Algoritmi | User | Paulo Jorge Teixeira Fernandes

Paulo Jorge Teixeira Fernandes

Paulo Jorge Teixeira Fernandes
Personal Email
0000-0001-5448-5048Researcher ID
FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
EF1D-8D3F-0907Google Scholar
About Me
Paulo Fernandes got his PhD in the Doctoral Programme in Mechanical Engineering in the University of Aveiro, in May 2017. The thesis was considered to be deserving of praise and distinction by unanimity, resulting in 7 papers in international journals between 2015 and 2017. His current research interests are: 1) Road traffic emissions monitoring; 2) Emissions, noise, and safety modelling; and 3) Simulation and analysis of transport systems, active modes, and new mobility forms. Between 2017 and 2020, he worked as post-doc researcher and further as an Assistant Researcher in the MobiWise project at the Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA). His main role consisted of supervising young research fellows in what respects to the traffic, noise, emissions, and safety modelling. He also worked at DICA-VE project as junior research at TEMA in the management of activities from research fellows, namely emissions monitoring and modelling (2020 and 2021). After that, he was junior research at TEMA in the Driving2Driverless project in activities related to the cost-benefit analysis of shared, autonomous,and electric vehicles services (2021). Currently, he has a contract as junior research at TEMA with his own project entitled "IDRIVE: Incorporating Driving Volatility Information into a Rating system to Inform drivers about Vehicle Emission rates", which is centred on developing rating systems for NOx and PM emissions from Euro 6 vehicles. He was selected to participate and awarded with a grant in the Cost Connect (How to Shape a Sustainable Urban Mobility for all?) and COST action (WISE-ACT Training School in Modelling and Policy Analysis Tools to Explore the Future of AVs) networking instruments which allowed for extending his international collaboration. In addition to previous works and being a team member of several scientific projects such as@CRUiSE or InFLOWence, he collaborated in 2019 as a technical consultant in an audit of the energy used of the transport sector in Bartica, Guyana with the Instituto do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento in activities related to experimental survey design, energy analysis, and policy recommendations. In the context of cooperation with the society, he participated as member in the Mobility Plan of the University of Aveiro (concluded in January 2020) in the establishment and evaluating of measures for promoting soft modes and improving quality of life within the University Campus. Also, he belonged to the Organizing Committee of the EWGT2021: 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation in September 2021. Between 2017and 2021, he has supervised 4 master students in the Mechanical Engineering Integrated Master Course.Due to the collaboration with researchers from the North Carolina State University, University of Tennessee,University of Palermo, Institute of Telecommunications, TU Delft, University of Salerno, and University of Coimbra he has been improving his research skills in traffic theory, emissions monitoring, intelligent transport systems, road infrastructure, automated technology and automatic data collection methods, and noise modelling. He has published research works with 47 co-authors, demonstrating a solid disposition to establish inter-institutional collaborations. He published 31 articles and 12 conference papers in SCOPUS indexed journals (17as the main corresponding author, total of 328 citations and h-index of 11), some of them are top 20 most-cited Transport (Transportation Research Part-D, Sustainable Cities and Society, Transportation Research Part-A),Environmental Science (Science of the Total Environment, Atmospheric Environment) and Engineering(Applied Energy) journals according to the CiteScore 2020 rank, 3 book chapters, and 16 papers in international transport conferences (IEEE, EWGT, World Conference on Transport Research and Transportation Research Board).
