Algoritmi | User | Daniel Aelenei

Daniel Aelenei

Daniel Aelenei


Member of the CTS R&D Unit

Academic Degree

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Researcher ID


FCT Public Key

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About Me

Solar-optical and thermal behavior of photochromic glazing: Small-scale testing under real sky conditions

Construction and Building Materials

2024 | journal-article

Solar responsive building glazing

Journal of Building Engineering

2024 | journal-article

Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Impact of an Electrochromic Glazing on the Energy Use and Indoor Comfort of an Office Room


2024 | journal-article

Improving the Energy Performance of Public Buildings in the Mediterranean Climate via a Decision Support Tool


2024 | journal-article

A comparative life cycle assessment of ETICS and ventilated façade systems with timber cladding

Energy and Buildings

2024 | journal-article

Analise Dinâmica do Desempenho Energético de um Envidraçado Termocrómico em Diferentes Zonas Climáticas de Portugal

Engenharia Civil UM

2023 | journal-article

Aggregated Use of Energy Flexibility in Office Buildings


2023 | journal-article

Experimental Design for Building Retrofit Studies: The Assessment of the Thermal Behaviour of a Solar Passive Retrofit Solution

2023 | book-chapter

Assessment of the visual, thermal and energy performance of static vs thermochromic double-glazing under different European climates

Building and Environment

2022 | journal-article

Full-Size Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Sealing of Low Velocity Air Curtains


2021 | journal-article

The Use of Key Enabling Technologies in the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Monitoring, Control and Intelligent Management


2021 | journal-article

Building Façade Retrofit with Solar Passive Technologies: A Literature Review


2021 | journal-article

Solar Bridge Retrofit System: An innovative solution to renovate structural thermal bridge areas

Energy and Buildings

2021 | journal-article

The potential of energy flexibility of space heating and cooling in Portugal

Utilities Policy

2020 | journal-article

Mapping Flexibility of Urban Energy Systems (FIRST) project: Rationale and study design of an exploratory project

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

2019 | journal-article

Investigating the potential for energy flexibility in an office building with a vertical BIPV and a PV roof system

Renewable Energy

2019 | journal-article

Avaliação experimental das propriedades térmicas de misturas betuminosas

2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil – TEST&E 2019, Porto, Portugal, 19/02/19

2019 | conference-paper

Building Envelope

Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings

2019 | book-chapter

A case study on the impact of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings on distribution transformer aging


2018 | journal-article

Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Sealing of Air Curtains


2018 | journal-article

Energy flexible buildings: An evaluation of definitions and quantification methodologies applied to thermal storage

Energy and Buildings

2018 | journal-article

What is an adaptive façade? Analysis of recent terms and definitions from an international perspective

Journal of Facade Design and Engineering

2018 | journal-article

Solution Sets for Net-Zero Energy Buildings

2017 | book

Comportamento Acústico de Fachadas: Isolamento Acústico versus Permeabilidade ao Ar

Simpósio de Acústica e Vibrações

2017 | conference-paper

Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI

2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto. - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI

2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016

2016 | conference-paper

A cooperative net zero energy community to improve load matching

Renewable Energy

2016 | journal-article

A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings

2016 | conference-paper

A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings

Energy Procedia

2016 | conference-paper

Adaptive Façade: Concept, Applications, Research Questions

Energy Procedia

2016 | conference-paper

Análise da distribuição de temperaturas em zonas de pontes térmicas de edifícios existentes


2015 | conference-paper

Numerical evaluation of ventilation performance in children day care centres

2015 | journal-article

Assessment of ventilation in elderly care centres

40th IAHS World Congresso on Housing

2014 | conference-paper

CO2 concentration in day care centres is related to wheezing in attending children

European Journal of Pediatrics

2014 | journal-article

Design of net zero energy buildings: Feedback from international projects

2014 | conference-paper

Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings

2014 | conference-paper

Edifícios de balanço energético nulo: uma síntese das características principais

2014 | journal-article

Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres (ENVIRH) - Study rationale and protocol,Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários (ENVIRH) - Fundamentação e protocolo do estudo

Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia

2014 | journal-article

Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres ; Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários

2014 | book

Environmental and ventilation assessment in child day care centers in Porto: The envirh project

2014 | journal-article

Study on the weighting of building acoustics descriptors and their influence on the quality of acoustic comfort for the occupants

Proceedings of Forum Acusticum

2014 | conference-paper

The nZEBs in the near Future: Overview of definitions and guidelines towards existing plans for increasing nZEBs

2014 | conference-paper

The use of attached-sunspaces in retrofitting design: The case of residential buildings in Portugal

2014 | conference-paper

The Effects on Health of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort In Elderly Care Centers

2nd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology

2013 | conference-paper

Design strategies for non-residential zero - energy buildings - Lessons learned from Task 40/Annex 52, Towards Net Zero - Energy Solar Buildings

CLIMA 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres in Portugal - results from phase II on the ventilation characteristics of 16 schools

CLIMA 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Design issues for net zero-energy buildings 

2013 | journal-article

Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings

2013 | conference-paper

Net Zero Energy Residential Building Case Studies

2013 | journal-article

The nZEBs in the near future: review on definitions and guidelines of national strategic plans [Comunicação oral]

2013 | conference-paper

Ventilação, Qualidade do Ar e Saúde em creches e infantários - Resultados preliminares do projeto ENVIRH

2013 | conference-paper

Geria Project preliminary study on indoor air quality and health related quality of life in elderly care centers

CISE 2012, Conferência Internacional sobre Envelhecimento

2012 | conference-paper

Environment and health in children day care centres results from phase I - preliminary analysis of buildings physical characteristics

The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation

2012 | conference-paper

Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Children Day Care Centers � ENVIRH Project

The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE),

2012 | conference-paper

Solar-Optical Properties of Venetian Blinds: Modelling, Experimentation and Design Optimization

ZEMCH 2012

2012 | conference-paper

Levels of Co2 In Day Care Centers And Its Association With Wheezing

American Thoracic Society

2012 | conference-paper

Reabilitação energética de edificios residenciais com recurso a solários


2012 | conference-paper

Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a paredes de armazenamento térmico


2012 | conference-paper

Rehabilitation of residential buildings with low thermal protection using ventilated wood facades


2012 | conference-paper

Estudo da qualidade do ar interior em creches e infantários (projeto ENVIRH)

2012 | conference-paper

Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Day Care Centers - ENVIRH Project

2012 | conference-paper

Introduction to analysis matrix

2012 | conference-paper

Passive cooling approaches in net-zero energy solar buildings:lessons learned from demonstration buildings


2011 | conference-paper

Passive Cooling Approaches in Net-Zero Energy Solar Buildings: Lessons Learned from Demonstration Buildings

2011 | conference-paper

Standard unretrofitted buildings and net-zero energy concept


2010 | conference-paper

Standard Unretrofitted Buildings and Net Zero Energy Concept

Proceedings of the EuroSun 2010 Conference

2010 | conference-paper

Avaliação do risco de ocorrência de condensações nas fachadas dos edifícios

Proceedings Volume II

2009 | conference-paper

Avaliação experimental dos níveis de qualidade de ar interior em quartos de dormir

Proceedings Volume II

2009 | conference-paper

Analysis of the condensation risk on exterior surface of building envelopes

2008 | journal-article

Application of high-order spatial resolution schemes to the hybrid finite volume/finite element method for radiative transfer in participating media

2008 | journal-article

Performance of an air based radiative cooling system

2006 | conference-paper

The Ventilation Effect on the Thermal Performance of a Cavity Wall: Numerical and Experimental Analysis

ROOMVENT 2004 - 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms

2004 | conference-paper

An Experimental Study of a Naturally Ventilated Cavity Wall

AIVC BETEC 2003 Ventilation - Humidity Control and Energy Conference

2003 | conference-paper

A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Flat Plate Collector

EPIC 2002-Energy Efficient & Healthy Buildings in Sustainable Cities Proceedings

2002 | conference-paper

Solar-optical and thermal behavior of photochromic glazing: Small-scale testing under real sky conditions

