Algoritmi | User | Inês Alexandra Teixeira de Almeida
Inês Alexandra Teixeira de Almeida
Inês Alexandra Teixeira de Almeida
Personal Email
0000-0003-0230-3075Researcher ID
FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
441A-E5C9-E1DDGoogle Scholar
About Me
Inês Almeida has a degree in Psychology, with specialization in Psychological Assessment, Counselling, and Rehabilitation. The final year concerned experimental studies with clinical populations in the field of Neuropsychology (measures: behaviour; psychological assessment tools). Her PhD was done in the field of Health Sciences - Biomedical Sciences. The thesis concerned studies in basic affective neuroscience using experimental paradigms (measures: behaviour; psychophysiology SCR/EDA; functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI). In later years, she worked in the interconnected fields of psychology and neuroscience, using behavioural, psychological assessment and brain imaging measures to understand contextual factors (affective, cognitive) modulating decision-making. Throughout her career she has worked both with healthy and clinical populations (e.g. Parkinson's disease; Hungtington's disease; fornix lesion case). She has contributed with scientific publications, public datasets, preprints, preregistrations, as well as several science communication and outreach activities for school’s students and the public in general. She also contributed as lecturer in two summer schools and one training program. She has now moved to meta-research to contribute towards better research practices, change in research culture (responsible, reproducible research), and adoption of new indicators to assess quality of diverse outputs of the research lifecycle. She has invested in Open Science, training (Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador training; International Network of Open Science & Open Scholarship Communities Incubator Program) to bring open science awareness and practices to her research activities, but also to collaborate in the implementation of open science training programs in the Univ Coimbra (Portugal). She was involved in local initiatives such as the PostDocs@UC (local initiative), participating in the organization of several workshops and events, and in national and international associations such as the Portuguese Association of Fellowship holders (ABIC) and the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc) to improve scientific practices and employment conditions for researchers, locally, nationally and across Europe. She embraces open research principles and practices towards research integrity, reproducibility and quality of research. She aims to contribute to scholar/research cultural change, improving research assessment.
Publications (66)
Decoding Musical Valence And Arousal: Exploring The Neural Correlates Of Music Evoked Emotions And The Role Of Expressivity Features
2024 | preprint
Adaptation of the Swedish Core Affect Scale to the Portuguese population: preliminary results
2nd Annual CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Criar uma Comunidade de Ciência Aberta: passos e desafios na Universidade de Coimbra
10th Forum GDI
2023 | conference-abstract
Testing the Modulatory Role of Affective States During Effortful Actions Selection
Champalimaud Research Symposium 2023 - Neuroscience: The brain, within the body, within the world – the neuroscience of the self
2023 | conference-poster
On hemispheric specialization: a systematic review and meta-analysis of orbitofrontal activity during social games cooperation
IV CINEICC International Congress - Innovations in fundamental and applied psychological science
2023 | conference-poster
The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset
Scientific Data
2023 | journal-article
In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries
Affective Science
2022 | journal-article
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2022 | journal-article
Perspectives on Open Science and Scholarly Publishing: a Survey Study Focusing on Early Career Researchers in Europe
2021 | preprint
Eurodoc Survey on Publishing in Open Science 2020
2021 | data-set
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nature Human Behaviour
2021 | journal-article
Eurodoc input on UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
2021 | report
Clube Ciência Viva CIBIT - Clube de Ciência na Escola 2019/20/21
2021 | other
A global test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nature Human Behaviour
2021 | journal-article
Amygdala Modulation During Emotion Regulation Training With fMRI-Based Neurofeedback
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
2019 | journal-article
Psychological risk factors, cognitive-contextual approaches and neural correlates in eating disorders: an integrative review
International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health
2017 | journal-article
Brain Awareness Week 2017 – Topic: Duas neurocientistas, dois percursos diferentes (Science Communication event)
2017 | other
Partners but playing separate roles: how the OFC and Amygdala represent social predictive cues of monetary outcome in a Trust Game (oral communication)
7th Iberian Congress on Perception (Coimbra, Portugal)
2017 | conference-abstract
Should “eye” trust you again? An fMRI study on decision-making
XV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (Braga, Portugal)
2017 | conference-poster
Should “eye” trust you: How the OFC and amygdala represent predictive cues of monetary outcome in a Trust economic game
XV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (Braga, Portugal)
2017 | conference-poster
School visit at IBILI – Topic: Economic games in Brain research. (Science Communication event)
2016 | other
The role of the amygdala in facial trustworthiness processing: A systematic review and meta-analyses of fMRI studies
2016 | journal-article
The role of the core and extended face networks in visual perception and high level social cognition. Final work of Research grant 133/12 (Duration 2013/11 – 2016/01)
11th BIAL Symposium (Porto, Portugal)
2016 | conference-poster
Tracking facial trustworthiness and reward during a trust game: an fMRI study
3rd European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) Conference (Porto, Portugal)
2016 | conference-poster
Addiction and Other Psychiatric Disorders in a Population of Portuguese Prisoners.effects in Violent Crime and Addiction Severity.
