Algoritmi | User | José Carlos Leite Ramalho

José Carlos Leite Ramalho

José Carlos Leite Ramalho
Other with PhD
Member of the CALG R&D Unit
Academic Degree
Current Position
Professor Auxiliar at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage Email
0000-0002-8574-1574Researcher ID
01/01/5251 20:14FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
7,47E+15Google Scholar
About Me
José Carlos Ramalho graduated in 1991 as a Systems and Informatics Engineer. During his graduation he has worked as a freelancer software developer and as a network technician for Apple. During this time he also taught several courses about computer programming for several public institutions. In 1991 he joined the Department of Informatics as an Assistent and started his MSc work. He has worked as a teacher since 1991 until the present. He also has been a researcher of Algoritmi's Research Center. He finishes his Phd in 2000 under the subject "Structured Documents Semantics". From 1996 until the present he has been researching in Structured Documents area (currently he is coordinating several projects in Digital Archives and Libraries field). He was responsible for the creation of the conference series called XATA (starting in 2003 until now). He wrote two books and many articles presented in internacional and nacional conferences. During 2008, together with two former post-graduation students he launches KEEP Solutions, a spin-off software company focusing Information Archiving, Information Management, Information Access and Information Deployment. Recently he has participated in several international and national projets as a lead researcher and consultant: SCAPE, CLAV (2017-2023), DRAFTER+ (2023-2024).
Publications (188)
NER in Archival Finding Aids: Extended
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
2022 | journal-article
EWVM, a Web Virtual Machine to Support Code Generation in Compiler Courses
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2022 | conference-paper
Fine-Tuning BERT Models to Extract Named Entities from Archival Finding Aids
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2022 | conference-paper
NER in Archival Finding Aids: Next Level
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2022 | book
Synthetic Data Generation from JSON Schemas
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2022 | conference-paper
DataGen: JSON/XML Dataset Generator
2021 | conference-paper
DataGen: JSON/XML dataset generator
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2021 | conference-paper
Development of self-diagnosis tests system using a DSL for creating new test suites for integration in a cyber-physical system
2021 | conference-paper
Development of self-diagnosis tests system using a DSL for creating new test suites for integration in a cyber-physical system
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2021 | conference-paper
Knowledge graph of press clippings referring social minorities
2021 | conference-paper
Knowledge graph of press clippings referring social minorities
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Major Minors - Ontological representation of minorities by newspapers
2021 | conference-paper
Major minors - Ontological representation of minorities by newspapers
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2021 | conference-paper
NER in Archival Finding Aids
2021 | conference-paper
Towards Entity Linking, NER in archival finding aids
2021 | conference-paper
Towards entity linking, NER in archival finding aids
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Beyond relational databases: preserving the data
2020 | journal-article
Open web ontobud: An open source RDF4J frontend
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2020 | conference-paper
Plataforma CLAV: contributo para a disponibilização de dados abertos da Administração Pública em Portugal
2020 | journal-article
SPARQ ling Neo4J
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2020 | conference-paper
Plataforma CLAV: contributo para a disponibilização de dados abertos da Administração Pública em Portugal
2019 | journal-article
Plataforma CLAV: garantindo a interoperabilidade semântica e preparando o acesso continuado à informação
2019 | journal-article
Transformação digital: novas políticas e procedimentos para a classificação e a avaliação da informação
2018 | journal-article
Plataforma M51-CLAV: o que há de novo?
