Algoritmi | User | Susana Cristina Pinto
Susana Cristina Pinto
Susana Cristina Pinto
Personal Email
0000-0003-2658-1045Researcher ID
FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
1C13-511D-9E31Google Scholar
Publications (52)
Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Packaging: Foamed Materials made from Primary Sludge Cellulosic Fibres via Injection Moulding
20th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
2024 | conference-poster
2024 | patent
Fabrication of Customizable and Reproducible 3D Chondrocyte-Laden Nanofibrous Architectures: Effect of Specific Fiber Alignments and Porosities on Chondrocyte Response under Cyclic Compression
ACS Applied Bio Materials
2023 | journal-article
Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering
Chemical Engineering Journal
2023 | journal-article
Chemical Analysis of Sound Absorption materials - the volatile profile of polyurethane foams
International Congress on Advanced Materials and Sciences and Engineering AMSE 2023
2023 | conference-poster
Exploring Volatile Organic Compounds in Polyurethane Foams Used for Sound Absorption panels: A Comprehensive Survey
11th Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites, Italy
2023 | conference-poster
Polyurethane foam raw materials - Assessment of the volatile profile
11th Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites, Italy
2023 | conference-poster
Bio based sound absorber panels produced using 3D printing
International Conference on Renewable Resources and Refineries
2023 | conference-poster
Interfacing reduced graphene oxide with an adipose-derived extracellular matrix as a regulating milieu for neural tissue engineering
Biomaterials Advances
2023 | journal-article
Chemical Analysis of polyurethane foam raw materials - answering emergent needs in the automobile industry
International Congress on Advanced Materials and Sciences and Engineering AMSE 2023
2023 | conference-poster
Multifunctional lightweight materials - hybrid structures based on cellular metals
2023 | conference-poster
Interfacing reduced graphene oxide with a decellularized extracellular matrix as a regulating milieu for spinal cord injury repair
Graphene Week 2022
2022 | conference-poster
Multiscale Sensing of Bone-Implant Loosening for Multifunctional Smart Bone Implants: Using Capacitive Technologies for Precision Controllability
2022 | journal-article
Biomimetic Graphene/Spongin Scaffolds for Improved Osteoblasts Bioactivity via Dynamic Mechanical Stimulation
Macromolecular Bioscience
2021 | journal-article
Aligned 3D fibre matrices for the development of chondrocyte-laden anisotropic scaffolds
31st Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB 2021), Porto, Portugal
2021 | conference-poster
Boosting in vitro cartilage tissue engineering through the fabrication of polycaprolactone-gelatin 3D scaffolds with specific depth-dependent fiber alignments and mechanical stimulation
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
2021 | journal-article
Hybrid Structures Made of Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite Foams Embedded within Aluminum Open-Cell Foam
2020 | journal-article
Multifunctional hybrid structures made of open-cell aluminum foam impregnated with cellulose/graphene nanocomposites
Carbohydrate Polymers
2020 | journal-article
Development of polyurethane foam incorporating phase change material for thermal energy storage
Journal of Energy Storage
2020 | journal-article
Bacterial cellulose/graphene oxide aerogels with enhanced dimensional and thermal stability
Carbohydrate Polymers
2020 | journal-article
Characterization and physical properties of aluminium foam–polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposite hybrid structures
Composite Structures
2019 | journal-article
Mechanical, Thermal, and Acoustic Properties of Aluminum Foams Impregnated with Epoxy/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
2019 | journal-article
Multifunctional lightweight celular materials
2nd International Conference, Aveiro, Portugal
2019 | conference-poster
Ultraviolet Functionalization of Electrospun Scaffolds to Activate Fibrous Runways for Targeting Cell Adhesion
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
2019 | journal-article
Graphene-Enriched Agglomerated Cork Material and Its Behaviour under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading
2019 | journal-article
Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Oxide Aerogels: Exploring the Limits of Supercritical CO2 Fabrication Methods
Chemistry - A European Journal
2018 | journal-article
Multifunctional aerogels by combining nanocellulose and graphene based materials
International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering, Aveiro, Portugal
2018 | conference-poster
Nanocellulose-aluminium hybrid foams for multifunctional applications
TEMA em questão - Conference, Aveiro, Portugal
2018 | conference-poster
Polysaccharide Based Hybrid Materials
Springer International Publishing
2018 | book
Hybrid structures based on cellular materials
MATCEL 2017, Aveiro, Portugal
2017 | conference-poster
Cellular materials/graphene nanostructures with promising insulating and fire-retardant properties
Research Day 2017, Aveiro, Portugal
2017 | conference-poster
Agglomerated cork: A way to tailor its mechanical properties
Composite Structures
2017 | journal-article
Graphene Oxide: A Unique Nano-Platform to Build Advanced Multifunctional Composites
Advanced 2D Materials
2016 | book
Catalytic activity of trypsin entrapped in electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibers
Enzyme and Microbial Technology
2015 | journal-article
Immobilization of trypsin onto poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) nonwoven nanofiber mats
Biochemical Engineering Journal
2015 | journal-article
Physical and mass transfer properties of electrospun ε-polycaprolactone nanofiber membranes
Process Biochemistry
2015 | journal-article
Covalent immobilization of crosslinked trypsin onto electrospun poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) nanofiber mats
