection

2023 | book-chapter

Deep learning and computer vision for assessing the number of actual berries in commercial vineyards

Biosystems Engineering

2022 | journal-article

Positron Emission Tomography Image Segmentation Based on Atanassov’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

Applied Sciences

2022 | journal-article

Customizable FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for Standard Convolution Processes Empowered with Quantization Applied to LiDAR Data


2022 | journal-article

Comparison of Different Deployment Approaches of FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for 3D Object Detection Models

Progress in Artificial Intelligence

2022 | book-chapter

Real-Time 3D Object Detection and SLAM Fusion in a Low-Cost LiDAR Test Vehicle Setup


2021 | journal-article

A review of different dimensionality reduction methods for the prediction of sugar content from hyperspectral images of wine grape berries

Applied Soft Computing

2021 | journal-article

Resource-Constrained Onboard Inference of 3D Object Detection and Localisation in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications


2021 | journal-article

Determination of Sugar, pH, and Anthocyanin Contents in Port Wine Grape Berries through Hyperspectral Imaging: An Extensive Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Methods

Applied Sciences

2021 | journal-article

Assessing number of berries in grapevines using linear methods and machine learning

13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA2021)

2021 | conference-paper

Prediction of Sugar Content in Port Wine Vintage Grapes Using Machine Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging


2021 | journal-article

Towards robust Machine Learning models for grape ripeness assessment

2021 | conference-paper

Application of Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning for Robust Prediction of Sugar and pH Levels in Wine Grape Berries


2021 | journal-article

Point-cloud based 3D object detection and classification methods for self-driving applications: A survey and taxonomy

Information Fusion

2021 | journal-article

Object Detection Under Challenging Lighting Conditions Using High Dynamic Range Imagery

IEEE Access

2021 | journal-article

Comparison of Major LiDAR Data-Driven Feature Extraction Methods for Autonomous Vehicles

Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies

2020 | book-chapter

Grapevine variety identification using “Big Data” collected with miniaturized spectrometer combined with support vector machines and convolutional neural networks

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2019 | journal-article

Intuitionistic fuzzy evaluations for the analysis of a student’s knowledge in university e-learning courses

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2019 | book

Wine grape quality assessment using hyperspectral imaging – a predictive analytics comparison framework

2018 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences (ICGWS)

2018 | conference-paper

A review of the application to emergent subfields in viticulture of local reflectance and interactance spectroscopy combined with soft computing and multivariate analysis

Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing

2018 | book

Applying aggregation and pre-aggregation functions in the classification of grape berries

IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

2018 | conference-paper

Assessment of grapevine variety discrimination using stem hyperspectral data and AdaBoost of random weight neural networks

Applied Soft Computing Journal

2018 | journal-article

Multiple JSON web tokens for mobile distributed applications

Engineering Letters

2018 | journal-article

Using support vector regression and hyperspectral imaging for the prediction of oenological parameters on different vintages and varieties ofwine grape berries

Remote Sensing

2018 | journal-article

Characterization of neural network generalization in the determination of pH and anthocyanin content of wine grape in new vintages and varieties

Food Chemistry

2017 | journal-article

Comparison of different approaches for the prediction of sugar content in new vintages of whole Port wine grape berries using hyperspectral imaging

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2017 | journal-article

Computed tomography and radiographic assessment of congruity between the ulnar trochlear notch and humeral trochlea in large breed dogs

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

2017 | journal-article

Generalized net models of academic promotion and doctoral candidature

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2017 | book

Radiographic assessment of humeroulnar congruity in a medium and a large breed of dog

Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

2017 | journal-article

Securing RESTful web services using multiple JSON web tokens

Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

2017 | conference-paper

Curvature Radius Measurements From the Humeral Trochlea in Large Dogs

Anatomical Record

2016 | journal-article

Detecting and grading severity of bacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas spp. in tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) fields using visible spectrum images

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2016 | journal-article

Intuitionistic fuzzy evaluations for analysis of a student's knowledge of mathematics in university e-learning courses

2016 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, IS 2016 - Proceedings