2017 | conference-paper
RODA-in: A generic tool for the mass creation of Submission Information Packages
2017 | other
RODA-in: A generic tool for the mass creation of submission information packages
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2017 | conference-paper
Database Preservation Toolkit: A relational database conversion and normalization tool
iPRES: 13th International Conference on Digital Preservation
2016 | conference-paper
Database preservation toolkit: a relational database conversion and normalization tool
2016 | dissertation-thesis
RODA-in: a generic tool for the mass creation of submission information packages
2016 | dissertation-thesis
Da gestão da informação à gestão do conhecimento: uma proposta para a e-Administração em Portugal
VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Uma ontologia para os processos de negócio da Administração
12º Congresso Nacional BAD, 2015
2015 | conference-paper
PT-CRIS: Um miradouro sobre o universo científico nacional
12º Congresso Nacional BAD, 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Tecnologia i serveis de preservació digital
XV Congrés D’Arxivística de Catalunya, em Lleida, 2015
2015 | lecture-speech
Da gestão da informação à gestão do conhecimento: uma proposta para a e-Administração em Portugal
2015 | conference-paper
PT-CRIS: Um miradouro sobre o universo científico nacional
2015 | conference-paper
PT-CRIS: Um miradouro sobre o universo científico nacional
2015 | journal-article
PT-CRIS: Um miradouro sobre o universo científico nacional
2015 | other
Tecnologia i serveis de preservació digital
2015 | conference-paper
Tecnologia i serveis de preservació digital
2015 | other
Uma ontologia para os processos de negócio da Administração
2015 | conference-paper
Uma ontologia para os processos de negócio da Administração
2015 | journal-article
Uma ontologia para os processos de negócio da Administração
2015 | other
Uma ontologia para os processos de negócio da Administração
2015 | other
Preservation watch : um sistema de suporte à preservação digital
Encontro Internacional de Arquivos
2014 | conference-paper
Arquivos e Web Semântica
2014 | conference-paper
Arquivos e Web Semântica
2014 | other
Colloquium Iuris: Desmaterialização, Confiança, Autenticidade e Preservação
2014 | other
Colloquium luris: desmaterialização, confiança, autenticidade e preservação
2014 | conference-paper
Database Preservation Toolkit: a flexible tool to normalize and give access to databases
2014 | conference-paper
Database Preservation Toolkit: a flexible tool to normalize and give access to databases
DLM Forum – 7th Triennial Conference: Making the Information Governance Landscape in Europe
2014 | journal-article
Database preservation toolkit
2014 | dissertation-thesis
FITTEST logging and log-analysis' infrastructure for PHP
2014 | dissertation-thesis
Investigação/estudo tecnológico para introdução de HTML5 e estruturação do processo de migração
2014 | dissertation-thesis
PreservaAon Watch: um sistema de suporte à preservação digital
2014 | other
Preservation watch: um sistema de suporte à preservação digital
2014 | conference-paper
Preservação de bases de dados com SIARD
2014 | dissertation-thesis
RODA: repositório de objetos digitais autênticos -- passado, presente e futuro
2014 | other
RODA: repositório de objetos digitais autênticos : passado, presente e futuro
2014 | conference-paper
SCAPE: final best practice guidelines and recommendations
2014 | report
Sistema de baixo custo para deteção de fraude em quiosques de auto-empréstimo para bibliotecas
2014 | dissertation-thesis
Arquivos Digitais na 3ª geração da Web: uma ideia com mais de 20 anos
2013 | other
Arquivos digitais na 3ª geração da Web: uma ideia com mais de 20 anos
2013 | conference-paper
Automatic preservation watch using information extraction on the Web: a case study on semantic extraction of natural language for digital preservation
2013 | conference-paper
Guidelines for legacy repository migration
2013 | conference-paper
Guidelines for legacy repository migration
2013 | conference-paper
Guidelines for legacy repository migration
2013 | other
Guidelines for legacy repository migration
2013 | other
Innovations in XML applications and metadata management: advancing technologies
IGI Global
2013 | book
Relational databases digital preservation
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Supporting the preservation lifecycle in repositories
2013 | conference-paper
Boas Práticas na Migração de Repositórios
2012 | journal-article
Boas Práticas na Migração de Repositórios: lições aprendidas com o CALM e o ARQBASE
2012 | other
Boas práticas na migração de repositórios: lições aprendidas com o CALM e o ARQBASE
2012 | conference-paper
Database migration - CLI
2012 | other
Database migration : CLI
2012 | other
Design and architecture of a novel preservation watch system
2012 | book
Gestão de depósitos em arquivos
