Algoritmi | User | Manuel Alexandre Monteiro Dos Santos

Manuel Alexandre Monteiro Dos Santos

Manuel Alexandre Monteiro Dos Santos
Other with Graduate
Member of the CALG R&D Unit
Academic Degree
Current Position
Other at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage
Personal Email
0000-0001-9696-8734Researcher ID
FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
Google Scholar
About Me
Researcher at CCG - Centre for Computer Graphics (Guimarães, Portugal) and the ALGORITMI Centre, specifically in the SEMAG (Software Engineering and Management Group) research group. He holds a Five-year degree in Informatics Engineering, which he completed in 2006 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, and he is currently a student in the Doctoral Program on Information Systems and Technology at the University of Minho. In 2010, he completed the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance certification, and in 2016, he completed the Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM) certification by Scrum Alliance, recently renewing it. He has worked in software engineering for the past twenty years, during which he has contributed to several national and European projects. His responsibilities included team management, database maintenance, and analyzing and implementing web-based applications and services. He has also participated in projects involving the development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Home Autonomy Assistance. In recent years, he has focused on research projects in the industrial domain, such as UH4SP - Unified Hub 4 Smart Plant, PRODUTECH SIF - Solutions for the Future Industry, and iFixturing: New Generation of Intelligent Testing Systems. He has also significantly contributed to the Interreg Sudoe HeritageCare project, the European project IS_MIRRI21 (H2020), and the STVgoDIGITAL mobilizing project: Digitalization of the textile and clothing sector value chain. Throughout the years, he has gained significant knowledge in many areas related to software development. This includes team management, requirements analysis, software testing, and development using agile methodologies. In addition, he has acquired experience developing software using various programming languages, such as those included in the .Net and .Net Core Frameworks, as well as Java, PHP, JavaScript, and, more recently, Python.
Publications (6)
A Traceability Platform for Monitoring Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Value Chain: Towards a Digital Passport for Textiles and Clothing
Sustainability (Switzerland)
2024 | journal-article
STVgoDigital: A Digital Product Passport Solution
Communications in Computer and Information Science
2024 | conference-paper
A Traceability Platform for Monitoring Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Value Chain: Towards a Digital Passport for T&C
2023 | preprint
The Bird Dictionary
2006 | magazine-article
Mobile Multimédia Solution for Outdoor Guided Visits
2005 | magazine-article
The MeCMAP – Multi-Cultural e-Learning Competencies Map
2005 | magazine-article
A Traceability Platform for Monitoring Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Value Chain: Towards a Digital Passport for Textiles and Clothing
Sustainability (Switzerland)
2024 | journal-article
STVgoDigital: A Digital Product Passport Solution
Communications in Computer and Information Science
2024 | conference-paper
A Traceability Platform for Monitoring Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Value Chain: Towards a Digital Passport for T&C
2023 | preprint
The Bird Dictionary
2006 | magazine-article
Mobile Multimédia Solution for Outdoor Guided Visits
2005 | magazine-article
The MeCMAP – Multi-Cultural e-Learning Competencies Map
2005 | magazine-article