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Daniel Aelenei

Daniel Aelenei
Personal Email
0000-0002-1007-1756Researcher ID
G-3460-2016FCT Public Key
Ciência ID
7314-A23E-E1B4Google Scholar Me
Daniel Aelenei is an associate professor of building physics and building technical services at Department of Civil Engineering and senior researcher at Center of Technology and Systems at Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is responsible for graduate and postgraduate courses and for supervision of dissertations in energy efficiency of buildings. He studied civil engineering at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi, Romania, and in 2004 achieved his PhD at the “Instituto Superior Técnico” of the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, in the field of passive cooling design and technologies for housing. The research of Daniel Aelenei is focused on the low-energy buildings and in particular on net zero energy performance of buildings and on the physical characteristics of buildings affecting the indoor environment and in turn the occupant´s comfort and health.
Publications (74)
Solar-optical and thermal behavior of photochromic glazing: Small-scale testing under real sky conditions
Construction and Building Materials
2024 | journal-article
Solar responsive building glazing
Journal of Building Engineering
2024 | journal-article
Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Impact of an Electrochromic Glazing on the Energy Use and Indoor Comfort of an Office Room
2024 | journal-article
Improving the Energy Performance of Public Buildings in the Mediterranean Climate via a Decision Support Tool
2024 | journal-article
A comparative life cycle assessment of ETICS and ventilated façade systems with timber cladding
Energy and Buildings
2024 | journal-article
Analise Dinâmica do Desempenho Energético de um Envidraçado Termocrómico em Diferentes Zonas Climáticas de Portugal
Engenharia Civil UM
2023 | journal-article
Aggregated Use of Energy Flexibility in Office Buildings
2023 | journal-article
Experimental Design for Building Retrofit Studies: The Assessment of the Thermal Behaviour of a Solar Passive Retrofit Solution
2023 | book-chapter
Assessment of the visual, thermal and energy performance of static vs thermochromic double-glazing under different European climates
Building and Environment
2022 | journal-article
Full-Size Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Sealing of Low Velocity Air Curtains
2021 | journal-article
The Use of Key Enabling Technologies in the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Monitoring, Control and Intelligent Management
2021 | journal-article
Building Façade Retrofit with Solar Passive Technologies: A Literature Review
2021 | journal-article
Solar Bridge Retrofit System: An innovative solution to renovate structural thermal bridge areas
Energy and Buildings
2021 | journal-article
The potential of energy flexibility of space heating and cooling in Portugal
Utilities Policy
2020 | journal-article
Mapping Flexibility of Urban Energy Systems (FIRST) project: Rationale and study design of an exploratory project
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2019 | journal-article
Investigating the potential for energy flexibility in an office building with a vertical BIPV and a PV roof system
Renewable Energy
2019 | journal-article
Avaliação experimental das propriedades térmicas de misturas betuminosas
2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil – TEST&E 2019, Porto, Portugal, 19/02/19
2019 | conference-paper
Building Envelope
Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
2019 | book-chapter
A case study on the impact of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings on distribution transformer aging
2018 | journal-article
Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Sealing of Air Curtains
2018 | journal-article
Energy flexible buildings: An evaluation of definitions and quantification methodologies applied to thermal storage
Energy and Buildings
2018 | journal-article
What is an adaptive façade? Analysis of recent terms and definitions from an international perspective
Journal of Facade Design and Engineering
2018 | journal-article
Solution Sets for Net-Zero Energy Buildings
2017 | book
Comportamento Acústico de Fachadas: Isolamento Acústico versus Permeabilidade ao Ar
Simpósio de Acústica e Vibrações
2017 | conference-paper
Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI
2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto. - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI
2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016
2016 | conference-paper
A cooperative net zero energy community to improve load matching
Renewable Energy
2016 | journal-article
A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings
2016 | conference-paper
A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings
Energy Procedia
2016 | conference-paper
Adaptive Façade: Concept, Applications, Research Questions
Energy Procedia
2016 | conference-paper
Análise da distribuição de temperaturas em zonas de pontes térmicas de edifícios existentes