Publications (79)
Driving Safety-Volatility-Emissions integrated indicator- application to urban road environment
EWGT 2024 Conference Proceedings
2025 | journal-article
Mapping noise and pollutant emissions hotspots: Driving behavior and vehicle features based-analysis
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2024 | journal-article
Unraveling roundabout dynamics: Analysis of driving behavior, vehicle performance, and exhaust emissions
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2024 | journal-article
Data-driven insights on driving behavior, vehicle operational performance and exhaust emissions at roundabouts
103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2024 | conference-paper
An integrated driving safety-volatility-operational performance indicator
Transportation Research Procedia
2024 | journal-article
Data mining techniques for estimating instantaneous NOX emissions from Euro 6 diesel passenger cars
Transportation Research Procedia
2024 | journal-article
A combined framework of Biplots and Machine Learning for real-world driving volatility and emissions data interpretation
Sustainable Cities and Society
2023 | journal-article
Road traffic noise monitoring in a Smart City: Sensor and Model-Based approach
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2023 | journal-article
Can turbo-roundabouts and restricted crossing U-Turn be effective solutions for urban three-leg intersections?
Sustainable Cities and Society
2023 | journal-article
Single vehicles’ noise emission curves analysis by means of first and second derivatives
Applied Acoustics
2023 | journal-article
Cost-benefit analysis of an interurban shared, autonomous, electric mobility service under different stakeholders' perspectives
Transport Research Arena
2022 | conference-poster
MobiWise: Eco-routing decision support leveraging the Internet of Things
Sustainable Cities and Society
2022 | journal-article
How can the built environment affect the impact of autonomous vehicles’ operational behaviour on air quality?
Journal of Environmental Management
2022 | journal-article
Towards a deeper understanding of road safety and pollutant emission hotspots based on a driving behaviour assessment on a roundabout near a University Campus
32nd EURO - Association of European Operational Research Societies - International Conference
2022 | conference-abstract
Optimising driving behaviour through a sustainable action indicator
KTH - Stockholm Optimization Days 2022
2022 | conference-abstract
New Perspectives and Challenges in Traffic and Transportation Engineering Supporting Energy Saving in Smart Cities—A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Global Problem
2022 | journal-article
Clustering and Disjoint Principal Component Analysis of emissions and driving volatility data collected from a hybrid electric vehicle in real drive conditions
101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
2022 | conference-paper
Influence of bicycle crossing location at urban multi-lane roundabouts on potential injuries sustained to two-wheeler riders
101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2022 | conference-paper
Micro driving behaviour in different roundabout layouts: Pollutant emissions, vehicular jerk, and traffic conflicts analysis
Transportation Research Procedia
2022 | journal-article
Biplots of kinematic variables and pollutant emissions for an intercity corridor
24th Annual Meeting ofthe EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2021)
2021 | conference-paper
Comparing different approaches for estimating tailpipe emissions in passenger cars
24th Annual Meeting ofthe EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2021)
2021 | conference-paper
Driving behaviour impacts in a mixed road traffic environment
24th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2021)
2021 | conference-abstract
Carpooling as an Immediate Strategy to Post-Lockdown Mobility: A Case Study in University Campuses
2021 | journal-article
Micro-analysis of a single vehicle driving volatility and impacts on emissions for intercity corridors
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2021 | journal-article
Driving aggressiveness in hybrid electric vehicles: Assessing the impact of driving volatility on emission rates
Applied Energy
2021 | journal-article
Book of abstracts of the 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting
Universidade de Aveiro (eds), UA Editora
2021 | book
Driving aggressiveness in hybrid electric vehicles: Assessing the impact of driving volatility on emission rates
2021 | magazine-article
Potential Pollutant Emission Effects of Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Flow Context for Different Road Types
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
2021 | journal-article
A Vehicle Noise Specific Power Concept
Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System (FISTS)
2020 | conference-paper
Impacts of roundabouts in suburban areas on congestion-specific vehicle speed profiles, pollutant and noise emissions: An empirical analysis
Sustainable Cities and Society
2020 | journal-article
A Comparative Empirical Assessment of Roundabouts Operations in Rural Areas: Impacts On Congestion-Specific Vehicle Speed Profiles, Pollutant and Noise Emissions
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2020 | conference-paper
Assessing the Overtaking Lateral Distance Between Motor Vehicles and Bicycles - Influence on Energy Consumption and Road Safety
Modern Traffic Engineering in the System Approach to the Development of Traffic Networks
2020 | book-chapter
Integrating road traffic externalities through a sustainability indicator
2020 | magazine-article
Are internally observable vehicle data good predictors of vehicle emissions?
