Algoritmi | User | Cleiton José da Silva Cleiton José da Silva Cleiton José da Silva At LASI Other with MScMember of the CALG R&D Unit Academic Degree MSc Current Position Other at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho Personal Webpage Personal Email Orcid 0000-0002-5129-7727 Researcher ID FCT Public Key J6842670p4m3 Ciência ID Google Scholar Publications (1) Methodology for the development of an ontology network on the Brazilian national system for the evaluation of higher education (ONTOSINAES) Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 2018 | journal-article Publications (1) Methodology for the development of an ontology network on the Brazilian national system for the evaluation of higher education (ONTOSINAES) Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 2018 | journal-article Cleiton José da Silva This user account status is Approved