European Psychiatry
2015 | journal-article
Brain Awareness Week 2015 – Topic: The brain and its secrets (O cérebro e os seus segredos) (Science Communication event)
2015 | other
Imbalance in habitual versus goal directed neural systems during symptom provocation in obsessive-compulsive disorder
2015 | journal-article
Neural correlates of trustworthiness during a neuroeconomic Trust Game: An fMRI Study
VII IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2015 | conference-poster
The distinct role of the amygdala, superior colliculus and pulvinar in processing of central and peripheral snakes
2015 | journal-article
The role of the amygdala in trust games: A systematic review and meta-analysis
VI IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2014 | conference-poster
What direction of eye gaze tells us about other’s trustworthiness: a behavioural study
VI IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2014 | conference-poster
Brain Awareness Week 2013 – Topic: The magical brain (O cérebro mágico) (Science Communication event)
2013 | other
Effects of emotional valence and three-dimensionality of visual stimuli on brain activation: An fMRI study
2013 | journal-article
Fear-Relevant Animal Faces and Bodies: the Role of Spatial Location in Threat Detection (oral communication by invitation)
13th European Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden)
2013 | conference-abstract
Hemispheric asymmetries and snake threat detection in the human amygdala: an fMRI study
1st Meeting PostDoc Forum FMUC (Coimbra, Portugal)
2013 | conference-poster
PhD work dissemination through the radio station RUC, program "Caminhos da investigação"(en: Research Paths) (Science Communication event)
RUC - Rádio Universidade de Coimbra
2013 | other
Right hemisphere dominance during snakes detection is evident in the amygdala, pulvinar and superior colliculus: an fMRI study
V IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2013 | conference-poster
The role of the amygdala and the basal ganglia in visual processing of central vs. peripheral emotional content
2013 | journal-article
1st Coffee of science – Topic: The mysteries of emotions (Café de Ciência: Os Mistérios da Emoção) (Science Communication event)
2012 | other
Activities with families – Topic: Discover your brain (Actividades em Família - Descobre o teu cérebro) (Science Communication event)
2012 | other
Does the Amygdala Respond Stronger to Snakes Appearing in the Periphery? A fMRI on Visual Detection Systems
Abstracts of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Ressonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) (Lisboa, Portugal
2012 | conference-poster
Implicit contextual learning in prodromal and early stage Huntington's disease patients
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
2012 | journal-article
Neural Pathways involved in the processing of central an peripheral visual threat signals (oral communication)
IV IBILI Annual Meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2012 | conference-abstract
Right hemispheric bias in early retinotopic areas when explicitly detecting threat in the environment: an fMRI study
IV IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2012 | conference-poster
Scanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism
Frontiers in Psychology
2012 | journal-article
Are ecologically relevant stimuli more effective in the visual periphery?
3rd IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2011 | conference-poster
Specific impairment of visual spatial covert attention mechanisms in Parkinson's disease
2011 | journal-article
The neural correlates of implicit and explicit threat processing in central and peripheral vision
VI meeting of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) (Coimbra, Portugal)
2011 | conference-poster
The response of the right human amygdala is stronger to central vs peripheral animal faces: an fMRI study
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Florence, Italy)
2011 | conference-poster
A neurophysiological study on the effects of duration and awareness on the processing of emotional faces
16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) (Barcelona, Spain)
2010 | conference-poster
Dissociable effects of stimulus Duration and Awareness on Skin Conductance Responses to Emotional Facial expressions
V meeting of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) (Porto, Portugal)
2010 | conference-poster
Processing of threat signals using foveal vs. peripheral vision: an fMRI approach
2nd IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2010 | conference-poster
Processing of threat signals using foveal vs. peripheral vision: an fMRI approach (oral communication)
1st International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion (ETVCE) (Lisboa, Portugal)
2010 | conference-abstract
Skin conductance responses evoked by emotional faces reflect separable stimulus duration and awareness effects
7th Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS) (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
2010 | conference-poster
Skin conductance responses evoked by emotional content in faces reflect separable stimulus duration and awareness effects
1st IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2009 | conference-poster
The role of the basal ganglia in implicit contextual learning: A study of Parkinson's disease