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2019 | journal-article
Integrating road traffic externalities through a sustainability indicator
Science of The Total Environment
2019 | journal-article
Quantifying road traffic emissions embedded in a multi-objective traffic assignment model
22nd Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2019)
2019 | conference-paper
Interaction between motor vehicles and bicycles at two-lane roundabouts: a driving volatility-based analysis
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
2019 | journal-article
Interaction between motor vehicles and bicycles at two-lane roundabouts: a driving volatility based analysis
World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019)
2019 | conference-paper
Cycling at intersections: a multi-objective assessment for traffic, emissions and safety
2019 | journal-article
Making Compact Two-Lane Roundabouts Effective for Vulnerable Road Users: An Assessment of Transport-Related Externalities
Roundabouts as Safe and Modern Solutions in Transport Networks and Systems
2019 | book-chapter
Indicador Integrado Para Análise dos Custos associados ao Tráfego Rodoviário
Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa (CIALP)
2018 | conference-paper
Melhor Mobilidade, Menos Emissões: Sistema Inteligente de Gestão das Emissões em Interseções (SIGEI)
Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa (CIALP)
2018 | conference-paper
Advanced Impact Integration Platform for Cooperative Road Use
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
2018 | journal-article
Assessing the importance of transportation activity data for urban emission inventories
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2018 | journal-article
Exploring multiple eco-routing guidance strategies in a commuting corridor
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2018 | journal-article
Statistical and semi-dynamical road traffic noise models comparison with field measurements
AIP Conference Proceedings
2018 | conference-paper
The potential of metering roundabouts: Influence in transportation externalities
Transportation Research Record
2018 | journal-article
Assessing the impact of closely-spaced intersections on traffic operations and pollutant emissions on a corridor level
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2017 | journal-article
Information Management for smart and sustainable mobility
96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2017 | conference-poster
Multi-Criteria Assessment of Crosswalk Location on a Corridor with Roundabouts: Incorporating a Noise Related Criterion
Transportation Research Procedia
2017 | conference-paper
Pedestrian and Cyclists Impacts on vehicular Capacity and Emissions at different Turbo-roundabouts layouts
Transportation Research Procedia
2017 | conference-paper
Turboroundabouts along corridors: Analysis of operational and environmental impacts
Transportation Research Record
2017 | journal-article
The effect of a roundabout corridor's design on selecting the optimal crosswalk location: A multi-objective impact analysis
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Driving around turbo-roundabouts vs. conventional roundabouts: Are there advantages regarding pollutant emissions?
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Urban scale air quality modelling using detailed traffic emissions estimates
Atmospheric Environment
2016 | journal-article
Exploring Multiple Eco-Routing Guidance Strategies in a commuting corridor
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.
2016 | conference-paper
Can Roundabout Corridor’s design impact optimal crosswalk location: A multi-objective analysis of capacity, different pollutants and safety
95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
2016 | conference-poster
Empirical assessment of route choice impact on emissions over different road types, traffic demands, and driving scenarios
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Interpreted modeling for safety and emissions at roundabouts in corridors
1st Annual Meeting on Research Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RTME)
2016 | conference-paper
Traffic restriction policies in an urban avenue: A methodological overview for a trade-off analysis of traffic and emission impacts using microsimulation
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Empirical Assessment of Turbo-roundabout operations on traffic and emissions.
18th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2015), Delft, The Netherlands
2015 | conference-poster
Identification of emission hotspots in roundabouts corridors
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2015 | journal-article
Empirical Assessment of turbo-roundabout operations on traffic and emissions.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.