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Innovations in XML applications and metadata management: Advancing technologies
2012 | book
MuseCode : à procura da linearidade na música tonal
2012 | conference-paper
MuseCode: à procura da linearidade na música tonal
GUIMARAMUS 2012 - Congresso Musical de Guimarães, Capital Europeia da Cultura
2012 | journal-article
New dimension in relational database preservation: Using ontologies
2012 | book
Preservation watch: what to monitor and how
2012 | conference-paper
RODA : a service-oriented digital repository : database archiving
2012 | other
RODA: A Service-Oriented Digital Repository - Database Archiving
2012 | other
Agregação de conteúdos e construção de redes de recursos digitais à medida
2011 | other
Agregação de conteúdos e construção de redes de recursos digitais à medida
2011 | other
Criação de interfaces hierárquicas para acesso a redes ontológicas de ficheiros
2011 | dissertation-thesis
Criação e aplicação de um modelo baseado em Topic Maps à Documentação Educativa
2011 | journal-article
MuseCode : uma abordagem aritmética à música tonal
2011 | journal-article
MuseCode: uma abordagem aritmética à música tonal
Não publicado
2011 | journal-article
New Dimension in Relational Database Preservation: raising the abstraction level
iPRES 2011 - 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects
2011 | journal-article
New dimension in relational database preservation : raising the abstraction level
2011 | conference-paper
Preservation of relational databases : significant properties in the preservation of relational databases
2011 | conference-paper
RODA : Repositório de Objectos Digitais Autênticos
2011 | other
RODA: Repositório de Objectos Digitais Autênticos
2011 | other
RODA: Repositório de Objectos Digitais Autênticos
2011 | other
Relational Databases Conceptual Preservation
Fourth Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries
2011 | journal-article
Relational databases conceptual preservation
2011 | conference-paper
SCEUR - Serviço Centralizado de Estatísticas de Utilização de Repositórios
2011 | conference-paper
Serviço Centralizado de Estatísticas de Utilização de Repositórios
2011 | dissertation-thesis
Significant Properties in the Preservation of Relational Databases
Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries
2011 | journal-article
Significant Properties in the Preservation of Relational Databases
International Conference on “Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy”, (MSKE 2011)
2011 | journal-article
Significant properties in the preservation of relational databases
2011 | conference-paper
Using Ontologies in Database Preservation
XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas (XATA2011)
2011 | journal-article
Using Ontologies to Abstract Relational Databases Conceptual Model
EPIA2011 - 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
2011 | journal-article
Using ontologies in database preservation
2011 | conference-paper
Using ontologies to abstract relational databases conceptual model
2011 | conference-paper
DigitArq e o novo módulo de interoperabilidade OAI-PMH
2010 | journal-article
Significant Properties in the Preservation of Relational Databases
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 14th European Conference, ECDL2010
2010 | journal-article
Significant properties in the preservation of relational databases
2010 | conference-paper
Transposição de aplicações Desktop para plataformas móveis : um caso de estudo
2010 | dissertation-thesis
Extracção e concentração de metainformação distribuída por vários repositórios
2009 | dissertation-thesis
Portefólio digital (e-portefólio)
2009 | dissertation-thesis
Preservação de longa duração de informação digital no contexto de um arquivo histórico
2009 | dissertation-thesis
RODA i CRIB. Un repositori digital orientat als serveis
2009 | journal-article
RODA: a service-oriented repository to preserve authentic digital objects
2009 | conference-paper
Relational databases digital preservation
2009 | conference-paper
Topic maps constraint languages: understanding and comparing
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems
2009 | journal-article
A framework to specify, extract and manage topic maps driven by ontology
2008 | conference-paper
Comparing topic maps constraint specification languages
2008 | book
Distributed preservation services: Integrating planning and actions
2008 | book
Preservação digital de bases de dados relacionais
2008 | dissertation-thesis
Preservação digital: das normas às boas práticas
2008 | conference-paper
RODA and CRiB a service-oriented digital repository
2008 | journal-article
Sistemas de suporte à governação electrónica: preservação a longo-prazo de informação digital
2008 | conference-paper
A utilização do XBRL no relato financeiro electrónico
2007 | dissertation-thesis
An intelligent decision support system for digital preservation
2007 | journal-article