2016 | conference-paper

Lamb muscle discrimination using hyperspectral imaging: Comparison of various machine learning algorithms

Journal of Food Engineering

2016 | journal-article

Use of Visible and Short-Wave Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging to Fingerprint Anthocyanins in Intact Grape Berries

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

2016 | journal-article

Adaptive Penalty and Barrier function based on Fuzzy Logic

Expert Systems with Applications

2015 | journal-article

Automatic discrimination of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) clones using leaf hyperspectral imaging and partial least squares

Journal of Agricultural Science

2015 | journal-article

Brix, pH and anthocyanin content determination in whole Port wine grape berries by hyperspectral imaging and neural networks

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2015 | journal-article

Curvature Radius Measurements From the Ulnar Trochlear Notch in Large Dogs

Anatomical Record

2015 | journal-article

Determination of sugar content in whole Port Wine grape berries combining hyperspectral imaging with neural networks methodologies

IEEE SSCI 2014 - 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIES 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions, Proceedings

2015 | conference-paper

Assessment of grapevine water status from hyperspectral imaging of leaves

Acta Horticulturae

2014 | book

Segmentation of color images using a linguistic 2-tuples model

Information Sciences

2014 | journal-article

Comparison between neural networks and partial least squares for intra-growth ring wood density measurement with hyperspectral imaging

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2013 | journal-article

Hierarchical fuzzy logic based approach for object tracking

Knowledge-Based Systems

2013 | journal-article

Identification of grapevine varieties using leaf spectroscopy and partial least squares

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2013 | journal-article

Image segmentation using Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

Expert Systems with Applications

2013 | journal-article

Low-cost ultrasonic probe to assess wood defects and parameters

Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

2013 | conference-paper

Measurement of intra-ring wood density by means of imaging VIS/NIR spectroscopy (hyperspectral imaging)


2013 | journal-article

Generalized net model of the lac operon in bacterium E. coli

IS'2012 - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, Proceedings

2012 | conference-paper

Generalized net model of the process of selection and usage of an intelligent e-learning system

IS'2012 - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, Proceedings

2012 | conference-paper

Modified simple genetic algorithms improving convergence time for the purposes of fermentation process parameter identification

WSEAS Transactions on Systems

2012 | journal-article

Relationship between body condition and neck crest score systems and subcutaneous fat, tissue and muscle ultrasonic measurements in horses

EAAP Scientific Series

2012 | book

An IVFS-based image segmentation methodology for rat gait analysis

Soft Computing

2011 | journal-article

Determination of anthocyanin concentration in whole grape skins using hyperspectral imaging and adaptive boosting neural networks

Journal of Food Engineering

2011 | journal-article

Fuzzy based subcutaneous fat assessment in real time ultrasound images

Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2011 and French Days on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, LFA 2011

2011 | conference-paper

Generalized Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy index: Construction of Atanassov's fuzzy entropy from fuzzy implication operators

International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems

2011 | journal-article

Multi-feature tracking approach using dynamic fuzzy sets

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

2011 | book

Penalty fuzzy function for derivative-free optimization

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

2011 | book

A-IFSs Entropy Based Image Multi-thresholding

Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, Pt Iii, Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

A-IFSs based iterative thresholding in gait analysis

2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, IS 2010 - Proceedings

2010 | conference-paper

A-IFSs entropy based image multi-thresholding

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2010 | book

Automatic histogram threshold using fuzzy measures

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

2010 | journal-article

Fuzzy dynamic model for feature tracking

2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010

2010 | conference-paper

Ignorance functions. An application to the calculation of the threshold in prostate ultrasound images

Fuzzy Sets and Systems

2010 | journal-article

Towards a model of the digital university: A generalized net model for producing course timetables and for evaluating the quality of subjects

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2010 | book

Vegetation growth detection using wireless sensor networks

WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010

2010 | conference-paper

A A-IFSs based image segmentation methodology for gait analysis

ISDA 2009 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications

2009 | conference-paper

Colour image segmentation using A-IFSs

2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009 - Proceedings

2009 | conference-paper

Comparison of clinical, radiographic, computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging methods for early prediction of canine hip laxity and dysplasia

Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

2009 | journal-article

Hip dysplasia in Estrela mountain dogs: Prevalence and genetic trends 1991-2005

Veterinary Journal

2009 | journal-article

Interval-valued restricted equivalence functions applied on clustering techniques

2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009 - Proceedings

2009 | conference-paper

A comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques for the determination of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats following spinal cord injury

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

2008 | journal-article

Contrast computing using atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science 1; Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control - Proceedings of the 8th International FLINS Conference

2008 | conference-paper

Dynamic joint stiffness of the ankle during walking: Gender-related differences

Physical Therapy in Sport

2008 | journal-article

Early hip laxity examination in predicting moderate and severe hip dysplasia in Estrela Mountain Dog: PAPER

Journal of Small Animal Practice

2008 | journal-article

Fuzziness measure approach to automatic histogram threshold

Computational Vision and Medical Imaging Processing

2008 | book

Image threshold computation by modelizing knowledge/unknowledge by means of Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing

2008 | book

Passive hip laxity in Estrela mountain dog - Distraction index, heritability and breeding values

Acta Veterinaria Hungarica

2008 | journal-article

Stereo matching algorithm using interval valued fuzzy similarity

World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science 1; Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control - Proceedings of the 8th International FLINS Conference

2008 | conference-paper

Towards a model of the digital university: A generalized net model for producing course timetables

2008 4th International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, IS 2008

2008 | conference-paper

Uncertainty in multilevel image thresholding using Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

2008 | conference-paper

Image threshold using A-IFSs based on bounded histograms

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2007 | book

A comparison analysis of hindlimb kinematics during overground and treadmill locomotion in rats

Behavioural Brain Research

2006 | journal-article

A generalized net model of the separate information flow connections within a university

IEEE Intelligent Systems

2006 | journal-article

Effect of skin movement on the analysis of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

2006 | journal-article

Generalized net model for adaptive electronic assessment, using intuitionistic fuzzy estimations

Advances in Soft Computing

2006 | book

Functional and morphological assessment of a standardized rat sciatic nerve crush injury with a non-serrated clamp

Journal of Neurotrauma

2004 | journal-article

Intuitionistic fuzzy estimation and generalized net model of E-learning within a university local network

2004 2nd International IEEE Conference 'Intelligent Systems' - Proceedings

2004 | conference-paper

Methods for the experimental functional assessment of rat sciatic nerve regeneration

Neurological Research

2004 | journal-article

A generalized net description for laryngeal pathology detection excluding the refusal option base on intuitionistic fuzzy logic

Concurrent Engineering: Advanced Design, Production and Management Systems

2003 | book

Toe out angle: A functional index for the evaluation of sciatic nerve recovery in the rat model

Experimental Neurology

2003 | journal-article

Motion of the foot and ankle during the stance phase in rats

Muscle and Nerve

2002 | journal-article

Functional assessment of peripheral nerve recovery in the rat: Gait kinematics


2001 | journal-article

A new paradigm for the description of image patterns - From pixels to fuzzy sets of rules

Proceedings - Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, SBRN

2000 | conference-paper

A new paradigm for the description of image patterns - From pixels to fuzzy sets of rules

Sixth Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, Vol 1, Proceedings

2000 | journal-article

Relevance as a new measure of relative importance of sets of rules

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics

2000 | conference-paper

Enhancing Automotive Products with TinyML and MEMS Sensors: A Preliminary Approach

2025 | book-chapter

Evaluating the generalization ability of deep learning models: An application on sugar content estimation from hyperspectral images of wine grape berries

Expert Systems with Applications

2024 | journal-article

Boosting the performance of SOTA convolution-based networks with dimensionality reduction: An application on hyperspectral images of wine grape berries

Intelligent Systems with Applications

2023 | journal-article

Classification of Fish Species Using Multispectral Data from a Low-Cost Camera and Machine Learning