2015 | conference-paper
How to combine different microsimulation tools to assess the environmental impacts of road traffic? Lessons and directions
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2015 | journal-article
Smartdecision: a route choice app based on eco-friendly criteria.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S
2015 | conference-paper
Assessment of corridors with different types of intersections: Environmental and traffic performance analysis
Transportation Research Record
2015 | journal-article
Multicriteria assessment of crosswalk location in urban roundabout corridors
Transportation Research Record
2015 | journal-article
Existência de painéis de mensagem variável para gestão de incidentes de tráfego urbano: Impacte nas emissões de poluentes
10th Portuguese Conference of the Environment
2014 | conference-paper
Are HOV/eco-lanes a sustainable option to reducing emissions in a medium-sized European city?
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
2014 | journal-article
Urban road transportation planning: the trade-off between noise and atmospheric emissions.
2014 Transportation/ Land Use Planning and Air Quality Conference: "Developing Healthy and Livable Communities", Charlotte, NC, U.S.
2014 | conference-paper
Impact of road transport on urban air quality: GIS and GPS as a support for a modeling framework.
GIS Ostrava 2014 - Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2014 | conference-paper
An eco-traffic management tool
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2014 | book
Assessing the importance of vehicle type for the implementation of eco-routing systems
Transportation Research Procedia
2014 | conference-paper
Emissions impact of road traffic incidents using advanced traveller information systems in a regional scale
Transportation Research Procedia
2014 | conference-paper
Transportation Research Record
2014 | journal-article
An “Eco-traffic” assignment tool.
16th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2013), Porto, Portugal.
2013 | conference-paper
Are Eco-lanes a sustainable option to reducing emissions in a medium-sized European city?
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.
2013 | conference-paper
Emissions Estimation at Multilane Roundabouts: Effect of Movement and Approach Lane.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
2013 | journal-article
Como a globalização influência a alteração de espaços urbanos
VIII Jornadas de Geografia e Planeamento
2012 | conference-paper
Driving Safety-Volatility-Emissions integrated indicator- application to urban road environment
EWGT 2024 Conference Proceedings
2025 | journal-article
Mapping noise and pollutant emissions hotspots: Driving behavior and vehicle features based-analysis
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2024 | journal-article
Unraveling roundabout dynamics: Analysis of driving behavior, vehicle performance, and exhaust emissions
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2024 | journal-article
Data-driven insights on driving behavior, vehicle operational performance and exhaust emissions at roundabouts
103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2024 | conference-paper
An integrated driving safety-volatility-operational performance indicator
Transportation Research Procedia
2024 | journal-article
Data mining techniques for estimating instantaneous NOX emissions from Euro 6 diesel passenger cars
Transportation Research Procedia
2024 | journal-article
A combined framework of Biplots and Machine Learning for real-world driving volatility and emissions data interpretation
Sustainable Cities and Society
2023 | journal-article
Road traffic noise monitoring in a Smart City: Sensor and Model-Based approach
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2023 | journal-article
Can turbo-roundabouts and restricted crossing U-Turn be effective solutions for urban three-leg intersections?
Sustainable Cities and Society
2023 | journal-article
Single vehicles’ noise emission curves analysis by means of first and second derivatives
Applied Acoustics
2023 | journal-article
Cost-benefit analysis of an interurban shared, autonomous, electric mobility service under different stakeholders' perspectives
Transport Research Arena
2022 | conference-poster
MobiWise: Eco-routing decision support leveraging the Internet of Things
Sustainable Cities and Society
2022 | journal-article
How can the built environment affect the impact of autonomous vehicles’ operational behaviour on air quality?