2015 | conference-paper
Numerical evaluation of ventilation performance in children day care centres
2015 | journal-article
Assessment of ventilation in elderly care centres
40th IAHS World Congresso on Housing
2014 | conference-paper
European Journal of Pediatrics
2014 | journal-article
Design of net zero energy buildings: Feedback from international projects
2014 | conference-paper
Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings
2014 | conference-paper
Edifícios de balanço energético nulo: uma síntese das características principais
2014 | journal-article
Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres (ENVIRH) - Study rationale and protocol,Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários (ENVIRH) - Fundamentação e protocolo do estudo
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia
2014 | journal-article
Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres ; Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários
2014 | book
Environmental and ventilation assessment in child day care centers in Porto: The envirh project
2014 | journal-article
Study on the weighting of building acoustics descriptors and their influence on the quality of acoustic comfort for the occupants
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum
2014 | conference-paper
The nZEBs in the near Future: Overview of definitions and guidelines towards existing plans for increasing nZEBs
2014 | conference-paper
The use of attached-sunspaces in retrofitting design: The case of residential buildings in Portugal
2014 | conference-paper
The Effects on Health of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort In Elderly Care Centers
2nd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
2013 | conference-paper
Design strategies for non-residential zero - energy buildings - Lessons learned from Task 40/Annex 52, Towards Net Zero - Energy Solar Buildings
CLIMA 2013
2013 | conference-paper
Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres in Portugal - results from phase II on the ventilation characteristics of 16 schools
CLIMA 2013
2013 | conference-paper
Design issues for net zero-energy buildings
2013 | journal-article
Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings
2013 | conference-paper
Net Zero Energy Residential Building Case Studies
2013 | journal-article
The nZEBs in the near future: review on definitions and guidelines of national strategic plans [Comunicação oral]
2013 | conference-paper
Ventilação, Qualidade do Ar e Saúde em creches e infantários - Resultados preliminares do projeto ENVIRH
2013 | conference-paper
Geria Project preliminary study on indoor air quality and health related quality of life in elderly care centers
CISE 2012, Conferência Internacional sobre Envelhecimento
2012 | conference-paper
Environment and health in children day care centres results from phase I - preliminary analysis of buildings physical characteristics
The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation
2012 | conference-paper
Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Children Day Care Centers � ENVIRH Project
The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE),
2012 | conference-paper
Solar-Optical Properties of Venetian Blinds: Modelling, Experimentation and Design Optimization
ZEMCH 2012
2012 | conference-paper
Levels of Co2 In Day Care Centers And Its Association With Wheezing
American Thoracic Society
2012 | conference-paper
Reabilitação energética de edificios residenciais com recurso a solários
2012 | conference-paper
Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a paredes de armazenamento térmico
2012 | conference-paper
Rehabilitation of residential buildings with low thermal protection using ventilated wood facades
2012 | conference-paper
Estudo da qualidade do ar interior em creches e infantários (projeto ENVIRH)
2012 | conference-paper
Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Day Care Centers - ENVIRH Project
2012 | conference-paper
Introduction to analysis matrix
2012 | conference-paper
Passive cooling approaches in net-zero energy solar buildings:lessons learned from demonstration buildings
2011 | conference-paper
Passive Cooling Approaches in Net-Zero Energy Solar Buildings: Lessons Learned from Demonstration Buildings
2011 | conference-paper
Standard unretrofitted buildings and net-zero energy concept
2010 | conference-paper
Standard Unretrofitted Buildings and Net Zero Energy Concept
Proceedings of the EuroSun 2010 Conference
2010 | conference-paper
Avaliação do risco de ocorrência de condensações nas fachadas dos edifícios
Proceedings Volume II
2009 | conference-paper
Avaliação experimental dos níveis de qualidade de ar interior em quartos de dormir
Proceedings Volume II
2009 | conference-paper
Analysis of the condensation risk on exterior surface of building envelopes
2008 | journal-article
Application of high-order spatial resolution schemes to the hybrid finite volume/finite element method for radiative transfer in participating media
2008 | journal-article
Performance of an air based radiative cooling system