Remote Sensing

2023 | journal-article

A Framework for Representing, Building and Reusing Novel State-of-the-Art Three-Dimensional Object Detection Models in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications


2023 | journal-article

Framework for Representing, Building and Reusing Novel State-of-the-art 3D Object Detection Models in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications

2023 | preprint

Early yield prediction in different grapevine varieties using computer vision and machine learning

Precision Agriculture

2023 | journal-article

t-SNE: A study on reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral data for the regression problem of estimating oenological parameters

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

2023 | journal-article

Multi-agent System for Multimodal Machine Learning Object Detection

2023 | book-chapter

Deep learning and computer vision for assessing the number of actual berries in commercial vineyards

Biosystems Engineering

2022 | journal-article

Positron Emission Tomography Image Segmentation Based on Atanassov’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

Applied Sciences

2022 | journal-article

Customizable FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for Standard Convolution Processes Empowered with Quantization Applied to LiDAR Data


2022 | journal-article

Comparison of Different Deployment Approaches of FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for 3D Object Detection Models

Progress in Artificial Intelligence

2022 | book-chapter

Real-Time 3D Object Detection and SLAM Fusion in a Low-Cost LiDAR Test Vehicle Setup


2021 | journal-article

A review of different dimensionality reduction methods for the prediction of sugar content from hyperspectral images of wine grape berries

Applied Soft Computing

2021 | journal-article

Resource-Constrained Onboard Inference of 3D Object Detection and Localisation in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications


2021 | journal-article

Determination of Sugar, pH, and Anthocyanin Contents in Port Wine Grape Berries through Hyperspectral Imaging: An Extensive Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Methods

Applied Sciences

2021 | journal-article

Assessing number of berries in grapevines using linear methods and machine learning

13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA2021)

2021 | conference-paper

Prediction of Sugar Content in Port Wine Vintage Grapes Using Machine Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging


2021 | journal-article

Towards robust Machine Learning models for grape ripeness assessment

2021 | conference-paper

Application of Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning for Robust Prediction of Sugar and pH Levels in Wine Grape Berries


2021 | journal-article

Point-cloud based 3D object detection and classification methods for self-driving applications: A survey and taxonomy

Information Fusion

2021 | journal-article

Object Detection Under Challenging Lighting Conditions Using High Dynamic Range Imagery

IEEE Access

2021 | journal-article

Comparison of Major LiDAR Data-Driven Feature Extraction Methods for Autonomous Vehicles

Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies

2020 | book-chapter

Grapevine variety identification using “Big Data” collected with miniaturized spectrometer combined with support vector machines and convolutional neural networks

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2019 | journal-article

Intuitionistic fuzzy evaluations for the analysis of a student’s knowledge in university e-learning courses

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2019 | book

Wine grape quality assessment using hyperspectral imaging – a predictive analytics comparison framework

2018 International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences (ICGWS)

2018 | conference-paper

A review of the application to emergent subfields in viticulture of local reflectance and interactance spectroscopy combined with soft computing and multivariate analysis

Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing

2018 | book

Applying aggregation and pre-aggregation functions in the classification of grape berries

IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

2018 | conference-paper

Assessment of grapevine variety discrimination using stem hyperspectral data and AdaBoost of random weight neural networks

Applied Soft Computing Journal

2018 | journal-article

Multiple JSON web tokens for mobile distributed applications

Engineering Letters

2018 | journal-article

Using support vector regression and hyperspectral imaging for the prediction of oenological parameters on different vintages and varieties ofwine grape berries

Remote Sensing

2018 | journal-article

Characterization of neural network generalization in the determination of pH and anthocyanin content of wine grape in new vintages and varieties

Food Chemistry

2017 | journal-article

Comparison of different approaches for the prediction of sugar content in new vintages of whole Port wine grape berries using hyperspectral imaging

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2017 | journal-article

Computed tomography and radiographic assessment of congruity between the ulnar trochlear notch and humeral trochlea in large breed dogs