2009 | journal-article
1.198 The effect of Parkinson's disease on implicit spatial context learning.
2007 | conference-paper
Aprendizagem implícita de informação contextual em doentes de Parkinson (oral communication)
Reunião da Secção de Doenças do Movimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia (SPN) (Figueira da Foz, Portugal)
2007 | conference-abstract
Dissociable memory impairments after selective bilateral fornix damage
International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid-Year Meeting (Bilbao, Spain)
2007 | conference-poster
Implicit context learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease
International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid-Year Meeting (Bilbao, Spain)
2007 | conference-poster
The role of the basal ganglia in implicit context learning
II Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) (Porto, Portugal)
2007 | conference-poster
Visual search and perceptual learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease
6th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Melbourne, Australia)
2007 | conference-poster
Integraçao visuomotora na Doença de Parkinson (oral communication)
Reunião da Secção de Doenças do Movimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia (SPN) (Pateira, Portugal)
2006 | conference-abstract
A Global Experiment on Motivating Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
| other
In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with little-to-no concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries
| other
PSACR: The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 Rapid-Response Dataset
| other
Decoding Musical Valence And Arousal: Exploring The Neural Correlates Of Music Evoked Emotions And The Role Of Expressivity Features
2024 | preprint
Adaptation of the Swedish Core Affect Scale to the Portuguese population: preliminary results
2nd Annual CIBIT Meeting
2023 | conference-poster
Criar uma Comunidade de Ciência Aberta: passos e desafios na Universidade de Coimbra
10th Forum GDI
2023 | conference-abstract
Testing the Modulatory Role of Affective States During Effortful Actions Selection
Champalimaud Research Symposium 2023 - Neuroscience: The brain, within the body, within the world – the neuroscience of the self
2023 | conference-poster
On hemispheric specialization: a systematic review and meta-analysis of orbitofrontal activity during social games cooperation
IV CINEICC International Congress - Innovations in fundamental and applied psychological science
2023 | conference-poster
The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset
Scientific Data
2023 | journal-article
In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries
Affective Science
2022 | journal-article
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2022 | journal-article
Perspectives on Open Science and Scholarly Publishing: a Survey Study Focusing on Early Career Researchers in Europe
2021 | preprint
Eurodoc Survey on Publishing in Open Science 2020
2021 | data-set
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nature Human Behaviour
2021 | journal-article
Eurodoc input on UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
2021 | report
Clube Ciência Viva CIBIT - Clube de Ciência na Escola 2019/20/21
2021 | other
A global test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nature Human Behaviour
2021 | journal-article
Amygdala Modulation During Emotion Regulation Training With fMRI-Based Neurofeedback
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
2019 | journal-article
Psychological risk factors, cognitive-contextual approaches and neural correlates in eating disorders: an integrative review
International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health
2017 | journal-article
Brain Awareness Week 2017 – Topic: Duas neurocientistas, dois percursos diferentes (Science Communication event)
2017 | other
Partners but playing separate roles: how the OFC and Amygdala represent social predictive cues of monetary outcome in a Trust Game (oral communication)
7th Iberian Congress on Perception (Coimbra, Portugal)
2017 | conference-abstract
Should “eye” trust you again? An fMRI study on decision-making
XV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (Braga, Portugal)
2017 | conference-poster
Should “eye” trust you: How the OFC and amygdala represent predictive cues of monetary outcome in a Trust economic game
XV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience (Braga, Portugal)
2017 | conference-poster
School visit at IBILI – Topic: Economic games in Brain research. (Science Communication event)
2016 | other
The role of the amygdala in facial trustworthiness processing: A systematic review and meta-analyses of fMRI studies
2016 | journal-article
The role of the core and extended face networks in visual perception and high level social cognition. Final work of Research grant 133/12 (Duration 2013/11 – 2016/01)
11th BIAL Symposium (Porto, Portugal)
2016 | conference-poster
Tracking facial trustworthiness and reward during a trust game: an fMRI study
3rd European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) Conference (Porto, Portugal)
2016 | conference-poster
Addiction and Other Psychiatric Disorders in a Population of Portuguese Prisoners.effects in Violent Crime and Addiction Severity.