2006 | conference-paper
The Ventilation Effect on the Thermal Performance of a Cavity Wall: Numerical and Experimental Analysis
ROOMVENT 2004 - 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms
2004 | conference-paper
An Experimental Study of a Naturally Ventilated Cavity Wall
AIVC BETEC 2003 Ventilation - Humidity Control and Energy Conference
2003 | conference-paper
A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Flat Plate Collector
EPIC 2002-Energy Efficient & Healthy Buildings in Sustainable Cities Proceedings
2002 | conference-paper
Solar-optical and thermal behavior of photochromic glazing: Small-scale testing under real sky conditions
Construction and Building Materials
2024 | journal-article
Solar responsive building glazing
Journal of Building Engineering
2024 | journal-article
Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Impact of an Electrochromic Glazing on the Energy Use and Indoor Comfort of an Office Room
2024 | journal-article
Improving the Energy Performance of Public Buildings in the Mediterranean Climate via a Decision Support Tool
2024 | journal-article
A comparative life cycle assessment of ETICS and ventilated façade systems with timber cladding
Energy and Buildings
2024 | journal-article
Analise Dinâmica do Desempenho Energético de um Envidraçado Termocrómico em Diferentes Zonas Climáticas de Portugal
Engenharia Civil UM
2023 | journal-article
Aggregated Use of Energy Flexibility in Office Buildings
2023 | journal-article
Experimental Design for Building Retrofit Studies: The Assessment of the Thermal Behaviour of a Solar Passive Retrofit Solution
2023 | book-chapter
Assessment of the visual, thermal and energy performance of static vs thermochromic double-glazing under different European climates
Building and Environment
2022 | journal-article
Full-Size Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Sealing of Low Velocity Air Curtains
2021 | journal-article
The Use of Key Enabling Technologies in the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Monitoring, Control and Intelligent Management
2021 | journal-article
Building Façade Retrofit with Solar Passive Technologies: A Literature Review
2021 | journal-article
Solar Bridge Retrofit System: An innovative solution to renovate structural thermal bridge areas
Energy and Buildings
2021 | journal-article
The potential of energy flexibility of space heating and cooling in Portugal
Utilities Policy
2020 | journal-article
Mapping Flexibility of Urban Energy Systems (FIRST) project: Rationale and study design of an exploratory project
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2019 | journal-article
Investigating the potential for energy flexibility in an office building with a vertical BIPV and a PV roof system
Renewable Energy
2019 | journal-article
Avaliação experimental das propriedades térmicas de misturas betuminosas
2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil – TEST&E 2019, Porto, Portugal, 19/02/19
2019 | conference-paper
Building Envelope
Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
2019 | book-chapter
A case study on the impact of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings on distribution transformer aging
2018 | journal-article
Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Sealing of Air Curtains
2018 | journal-article
Energy flexible buildings: An evaluation of definitions and quantification methodologies applied to thermal storage
Energy and Buildings
2018 | journal-article
What is an adaptive façade? Analysis of recent terms and definitions from an international perspective
Journal of Facade Design and Engineering
2018 | journal-article
Solution Sets for Net-Zero Energy Buildings
2017 | book
Comportamento Acústico de Fachadas: Isolamento Acústico versus Permeabilidade ao Ar
Simpósio de Acústica e Vibrações
2017 | conference-paper
Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI
2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto. - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI
2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016
2016 | conference-paper
A cooperative net zero energy community to improve load matching
Renewable Energy
2016 | journal-article
A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings
2016 | conference-paper
A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings
Energy Procedia
2016 | conference-paper
Adaptive Façade: Concept, Applications, Research Questions
Energy Procedia
2016 | conference-paper
Análise da distribuição de temperaturas em zonas de pontes térmicas de edifícios existentes
2015 | conference-paper
Numerical evaluation of ventilation performance in children day care centres
2015 | journal-article
Assessment of ventilation in elderly care centres
40th IAHS World Congresso on Housing
2014 | conference-paper
European Journal of Pediatrics
2014 | journal-article
Design of net zero energy buildings: Feedback from international projects
2014 | conference-paper
Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings
2014 | conference-paper
Edifícios de balanço energético nulo: uma síntese das características principais