CHEMPOR 2014, Porto, Portugal
2014 | conference-poster
Effects of carbon nanofillers on energy storage properties of phase change material: Approach to optimization
ANM - 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Aveiro, Portugal
2014 | conference-poster
Improving cell adhesion: Development of a biosensor for cell behaviour monitoring by surface grafting of sulfonic groups onto a thermoplastic polyurethane
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
2014 | journal-article
Polymer electropsun nanofibrous mats for enzyme immobilization and biocatalytic applications
MicroBiotec¿13 Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Aveiro, Portugal
2013 | conference-poster
Nanofibrous nonwoven mats of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) blends with covalently attached trypsin
Electrospinning: Principles, Possibilities and Practice, Institute of Physics, London, UK
2013 | conference-poster
Polycaprolactone/polylactic acid blend nanofibers for enzyme encapsulation
XXIII Encontro nacional de Química, Aveiro, Portugal
2013 | conference-poster
Diffusional and Surface Properties of Electrospun Poly (e-caprolactone) Nanofibers with Trypsin Encapsulation (oral presentation)
Polymar 2013
2013 | conference-abstract
Modification of poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanofibers mats for enzyme immobilization
5th International Conference on Polymer Behaviour, Aveiro, Portugal
2012 | conference-poster
Preparação de membranas nanofibrosas por electrofiação, com incorporação de tripsina, para separação e catálise
11º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Bragança, Portugal
2012 | conference-poster
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification with biosurfactants isolated from probiotic strains
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A
2011 | journal-article
Surface grafting of a thermoplastic polyurethane with methacrylic acid by previous plasma surface activation and by ultraviolet irradiation to reduce cell adhesion
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
2011 | journal-article
Surface modification of a thermoplastic polyurethane by low-pressure plasma treatment to improve hydrophilicity
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
2011 | journal-article
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification by low pressure plasma to improve its characteristics towards biomedical applications
European Society of Biomaterials (ESB2010), Tampere, Finland
2010 | conference-poster
Surface Grafting of a Thermoplastic Polyurethane with Methacrylic Acid by Previous Plasma Surface activation and by Ultraviolet Irradiation to Reduce Cell Adhesion
European Society of Biomaterials (ESB2010), Tampere, Finland
2010 | conference-poster
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification by low pressure plasma to improve its characteristics towards biomedical applications
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
2010 | journal-article
Development of hydrogels for bone scaffolds
CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, Portugal
2005 | conference-poster
Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Packaging: Foamed Materials made from Primary Sludge Cellulosic Fibres via Injection Moulding
20th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries
2024 | conference-poster
2024 | patent
Fabrication of Customizable and Reproducible 3D Chondrocyte-Laden Nanofibrous Architectures: Effect of Specific Fiber Alignments and Porosities on Chondrocyte Response under Cyclic Compression
ACS Applied Bio Materials
2023 | journal-article
Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering
Chemical Engineering Journal
2023 | journal-article
Chemical Analysis of Sound Absorption materials - the volatile profile of polyurethane foams
International Congress on Advanced Materials and Sciences and Engineering AMSE 2023
2023 | conference-poster
Exploring Volatile Organic Compounds in Polyurethane Foams Used for Sound Absorption panels: A Comprehensive Survey
11th Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites, Italy
2023 | conference-poster
Polyurethane foam raw materials - Assessment of the volatile profile
11th Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites, Italy
2023 | conference-poster
Bio based sound absorber panels produced using 3D printing
International Conference on Renewable Resources and Refineries
2023 | conference-poster
Interfacing reduced graphene oxide with an adipose-derived extracellular matrix as a regulating milieu for neural tissue engineering
Biomaterials Advances
2023 | journal-article
Chemical Analysis of polyurethane foam raw materials - answering emergent needs in the automobile industry
International Congress on Advanced Materials and Sciences and Engineering AMSE 2023
2023 | conference-poster
Multifunctional lightweight materials - hybrid structures based on cellular metals
2023 | conference-poster
Interfacing reduced graphene oxide with a decellularized extracellular matrix as a regulating milieu for spinal cord injury repair
Graphene Week 2022
2022 | conference-poster
Multiscale Sensing of Bone-Implant Loosening for Multifunctional Smart Bone Implants: Using Capacitive Technologies for Precision Controllability
2022 | journal-article
Biomimetic Graphene/Spongin Scaffolds for Improved Osteoblasts Bioactivity via Dynamic Mechanical Stimulation
Macromolecular Bioscience
2021 | journal-article
Aligned 3D fibre matrices for the development of chondrocyte-laden anisotropic scaffolds
31st Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB 2021), Porto, Portugal
2021 | conference-poster
Boosting in vitro cartilage tissue engineering through the fabrication of polycaprolactone-gelatin 3D scaffolds with specific depth-dependent fiber alignments and mechanical stimulation
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
2021 | journal-article
Hybrid Structures Made of Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite Foams Embedded within Aluminum Open-Cell Foam
2020 | journal-article