European Psychiatry
2015 | journal-article
Brain Awareness Week 2015 – Topic: The brain and its secrets (O cérebro e os seus segredos) (Science Communication event)
2015 | other
Imbalance in habitual versus goal directed neural systems during symptom provocation in obsessive-compulsive disorder
2015 | journal-article
Neural correlates of trustworthiness during a neuroeconomic Trust Game: An fMRI Study
VII IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2015 | conference-poster
The distinct role of the amygdala, superior colliculus and pulvinar in processing of central and peripheral snakes
2015 | journal-article
The role of the amygdala in trust games: A systematic review and meta-analysis
VI IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2014 | conference-poster
What direction of eye gaze tells us about other’s trustworthiness: a behavioural study
VI IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2014 | conference-poster
Brain Awareness Week 2013 – Topic: The magical brain (O cérebro mágico) (Science Communication event)
2013 | other
Effects of emotional valence and three-dimensionality of visual stimuli on brain activation: An fMRI study
2013 | journal-article
Fear-Relevant Animal Faces and Bodies: the Role of Spatial Location in Threat Detection (oral communication by invitation)
13th European Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden)
2013 | conference-abstract
Hemispheric asymmetries and snake threat detection in the human amygdala: an fMRI study
1st Meeting PostDoc Forum FMUC (Coimbra, Portugal)
2013 | conference-poster
PhD work dissemination through the radio station RUC, program "Caminhos da investigação"(en: Research Paths) (Science Communication event)
RUC - Rádio Universidade de Coimbra
2013 | other
Right hemisphere dominance during snakes detection is evident in the amygdala, pulvinar and superior colliculus: an fMRI study
V IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2013 | conference-poster
The role of the amygdala and the basal ganglia in visual processing of central vs. peripheral emotional content
2013 | journal-article
1st Coffee of science – Topic: The mysteries of emotions (Café de Ciência: Os Mistérios da Emoção) (Science Communication event)
2012 | other
Activities with families – Topic: Discover your brain (Actividades em Família - Descobre o teu cérebro) (Science Communication event)
2012 | other
Does the Amygdala Respond Stronger to Snakes Appearing in the Periphery? A fMRI on Visual Detection Systems
Abstracts of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Ressonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) (Lisboa, Portugal
2012 | conference-poster
Implicit contextual learning in prodromal and early stage Huntington's disease patients
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
2012 | journal-article
Neural Pathways involved in the processing of central an peripheral visual threat signals (oral communication)
IV IBILI Annual Meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2012 | conference-abstract
Right hemispheric bias in early retinotopic areas when explicitly detecting threat in the environment: an fMRI study
IV IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2012 | conference-poster
Scanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism
Frontiers in Psychology
2012 | journal-article
Are ecologically relevant stimuli more effective in the visual periphery?
3rd IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2011 | conference-poster
Specific impairment of visual spatial covert attention mechanisms in Parkinson's disease
2011 | journal-article
The neural correlates of implicit and explicit threat processing in central and peripheral vision
VI meeting of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) (Coimbra, Portugal)
2011 | conference-poster
The response of the right human amygdala is stronger to central vs peripheral animal faces: an fMRI study
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Florence, Italy)
2011 | conference-poster
A neurophysiological study on the effects of duration and awareness on the processing of emotional faces
16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) (Barcelona, Spain)
2010 | conference-poster
Dissociable effects of stimulus Duration and Awareness on Skin Conductance Responses to Emotional Facial expressions
V meeting of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) (Porto, Portugal)
2010 | conference-poster
Processing of threat signals using foveal vs. peripheral vision: an fMRI approach
2nd IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2010 | conference-poster
Processing of threat signals using foveal vs. peripheral vision: an fMRI approach (oral communication)
1st International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion (ETVCE) (Lisboa, Portugal)
2010 | conference-abstract
Skin conductance responses evoked by emotional faces reflect separable stimulus duration and awareness effects
7th Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS) (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
2010 | conference-poster
Skin conductance responses evoked by emotional content in faces reflect separable stimulus duration and awareness effects
1st IBILI meeting (Coimbra, Portugal)
2009 | conference-poster
The role of the basal ganglia in implicit contextual learning: A study of Parkinson's disease
2009 | journal-article
1.198 The effect of Parkinson's disease on implicit spatial context learning.
2007 | conference-paper
Aprendizagem implícita de informação contextual em doentes de Parkinson (oral communication)
Reunião da Secção de Doenças do Movimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia (SPN) (Figueira da Foz, Portugal)
2007 | conference-abstract
Dissociable memory impairments after selective bilateral fornix damage
International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid-Year Meeting (Bilbao, Spain)
2007 | conference-poster
Implicit context learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease
International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid-Year Meeting (Bilbao, Spain)
2007 | conference-poster
The role of the basal ganglia in implicit context learning
II Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) (Porto, Portugal)
2007 | conference-poster
Visual search and perceptual learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease
6th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Melbourne, Australia)
2007 | conference-poster
Integraçao visuomotora na Doença de Parkinson (oral communication)
Reunião da Secção de Doenças do Movimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia (SPN) (Pateira, Portugal)
2006 | conference-abstract
A Global Experiment on Motivating Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
| other
In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with little-to-no concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries
| other
PSACR: The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 Rapid-Response Dataset
| other