Algoritmi | User | Sulaiman Abuhaiba

Sulaiman Abuhaiba

Sulaiman Abuhaiba


Member of the CIBIT R&D Unit

Academic Degree

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Google Scholar

Intellectual disability and epilepsy: multimodal brain imaging

Universidade de Coimbra Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar

2021 | dissertation-thesis

Occipital blood-brain barrier permeability is an independent predictor of visual outcome in type 2 diabetes, irrespective of the retinal barrier: A longitudinal study

Journal of Neuroendocrinology

2018 | journal-article

Cortical functional topography of high-frequency gamma activity relates to perceptual decision: an Intracranial study


2017 | journal-article

Diabetic brain or retina? Visual psychophysical performance in diabetic patients in relation to GABA levels in occipital cortex

Metabolic Brain Disease

2017 | journal-article

Prospective Study: Urgent Cholecystectomy Vs Elective Cholecystectomy for the Appropriately Selected Patient in Gaza

Gaza First International Conference in Surgery

2014 | conference-abstract

Prospective Study: Thoracolumbar Fixation after Thoracolumbar Fractures – What causes Fractures of the Spine in Gaza

Lancet-Palestinian Annual Meeting

2014 | conference-abstract

Life satisfaction among female doctors vs. other female workers in Gaza

Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings

2013 | journal-article

Current Evidence Concerning Propofol Use in ERCP

First Evidence Based Conference of Gaza

2013 | conference-abstract

Comparative Study Between Standard Open Lumbar Discectomy at EGH "European Gaza Hospital" and Egypt National Hospitals "Ain Shams Hospital"

3rd International Levantine Forum

2012 | conference-abstract

Smoking Impacts on the Wellbeing of Gaza Surgical Patients

Faculty of Medicine, IUG, Surgical Conference, Gaza, Palestine

2011 | conference-abstract

Intellectual disability and epilepsy: multimodal brain imaging

Universidade de Coimbra Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar

2021 | dissertation-thesis

Occipital blood-brain barrier permeability is an independent predictor of visual outcome in type 2 diabetes, irrespective of the retinal barrier: A longitudinal study

Journal of Neuroendocrinology

2018 | journal-article

Cortical functional topography of high-frequency gamma activity relates to perceptual decision: an Intracranial study


2017 | journal-article

Diabetic brain or retina? Visual psychophysical performance in diabetic patients in relation to GABA levels in occipital cortex

Metabolic Brain Disease

2017 | journal-article

Prospective Study: Urgent Cholecystectomy Vs Elective Cholecystectomy for the Appropriately Selected Patient in Gaza

Gaza First International Conference in Surgery

2014 | conference-abstract

Prospective Study: Thoracolumbar Fixation after Thoracolumbar Fractures – What causes Fractures of the Spine in Gaza

Lancet-Palestinian Annual Meeting

2014 | conference-abstract

Life satisfaction among female doctors vs. other female workers in Gaza

Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings

2013 | journal-article

Current Evidence Concerning Propofol Use in ERCP

First Evidence Based Conference of Gaza

2013 | conference-abstract

Comparative Study Between Standard Open Lumbar Discectomy at EGH "European Gaza Hospital" and Egypt National Hospitals "Ain Shams Hospital"

3rd International Levantine Forum

2012 | conference-abstract

Smoking Impacts on the Wellbeing of Gaza Surgical Patients

Faculty of Medicine, IUG, Surgical Conference, Gaza, Palestine

2011 | conference-abstract

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