Análise de sistemas para especificação de workflow baseados em XML
2007 | dissertation-thesis
CRiB: preservation services for Digital Repositories
2007 | conference-paper
Consulta Real em Ambiente Virtual: implementação de uma sala de referência e leitura virtual num arquivo
2007 | journal-article
Digitarq2: arquitectura aplicacional para gestão de arquivos definitivos
2007 | conference-paper
Estruturando o conhecimento com a norma ISO 13250 Topic Maps
2007 | conference-paper
RODA - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects
2007 | conference-paper
RODA: Repositório de Objectos Digitais Autênticos
2007 | journal-article
Relational database preservation through XML modelling
2007 | conference-paper
Relational database preservation through XML modelling
2007 | conference-paper
Repositórios digitais
2007 | conference-paper
Topic maps applied to PubMed
2007 | conference-paper
Topic maps applied to PubMed
2007 | conference-paper
Topic maps constraint languages: understanding and comparing
2007 | conference-paper
Topic maps constraint specification languages : comparing AsTMa!, OSL, and XTche
2007 | conference-paper
A foundation for automatic digital preservation
2006 | journal-article
Digitarq2: nova arquitectura aplicacional para gestão de Arquivos Definitivos
2006 | conference-paper
Metamorphosis - A topic maps based environment to handle heterogeneous information resources
2006 | book
Metamorphosis: an environment to achieve semantic interoperability with topic maps
2006 | journal-article
RODA - desenvolvimento de uma plataforma tecnológica para suportar arquivos digitais
2006 | conference-paper
Avaliação automática de migração em redes distribuídas de conversores
2005 | conference-paper
Constraining XML topic maps with XTche
2005 | conference-paper
Constraining topic maps: A TMCL declarative implementation
2005 | conference-paper
Constraining topic maps: a TMCL declarative implementation
2005 | conference-paper
Geração automática de interfaces web para sistemas de informação : metamorphosis
2005 | journal-article
Representação de conhecimento na semantic web
2005 | conference-paper
Ulisses: um navegador conceptual para topic maps
2005 | conference-paper
ADRIAN : sistema de suporte à produção de conteúdos
2004 | conference-paper
DigitArq: creating a historical digital archive
2004 | conference-paper
Extração de topic maps no Oveia: especificação e processamento
2004 | conference-paper
Using the ontology paradigm to integrate information systems
2004 | conference-paper
Web Services: Metodologias de Desenvolvimento
2004 | conference-paper
XTche : a language for topic maps schema and constraints
2004 | conference-paper
Adrian: a platform for E-Learning Content Prodution
2003 | conference-paper
Geração automática de interfaces web para sistemas de informação : metamorphosis
2003 | conference-paper
O XML nos curriculae das licenciaturas em informática
2003 | conference-paper
TM-Builder: um construtor de ontologias baseado em topic maps
2003 | conference-paper
XCSL: XML constraint specification language
2003 | journal-article
XML topic map builder: specification and generation
2003 | conference-paper
Xexam: uma linguagem de suporte para exames online (e-learning)
2003 | conference-paper
Bidirectional Conversion between XML Documents and Relational Data Bases
2002 | conference-paper
Bidirectional conversion between XML documents and relational data bases
2002 | conference-paper
Constraint specification languages: comparing XCSL, Schematron and XML-Schemas
2002 | conference-paper
XCSL tutorial
2002 | journal-article
XCSL: XML constraint specification language
2002 | conference-paper
Constraining content: specification and processing
2001 | conference-paper
Anotação estrutural de documentos e sua semântica : especificação da sintaxe, semântica e estilo para documentos
2000 | dissertation-thesis
XML and semantic validation
2000 | conference-paper
Extensible Markup Language (XML): a promessa e a esperança?...
1999 | conference-paper
SGML documents : where does quality go?
1999 | journal-article
XML::DT : a PERL down translation module
1999 | conference-paper
Adapting museum structures for the web: no changes needed!
1998 | conference-paper
Algebraic specification of documents
1998 | journal-article
Algebraic specification of documents
1998 | journal-article
Beyond DTDs: constraining data content
1998 | conference-paper
Generating SGML specific editors: from DTDs to attribute grammars
1998 | conference-paper
Qualidade na publicação electrónica: como controlá-la?
1998 | conference-paper
INES: ambiente para construção assistida de editores estruturados baseados em SGML
1997 | conference-paper
SGML documents : where does quality go?
1997 | conference-paper
Document semantics: Two approaches
1996 | conference-paper
A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues
1995 | journal-article
A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: implementation issues
1995 | journal-article