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

2017 | journal-article

Generalized net models of academic promotion and doctoral candidature

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2017 | book

Radiographic assessment of humeroulnar congruity in a medium and a large breed of dog

Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

2017 | journal-article

Securing RESTful web services using multiple JSON web tokens

Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

2017 | conference-paper

Curvature Radius Measurements From the Humeral Trochlea in Large Dogs

Anatomical Record

2016 | journal-article

Detecting and grading severity of bacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas spp. in tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) fields using visible spectrum images

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2016 | journal-article

Intuitionistic fuzzy evaluations for analysis of a student's knowledge of mathematics in university e-learning courses

2016 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, IS 2016 - Proceedings

2016 | conference-paper

Lamb muscle discrimination using hyperspectral imaging: Comparison of various machine learning algorithms

Journal of Food Engineering

2016 | journal-article

Use of Visible and Short-Wave Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging to Fingerprint Anthocyanins in Intact Grape Berries

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

2016 | journal-article

Adaptive Penalty and Barrier function based on Fuzzy Logic

Expert Systems with Applications

2015 | journal-article

Automatic discrimination of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) clones using leaf hyperspectral imaging and partial least squares

Journal of Agricultural Science

2015 | journal-article

Brix, pH and anthocyanin content determination in whole Port wine grape berries by hyperspectral imaging and neural networks

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2015 | journal-article

Curvature Radius Measurements From the Ulnar Trochlear Notch in Large Dogs

Anatomical Record

2015 | journal-article

Determination of sugar content in whole Port Wine grape berries combining hyperspectral imaging with neural networks methodologies

IEEE SSCI 2014 - 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIES 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions, Proceedings

2015 | conference-paper

Assessment of grapevine water status from hyperspectral imaging of leaves

Acta Horticulturae

2014 | book

Segmentation of color images using a linguistic 2-tuples model

Information Sciences

2014 | journal-article

Comparison between neural networks and partial least squares for intra-growth ring wood density measurement with hyperspectral imaging

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2013 | journal-article

Hierarchical fuzzy logic based approach for object tracking

Knowledge-Based Systems

2013 | journal-article

Identification of grapevine varieties using leaf spectroscopy and partial least squares

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

2013 | journal-article

Image segmentation using Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

Expert Systems with Applications

2013 | journal-article

Low-cost ultrasonic probe to assess wood defects and parameters

Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

2013 | conference-paper

Measurement of intra-ring wood density by means of imaging VIS/NIR spectroscopy (hyperspectral imaging)


2013 | journal-article

Generalized net model of the lac operon in bacterium E. coli

IS'2012 - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, Proceedings

2012 | conference-paper

Generalized net model of the process of selection and usage of an intelligent e-learning system

IS'2012 - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, Proceedings

2012 | conference-paper

Modified simple genetic algorithms improving convergence time for the purposes of fermentation process parameter identification

WSEAS Transactions on Systems

2012 | journal-article

Relationship between body condition and neck crest score systems and subcutaneous fat, tissue and muscle ultrasonic measurements in horses

EAAP Scientific Series

2012 | book

An IVFS-based image segmentation methodology for rat gait analysis

Soft Computing

2011 | journal-article

Determination of anthocyanin concentration in whole grape skins using hyperspectral imaging and adaptive boosting neural networks

Journal of Food Engineering

2011 | journal-article

Fuzzy based subcutaneous fat assessment in real time ultrasound images

Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2011 and French Days on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, LFA 2011

2011 | conference-paper

Generalized Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy index: Construction of Atanassov's fuzzy entropy from fuzzy implication operators

International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems

2011 | journal-article

Multi-feature tracking approach using dynamic fuzzy sets

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

2011 | book

Penalty fuzzy function for derivative-free optimization

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

2011 | book

A-IFSs Entropy Based Image Multi-thresholding

Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, Pt Iii, Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

A-IFSs based iterative thresholding in gait analysis

2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, IS 2010 - Proceedings

2010 | conference-paper

A-IFSs entropy based image multi-thresholding

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2010 | book

Automatic histogram threshold using fuzzy measures

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

2010 | journal-article

Fuzzy dynamic model for feature tracking

2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010

2010 | conference-paper

Ignorance functions. An application to the calculation of the threshold in prostate ultrasound images