Multifunctional hybrid structures made of open-cell aluminum foam impregnated with cellulose/graphene nanocomposites
Carbohydrate Polymers
2020 | journal-article
Development of polyurethane foam incorporating phase change material for thermal energy storage
Journal of Energy Storage
2020 | journal-article
Bacterial cellulose/graphene oxide aerogels with enhanced dimensional and thermal stability
Carbohydrate Polymers
2020 | journal-article
Characterization and physical properties of aluminium foam–polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposite hybrid structures
Composite Structures
2019 | journal-article
Mechanical, Thermal, and Acoustic Properties of Aluminum Foams Impregnated with Epoxy/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
2019 | journal-article
Multifunctional lightweight celular materials
2nd International Conference, Aveiro, Portugal
2019 | conference-poster
Ultraviolet Functionalization of Electrospun Scaffolds to Activate Fibrous Runways for Targeting Cell Adhesion
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
2019 | journal-article
Graphene-Enriched Agglomerated Cork Material and Its Behaviour under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loading
2019 | journal-article
Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Oxide Aerogels: Exploring the Limits of Supercritical CO2 Fabrication Methods
Chemistry - A European Journal
2018 | journal-article
Multifunctional aerogels by combining nanocellulose and graphene based materials
International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering, Aveiro, Portugal
2018 | conference-poster
Nanocellulose-aluminium hybrid foams for multifunctional applications
TEMA em questão - Conference, Aveiro, Portugal
2018 | conference-poster
Polysaccharide Based Hybrid Materials
Springer International Publishing
2018 | book
Hybrid structures based on cellular materials
MATCEL 2017, Aveiro, Portugal
2017 | conference-poster
Cellular materials/graphene nanostructures with promising insulating and fire-retardant properties
Research Day 2017, Aveiro, Portugal
2017 | conference-poster
Agglomerated cork: A way to tailor its mechanical properties
Composite Structures
2017 | journal-article
Graphene Oxide: A Unique Nano-Platform to Build Advanced Multifunctional Composites
Advanced 2D Materials
2016 | book
Catalytic activity of trypsin entrapped in electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibers
Enzyme and Microbial Technology
2015 | journal-article
Immobilization of trypsin onto poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) nonwoven nanofiber mats
Biochemical Engineering Journal
2015 | journal-article
Physical and mass transfer properties of electrospun ε-polycaprolactone nanofiber membranes
Process Biochemistry
2015 | journal-article
Covalent immobilization of crosslinked trypsin onto electrospun poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) nanofiber mats
CHEMPOR 2014, Porto, Portugal
2014 | conference-poster
Effects of carbon nanofillers on energy storage properties of phase change material: Approach to optimization
ANM - 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Aveiro, Portugal
2014 | conference-poster
Improving cell adhesion: Development of a biosensor for cell behaviour monitoring by surface grafting of sulfonic groups onto a thermoplastic polyurethane
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
2014 | journal-article
Polymer electropsun nanofibrous mats for enzyme immobilization and biocatalytic applications
MicroBiotec¿13 Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Aveiro, Portugal
2013 | conference-poster
Nanofibrous nonwoven mats of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) blends with covalently attached trypsin
Electrospinning: Principles, Possibilities and Practice, Institute of Physics, London, UK
2013 | conference-poster
Polycaprolactone/polylactic acid blend nanofibers for enzyme encapsulation
XXIII Encontro nacional de Química, Aveiro, Portugal
2013 | conference-poster
Diffusional and Surface Properties of Electrospun Poly (e-caprolactone) Nanofibers with Trypsin Encapsulation (oral presentation)
Polymar 2013
2013 | conference-abstract
Modification of poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanofibers mats for enzyme immobilization
5th International Conference on Polymer Behaviour, Aveiro, Portugal
2012 | conference-poster
Preparação de membranas nanofibrosas por electrofiação, com incorporação de tripsina, para separação e catálise
11º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Bragança, Portugal
2012 | conference-poster
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification with biosurfactants isolated from probiotic strains
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A
2011 | journal-article
Surface grafting of a thermoplastic polyurethane with methacrylic acid by previous plasma surface activation and by ultraviolet irradiation to reduce cell adhesion
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
2011 | journal-article
Surface modification of a thermoplastic polyurethane by low-pressure plasma treatment to improve hydrophilicity
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
2011 | journal-article
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification by low pressure plasma to improve its characteristics towards biomedical applications
European Society of Biomaterials (ESB2010), Tampere, Finland
2010 | conference-poster
Surface Grafting of a Thermoplastic Polyurethane with Methacrylic Acid by Previous Plasma Surface activation and by Ultraviolet Irradiation to Reduce Cell Adhesion
European Society of Biomaterials (ESB2010), Tampere, Finland
2010 | conference-poster
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification by low pressure plasma to improve its characteristics towards biomedical applications
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
2010 | journal-article
Development of hydrogels for bone scaffolds
CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, Portugal
2005 | conference-poster