Construction and Building Materials

2024 | journal-article

Solar responsive building glazing

Journal of Building Engineering

2024 | journal-article

Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Impact of an Electrochromic Glazing on the Energy Use and Indoor Comfort of an Office Room


2024 | journal-article

Improving the Energy Performance of Public Buildings in the Mediterranean Climate via a Decision Support Tool


2024 | journal-article

A comparative life cycle assessment of ETICS and ventilated façade systems with timber cladding

Energy and Buildings

2024 | journal-article

Analise Dinâmica do Desempenho Energético de um Envidraçado Termocrómico em Diferentes Zonas Climáticas de Portugal

Engenharia Civil UM

2023 | journal-article

Aggregated Use of Energy Flexibility in Office Buildings


2023 | journal-article

Experimental Design for Building Retrofit Studies: The Assessment of the Thermal Behaviour of a Solar Passive Retrofit Solution

2023 | book-chapter

Assessment of the visual, thermal and energy performance of static vs thermochromic double-glazing under different European climates

Building and Environment

2022 | journal-article

Full-Size Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Sealing of Low Velocity Air Curtains


2021 | journal-article

The Use of Key Enabling Technologies in the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Monitoring, Control and Intelligent Management


2021 | journal-article

Building Façade Retrofit with Solar Passive Technologies: A Literature Review


2021 | journal-article

Solar Bridge Retrofit System: An innovative solution to renovate structural thermal bridge areas

Energy and Buildings

2021 | journal-article

The potential of energy flexibility of space heating and cooling in Portugal

Utilities Policy

2020 | journal-article

Mapping Flexibility of Urban Energy Systems (FIRST) project: Rationale and study design of an exploratory project

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

2019 | journal-article

Investigating the potential for energy flexibility in an office building with a vertical BIPV and a PV roof system

Renewable Energy

2019 | journal-article

Avaliação experimental das propriedades térmicas de misturas betuminosas

2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil – TEST&E 2019, Porto, Portugal, 19/02/19

2019 | conference-paper

Building Envelope

Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings

2019 | book-chapter

A case study on the impact of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings on distribution transformer aging


2018 | journal-article

Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Sealing of Air Curtains


2018 | journal-article

Energy flexible buildings: An evaluation of definitions and quantification methodologies applied to thermal storage

Energy and Buildings

2018 | journal-article

What is an adaptive façade? Analysis of recent terms and definitions from an international perspective

Journal of Facade Design and Engineering

2018 | journal-article

Solution Sets for Net-Zero Energy Buildings

2017 | book

Comportamento Acústico de Fachadas: Isolamento Acústico versus Permeabilidade ao Ar

Simpósio de Acústica e Vibrações

2017 | conference-paper

Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI

2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Equipamentos Sociais de Lisboa e Porto. - Características dos Edifícios Ventilação e QAI

2.º Encontro Nacional sobre Qualidade e Inovação na Construção QIC 2016

2016 | conference-paper

A cooperative net zero energy community to improve load matching

Renewable Energy

2016 | journal-article

A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings

2016 | conference-paper

A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings

Energy Procedia

2016 | conference-paper

Adaptive Façade: Concept, Applications, Research Questions

Energy Procedia

2016 | conference-paper

Análise da distribuição de temperaturas em zonas de pontes térmicas de edifícios existentes


2015 | conference-paper

Numerical evaluation of ventilation performance in children day care centres

2015 | journal-article

Assessment of ventilation in elderly care centres

40th IAHS World Congresso on Housing

2014 | conference-paper

CO2 concentration in day care centres is related to wheezing in attending children

European Journal of Pediatrics

2014 | journal-article

Design of net zero energy buildings: Feedback from international projects

2014 | conference-paper

Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings

2014 | conference-paper

Edifícios de balanço energético nulo: uma síntese das características principais

2014 | journal-article

Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres (ENVIRH) - Study rationale and protocol,Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários (ENVIRH) - Fundamentação e protocolo do estudo

Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia

2014 | journal-article

Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres ; Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários

2014 | book

Environmental and ventilation assessment in child day care centers in Porto: The envirh project

2014 | journal-article

Study on the weighting of building acoustics descriptors and their influence on the quality of acoustic comfort for the occupants

Proceedings of Forum Acusticum

2014 | conference-paper

The nZEBs in the near Future: Overview of definitions and guidelines towards existing plans for increasing nZEBs

2014 | conference-paper

The use of attached-sunspaces in retrofitting design: The case of residential buildings in Portugal

2014 | conference-paper

The Effects on Health of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort In Elderly Care Centers

2nd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology

2013 | conference-paper

Design strategies for non-residential zero - energy buildings - Lessons learned from Task 40/Annex 52, Towards Net Zero - Energy Solar Buildings

CLIMA 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres in Portugal - results from phase II on the ventilation characteristics of 16 schools

CLIMA 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Design issues for net zero-energy buildings 

2013 | journal-article

Design strategies for non-residential zero-energy buildings: lessons learned from Task40/Annex 52: towards net zero-energy solar buildings

2013 | conference-paper

Net Zero Energy Residential Building Case Studies

2013 | journal-article

The nZEBs in the near future: review on definitions and guidelines of national strategic plans [Comunicação oral]

2013 | conference-paper

Ventilação, Qualidade do Ar e Saúde em creches e infantários - Resultados preliminares do projeto ENVIRH

2013 | conference-paper

Geria Project preliminary study on indoor air quality and health related quality of life in elderly care centers

CISE 2012, Conferência Internacional sobre Envelhecimento

2012 | conference-paper

Environment and health in children day care centres results from phase I - preliminary analysis of buildings physical characteristics

The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation

2012 | conference-paper

Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Children Day Care Centers � ENVIRH Project

The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE),

2012 | conference-paper

Solar-Optical Properties of Venetian Blinds: Modelling, Experimentation and Design Optimization

ZEMCH 2012

2012 | conference-paper

Levels of Co2 In Day Care Centers And Its Association With Wheezing

American Thoracic Society

2012 | conference-paper

Reabilitação energética de edificios residenciais com recurso a solários


2012 | conference-paper

Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a paredes de armazenamento térmico


2012 | conference-paper

Rehabilitation of residential buildings with low thermal protection using ventilated wood facades


2012 | conference-paper

Estudo da qualidade do ar interior em creches e infantários (projeto ENVIRH)

2012 | conference-paper

Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Day Care Centers - ENVIRH Project

2012 | conference-paper

Introduction to analysis matrix

2012 | conference-paper

Passive cooling approaches in net-zero energy solar buildings:lessons learned from demonstration buildings


2011 | conference-paper

Passive Cooling Approaches in Net-Zero Energy Solar Buildings: Lessons Learned from Demonstration Buildings

2011 | conference-paper

Standard unretrofitted buildings and net-zero energy concept


2010 | conference-paper

Standard Unretrofitted Buildings and Net Zero Energy Concept

Proceedings of the EuroSun 2010 Conference

2010 | conference-paper

Avaliação do risco de ocorrência de condensações nas fachadas dos edifícios

Proceedings Volume II

2009 | conference-paper

Avaliação experimental dos níveis de qualidade de ar interior em quartos de dormir

Proceedings Volume II

2009 | conference-paper

Analysis of the condensation risk on exterior surface of building envelopes

2008 | journal-article

Application of high-order spatial resolution schemes to the hybrid finite volume/finite element method for radiative transfer in participating media

2008 | journal-article

Performance of an air based radiative cooling system

2006 | conference-paper

The Ventilation Effect on the Thermal Performance of a Cavity Wall: Numerical and Experimental Analysis

ROOMVENT 2004 - 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms

2004 | conference-paper

An Experimental Study of a Naturally Ventilated Cavity Wall

AIVC BETEC 2003 Ventilation - Humidity Control and Energy Conference

2003 | conference-paper

A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Flat Plate Collector

EPIC 2002-Energy Efficient & Healthy Buildings in Sustainable Cities Proceedings

2002 | conference-paper

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