2014 | journal-article
Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres (ENVIRH) - Study rationale and protocol,Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários (ENVIRH) - Fundamentação e protocolo do estudo
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia
2014 | journal-article
Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres ; Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários
2014 | book
Environmental and ventilation assessment in child day care centers in Porto: The envirh project
2014 | journal-article
Study on the weighting of building acoustics descriptors and their influence on the quality of acoustic comfort for the occupants
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum
2014 | conference-paper
The nZEBs in the near Future: Overview of definitions and guidelines towards existing plans for increasing nZEBs
2014 | conference-paper
The use of attached-sunspaces in retrofitting design: The case of residential buildings in Portugal
2014 | conference-paper
The Effects on Health of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort In Elderly Care Centers
2nd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
2013 | conference-paper
Design strategies for non-residential zero - energy buildings - Lessons learned from Task 40/Annex 52, Towards Net Zero - Energy Solar Buildings
CLIMA 2013
2013 | conference-paper
Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres in Portugal - results from phase II on the ventilation characteristics of 16 schools
CLIMA 2013
2013 | conference-paper
Design issues for net zero-energy buildings
2013 | journal-article
Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings
2013 | conference-paper
Net Zero Energy Residential Building Case Studies
2013 | journal-article
The nZEBs in the near future: review on definitions and guidelines of national strategic plans [Comunicação oral]
2013 | conference-paper
Ventilação, Qualidade do Ar e Saúde em creches e infantários - Resultados preliminares do projeto ENVIRH
2013 | conference-paper
Geria Project preliminary study on indoor air quality and health related quality of life in elderly care centers
CISE 2012, Conferência Internacional sobre Envelhecimento
2012 | conference-paper
Environment and health in children day care centres results from phase I - preliminary analysis of buildings physical characteristics
The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation
2012 | conference-paper
Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Children Day Care Centers � ENVIRH Project
The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE),
2012 | conference-paper
Solar-Optical Properties of Venetian Blinds: Modelling, Experimentation and Design Optimization
ZEMCH 2012
2012 | conference-paper
Levels of Co2 In Day Care Centers And Its Association With Wheezing
American Thoracic Society
2012 | conference-paper
Reabilitação energética de edificios residenciais com recurso a solários
2012 | conference-paper
Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a paredes de armazenamento térmico
2012 | conference-paper
Rehabilitation of residential buildings with low thermal protection using ventilated wood facades
2012 | conference-paper
Estudo da qualidade do ar interior em creches e infantários (projeto ENVIRH)
2012 | conference-paper
Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Day Care Centers - ENVIRH Project
2012 | conference-paper
Introduction to analysis matrix
2012 | conference-paper
Passive cooling approaches in net-zero energy solar buildings:lessons learned from demonstration buildings
2011 | conference-paper
Passive Cooling Approaches in Net-Zero Energy Solar Buildings: Lessons Learned from Demonstration Buildings
2011 | conference-paper
Standard unretrofitted buildings and net-zero energy concept
2010 | conference-paper
Standard Unretrofitted Buildings and Net Zero Energy Concept
Proceedings of the EuroSun 2010 Conference
2010 | conference-paper
Avaliação do risco de ocorrência de condensações nas fachadas dos edifícios
Proceedings Volume II
2009 | conference-paper
Avaliação experimental dos níveis de qualidade de ar interior em quartos de dormir
Proceedings Volume II
2009 | conference-paper
Analysis of the condensation risk on exterior surface of building envelopes
2008 | journal-article
Application of high-order spatial resolution schemes to the hybrid finite volume/finite element method for radiative transfer in participating media
2008 | journal-article
Performance of an air based radiative cooling system
2006 | conference-paper
The Ventilation Effect on the Thermal Performance of a Cavity Wall: Numerical and Experimental Analysis
ROOMVENT 2004 - 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms
2004 | conference-paper
An Experimental Study of a Naturally Ventilated Cavity Wall
AIVC BETEC 2003 Ventilation - Humidity Control and Energy Conference
2003 | conference-paper
A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Flat Plate Collector
EPIC 2002-Energy Efficient & Healthy Buildings in Sustainable Cities Proceedings
2002 | conference-paper