Fuzzy Sets and Systems

2010 | journal-article

Towards a model of the digital university: A generalized net model for producing course timetables and for evaluating the quality of subjects

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2010 | book

Vegetation growth detection using wireless sensor networks

WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010

2010 | conference-paper

A A-IFSs based image segmentation methodology for gait analysis

ISDA 2009 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications

2009 | conference-paper

Colour image segmentation using A-IFSs

2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009 - Proceedings

2009 | conference-paper

Comparison of clinical, radiographic, computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging methods for early prediction of canine hip laxity and dysplasia

Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound

2009 | journal-article

Hip dysplasia in Estrela mountain dogs: Prevalence and genetic trends 1991-2005

Veterinary Journal

2009 | journal-article

Interval-valued restricted equivalence functions applied on clustering techniques

2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009 - Proceedings

2009 | conference-paper

A comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques for the determination of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats following spinal cord injury

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

2008 | journal-article

Contrast computing using atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science 1; Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control - Proceedings of the 8th International FLINS Conference

2008 | conference-paper

Dynamic joint stiffness of the ankle during walking: Gender-related differences

Physical Therapy in Sport

2008 | journal-article

Early hip laxity examination in predicting moderate and severe hip dysplasia in Estrela Mountain Dog: PAPER

Journal of Small Animal Practice

2008 | journal-article

Fuzziness measure approach to automatic histogram threshold

Computational Vision and Medical Imaging Processing

2008 | book

Image threshold computation by modelizing knowledge/unknowledge by means of Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing

2008 | book

Passive hip laxity in Estrela mountain dog - Distraction index, heritability and breeding values

Acta Veterinaria Hungarica

2008 | journal-article

Stereo matching algorithm using interval valued fuzzy similarity

World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science 1; Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control - Proceedings of the 8th International FLINS Conference

2008 | conference-paper

Towards a model of the digital university: A generalized net model for producing course timetables

2008 4th International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, IS 2008

2008 | conference-paper

Uncertainty in multilevel image thresholding using Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets

IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

2008 | conference-paper

Image threshold using A-IFSs based on bounded histograms

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2007 | book

A comparison analysis of hindlimb kinematics during overground and treadmill locomotion in rats

Behavioural Brain Research

2006 | journal-article

A generalized net model of the separate information flow connections within a university

IEEE Intelligent Systems

2006 | journal-article

Effect of skin movement on the analysis of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

2006 | journal-article

Generalized net model for adaptive electronic assessment, using intuitionistic fuzzy estimations

Advances in Soft Computing

2006 | book

Functional and morphological assessment of a standardized rat sciatic nerve crush injury with a non-serrated clamp

Journal of Neurotrauma

2004 | journal-article

Intuitionistic fuzzy estimation and generalized net model of E-learning within a university local network

2004 2nd International IEEE Conference 'Intelligent Systems' - Proceedings

2004 | conference-paper

Methods for the experimental functional assessment of rat sciatic nerve regeneration

Neurological Research

2004 | journal-article

A generalized net description for laryngeal pathology detection excluding the refusal option base on intuitionistic fuzzy logic

Concurrent Engineering: Advanced Design, Production and Management Systems

2003 | book

Toe out angle: A functional index for the evaluation of sciatic nerve recovery in the rat model

Experimental Neurology

2003 | journal-article

Motion of the foot and ankle during the stance phase in rats

Muscle and Nerve

2002 | journal-article

Functional assessment of peripheral nerve recovery in the rat: Gait kinematics


2001 | journal-article

A new paradigm for the description of image patterns - From pixels to fuzzy sets of rules

Proceedings - Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, SBRN

2000 | conference-paper

A new paradigm for the description of image patterns - From pixels to fuzzy sets of rules

Sixth Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, Vol 1, Proceedings

2000 | journal-article

Relevance as a new measure of relative importance of sets of rules

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics

2000 | conference-paper

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