Journal of Environmental Management
2022 | journal-article
Towards a deeper understanding of road safety and pollutant emission hotspots based on a driving behaviour assessment on a roundabout near a University Campus
32nd EURO - Association of European Operational Research Societies - International Conference
2022 | conference-abstract
Optimising driving behaviour through a sustainable action indicator
KTH - Stockholm Optimization Days 2022
2022 | conference-abstract
New Perspectives and Challenges in Traffic and Transportation Engineering Supporting Energy Saving in Smart Cities—A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Global Problem
2022 | journal-article
Clustering and Disjoint Principal Component Analysis of emissions and driving volatility data collected from a hybrid electric vehicle in real drive conditions
101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
2022 | conference-paper
Influence of bicycle crossing location at urban multi-lane roundabouts on potential injuries sustained to two-wheeler riders
101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2022 | conference-paper
Micro driving behaviour in different roundabout layouts: Pollutant emissions, vehicular jerk, and traffic conflicts analysis
Transportation Research Procedia
2022 | journal-article
Biplots of kinematic variables and pollutant emissions for an intercity corridor
24th Annual Meeting ofthe EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2021)
2021 | conference-paper
Comparing different approaches for estimating tailpipe emissions in passenger cars
24th Annual Meeting ofthe EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2021)
2021 | conference-paper
Driving behaviour impacts in a mixed road traffic environment
24th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2021)
2021 | conference-abstract
Carpooling as an Immediate Strategy to Post-Lockdown Mobility: A Case Study in University Campuses
2021 | journal-article
Micro-analysis of a single vehicle driving volatility and impacts on emissions for intercity corridors
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2021 | journal-article
Driving aggressiveness in hybrid electric vehicles: Assessing the impact of driving volatility on emission rates
Applied Energy
2021 | journal-article
Book of abstracts of the 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting
Universidade de Aveiro (eds), UA Editora
2021 | book
Driving aggressiveness in hybrid electric vehicles: Assessing the impact of driving volatility on emission rates
2021 | magazine-article
Potential Pollutant Emission Effects of Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Flow Context for Different Road Types
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
2021 | journal-article
A Vehicle Noise Specific Power Concept
Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System (FISTS)
2020 | conference-paper
Impacts of roundabouts in suburban areas on congestion-specific vehicle speed profiles, pollutant and noise emissions: An empirical analysis
Sustainable Cities and Society
2020 | journal-article
A Comparative Empirical Assessment of Roundabouts Operations in Rural Areas: Impacts On Congestion-Specific Vehicle Speed Profiles, Pollutant and Noise Emissions
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2020 | conference-paper
Assessing the Overtaking Lateral Distance Between Motor Vehicles and Bicycles - Influence on Energy Consumption and Road Safety
Modern Traffic Engineering in the System Approach to the Development of Traffic Networks
2020 | book-chapter
Integrating road traffic externalities through a sustainability indicator
2020 | magazine-article
Are internally observable vehicle data good predictors of vehicle emissions?
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2019 | journal-article
Integrating road traffic externalities through a sustainability indicator
Science of The Total Environment
2019 | journal-article
Quantifying road traffic emissions embedded in a multi-objective traffic assignment model
22nd Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2019)
2019 | conference-paper
Interaction between motor vehicles and bicycles at two-lane roundabouts: a driving volatility-based analysis
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
2019 | journal-article
Interaction between motor vehicles and bicycles at two-lane roundabouts: a driving volatility based analysis
World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2019)
2019 | conference-paper
Cycling at intersections: a multi-objective assessment for traffic, emissions and safety
2019 | journal-article
Making Compact Two-Lane Roundabouts Effective for Vulnerable Road Users: An Assessment of Transport-Related Externalities
Roundabouts as Safe and Modern Solutions in Transport Networks and Systems
2019 | book-chapter
Indicador Integrado Para Análise dos Custos associados ao Tráfego Rodoviário
Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa (CIALP)
2018 | conference-paper
Melhor Mobilidade, Menos Emissões: Sistema Inteligente de Gestão das Emissões em Interseções (SIGEI)
Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa (CIALP)
2018 | conference-paper
Advanced Impact Integration Platform for Cooperative Road Use
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
2018 | journal-article
Assessing the importance of transportation activity data for urban emission inventories
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2018 | journal-article
Exploring multiple eco-routing guidance strategies in a commuting corridor
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2018 | journal-article
Statistical and semi-dynamical road traffic noise models comparison with field measurements
AIP Conference Proceedings
2018 | conference-paper
The potential of metering roundabouts: Influence in transportation externalities
Transportation Research Record
2018 | journal-article
Assessing the impact of closely-spaced intersections on traffic operations and pollutant emissions on a corridor level
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2017 | journal-article
Information Management for smart and sustainable mobility
96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
2017 | conference-poster
Multi-Criteria Assessment of Crosswalk Location on a Corridor with Roundabouts: Incorporating a Noise Related Criterion
Transportation Research Procedia
2017 | conference-paper
Pedestrian and Cyclists Impacts on vehicular Capacity and Emissions at different Turbo-roundabouts layouts
Transportation Research Procedia
2017 | conference-paper
Turboroundabouts along corridors: Analysis of operational and environmental impacts
Transportation Research Record
2017 | journal-article
The effect of a roundabout corridor's design on selecting the optimal crosswalk location: A multi-objective impact analysis
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Driving around turbo-roundabouts vs. conventional roundabouts: Are there advantages regarding pollutant emissions?
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Urban scale air quality modelling using detailed traffic emissions estimates
Atmospheric Environment
2016 | journal-article
Exploring Multiple Eco-Routing Guidance Strategies in a commuting corridor
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.
2016 | conference-paper
Can Roundabout Corridor’s design impact optimal crosswalk location: A multi-objective analysis of capacity, different pollutants and safety
95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
2016 | conference-poster
Empirical assessment of route choice impact on emissions over different road types, traffic demands, and driving scenarios
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Interpreted modeling for safety and emissions at roundabouts in corridors
1st Annual Meeting on Research Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RTME)
2016 | conference-paper
Traffic restriction policies in an urban avenue: A methodological overview for a trade-off analysis of traffic and emission impacts using microsimulation
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
2016 | journal-article
Empirical Assessment of Turbo-roundabout operations on traffic and emissions.
18th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2015), Delft, The Netherlands
2015 | conference-poster
Identification of emission hotspots in roundabouts corridors
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2015 | journal-article
Empirical Assessment of turbo-roundabout operations on traffic and emissions.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.
2015 | conference-paper
How to combine different microsimulation tools to assess the environmental impacts of road traffic? Lessons and directions
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
2015 | journal-article
Smartdecision: a route choice app based on eco-friendly criteria.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S
2015 | conference-paper
Assessment of corridors with different types of intersections: Environmental and traffic performance analysis
Transportation Research Record
2015 | journal-article
Multicriteria assessment of crosswalk location in urban roundabout corridors
Transportation Research Record
2015 | journal-article
Existência de painéis de mensagem variável para gestão de incidentes de tráfego urbano: Impacte nas emissões de poluentes
10th Portuguese Conference of the Environment
2014 | conference-paper
Are HOV/eco-lanes a sustainable option to reducing emissions in a medium-sized European city?
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
2014 | journal-article
Urban road transportation planning: the trade-off between noise and atmospheric emissions.
2014 Transportation/ Land Use Planning and Air Quality Conference: "Developing Healthy and Livable Communities", Charlotte, NC, U.S.
2014 | conference-paper
Impact of road transport on urban air quality: GIS and GPS as a support for a modeling framework.
GIS Ostrava 2014 - Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2014 | conference-paper
An eco-traffic management tool
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2014 | book
Assessing the importance of vehicle type for the implementation of eco-routing systems
Transportation Research Procedia
2014 | conference-paper
Emissions impact of road traffic incidents using advanced traveller information systems in a regional scale
Transportation Research Procedia
2014 | conference-paper
Transportation Research Record
2014 | journal-article
An “Eco-traffic” assignment tool.
16th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2013), Porto, Portugal.
2013 | conference-paper
Are Eco-lanes a sustainable option to reducing emissions in a medium-sized European city?
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., U.S.
2013 | conference-paper
Emissions Estimation at Multilane Roundabouts: Effect of Movement and Approach Lane.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
2013 | journal-article
Como a globalização influência a alteração de espaços urbanos
VIII Jornadas de Geografia e Planeamento
2012 | conference-paper